Lucky star made of paper (origami): master class

A star made of paper (origami), which brings happiness - sounds tempting. How to make this mascot with your own hands? This will help a simple step-by-step instruction, which anyone can cope with, it is enough to have paper and a little free time at hand.

origami paper star

The magical story of the appearance of lucky stars

Many, many years ago, in Japan there lived one little girl named Hoshi, who was fascinated by the night sky. She was absolutely delighted with the stars and could admire them for hours, wondering how these small bright spots of light can remain in the air for so long. One night, when a girl looked at the night sky, something happened that made her cry from sadness. Stars are falling from heaven like souls, she thought, fearing there would be no more.

Suddenly she had an idea. Hoshi ran home and returned with a can and pieces of paper. She sat down again to watch the stars. Instead of each fallen paper was made, which the girl carefully put in a jar. She made one hundred stars that night. Nevertheless, she was still sad, because the stars were falling so fast that she simply did not have time to create doubles for them. The next night there were only a few bright spots in the sky. Hoshi was worried that they could all disappear. And then another idea came to her. She ran back to the village and began knocking on all the doors. Hoshi explained to all the boys and girls what was happening and persuaded them to help her.

That night two thousand stars were made by joint efforts, and each child placed his part in himself. And then a miracle happened. Other stars began to appear in the sky, and all the little boys and girls were happy. Hoshi said that this happened precisely because of their efforts. Now these paper stars will be called happy. The girl looked at the sky and said: "Whenever a happy star is made of paper with her own hands, another shooting star will not disappear without a trace." Now those little boys and girls have already grown up. But they still keep in the banks the little souls of fallen stars, which they say bring them good luck.

do-it-yourself paper star

How to make your lucky star?

To get a beautiful and neat paper star (origami), you need an even strip. In specialized stores you can buy whole sets of ready-made projects for origami.

star made of paper diagram

A lucky star made of paper (origami) is no exception. For every taste and color, you can pick up a lot of prepared strips with drawings, multi-colored and shiny, of different sizes and densities. A more budget option would be to use scissors and old glossy magazines.

origami paper star

Lucky star made of paper: diagram

Having made completely simple manipulations, you can make an incredibly cute voluminous asterisk from an ordinary paper strip.

origami paper star

When working, care must be taken to ensure sufficient tension so that no holes or gaps remain in the corners. So a star made of paper (origami) will look more accurate.

origami paper star

Step-by-step instruction for beginners

We take a strip of paper and make a bundle at the end so that all the corners are gathered together, and we get a neat pentagon. Pressing it slightly with a finger, we flatten the figure so that it turns out to be flat. This will be a good basis for the rest of the steps.

origami paper star

Then we hide the tip of the nodule in the resulting pocket. This will make a paper tape with a smooth pentagon at the end.

origami paper star

Fold the strip along the edges of the pentagon. You need to do this several times. The number of revolutions depends on the length of the strip itself.

origami paper star

When the ribbon ends, bend inward the excess and hide it in one of the folds of the sprocket.

Gently push the center of each side of the resulting pentagon. Thus, the asterisk acquires the necessary shape and volume. A lucky star made of paper (origami) is ready!

origami paper star

Stars have always played a big role in human life. They give light at night, indicate the direction. Someone is lucky to be born under a happy star, someone still makes a wish during a starfall. Rarely there is someone who never once thought about the meaning of life, looking into the endless night sky, strewn with bright points.

origami paper star
This symbol is very popular due to its mystical meaning, as well as the variety of forms. You can make your lucky star, a talisman that will bring you luck, from ordinary paper and with your own hands. It’s not scary, if not everything works out the first time, train, and you will succeed!


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