Electric batteries and their types. The size of the electric battery. Electric heating batteries for summer cottages: reviews, photos

Electric heating is being used more and more often. This energy source is much cheaper than gas or solid fuel. Moreover, such heating is no less effective. Electric batteries have a lot of advantages and can be installed in any room.

What is a product?

This is a special device for heating a room using radiation energy. At the same time, the apparatus does not heat air, but the objects surrounding it. Thanks to this work, electricity consumption is reduced. And in the room the optimum temperature and microclimate are constantly maintained.

electric batteries

The size of the electric battery depends on the number of modules. The following parameters are considered standard: length - 0.5-1.5 m, height - 15-80 cm, thickness - 2-3 cm. Types of devices can be different, as well as sizes.

Device and principle of operation of the product

The presented device consists of such parts:

  1. Heat transfer element.
  2. Heating component (TENA).
  3. Control unit.
  4. Temperature sensors of the device itself and the environment.
  5. Network cable with plug.

Electric batteries work very simply. The heater is heated and transfers heat to the coolant, which is distilled water or antifreeze. The surface of the product becomes warmer. Overheating of the system is not possible, since automation controls all parameters.

electric batteries reviews

Electric batteries generally have a ribbed surface, which makes them more efficient, as the radiation area increases. They are most often made of aluminum. The metal inside is coated with an oxide protective film, which prevents the coolant from corroding the body.

Product Advantages

Electric batteries have the following advantages:

  • Beautiful design that does not spoil the interior.
  • Profitability. The product consumes a small amount of energy. In this case, the power of the unit is adjustable.
  • No need to purchase pipes and other equipment.
  • Easy to install and use.
  • Compact placement.
  • It can be used in rooms with high humidity, but its level should not exceed 80%.
  • Possibility of stationary installation and use of mobile models.
  • The battery is electric, the photo you can see in the article can provide a sufficiently large amount of heating.
  • Ecological purity of the heat carrier.
  • Compensation for heat loss through slots in windows or doors.
  • Silent and safety.
  • There is no problem with air drying.
  • Autonomy of work.

types of electric batteries

Hardware Specifications

Electric batteries, reviews about them are very good, have such standard parameters:

  1. Power of one element: 155 watts.
  2. Number of sections: 6-12 pieces.
  3. Power consumed by the device: 270-500 watts.
  4. The size of the heated area: 10-20 square meters. m
  5. Total thermal power: up to 1.8 kW.
  6. Mains voltage: 220 V, although some models can work in this range - 160-270 V.

wall mounted electric heating batteries

Features of calculating the required unit power

Electric batteries for summer cottages are most optimal if there is no gas main pipe nearby and it is difficult to get solid fuel or it is expensive. However, to begin with, you need to determine how many devices you need to put in order for the house to be warm and cozy. This is easy enough to do.

For example, if you need to heat a room with an area of ​​about 20 square meters, then the thermal power of the battery should be approximately 1.5-1.6 kW. However, it is also advisable to consider the presence of old windows, cracks or cracks in the walls, ceiling, doors. This can increase energy consumption up to 2.5 kW.

Thus, we can assume that such a heating device can be as efficient and economical as possible in rooms that are well insulated. Note that the amount of thermal radiation of one section is about 150 watts. If your room requires 1600 watts of power, then you will need at least 11 sections.

During the calculation, one must also take into account the surface area of ​​thermal radiation, the presence of defects through which heat loss occurs.

electric battery size

Varieties of devices

This equipment is produced in many European countries. Regardless of whether you choose electric heating batteries for a summer residence or a house, it is advisable to consider their type. There are such types of products:

1. At the place of placement:

  • Ceiling . The advantage of these devices can be considered their compactness, the ability to save useful space. That is, neither the walls nor the floor will be cluttered with heating elements. Such devices can be used in residential premises, shops, offices. A feature of such batteries is long-wave radiation. They are mounted quite simply, you just need to screw them to the ceiling. If you decide to buy just such heaters, then keep in mind that they are the most economical. Thermal rays do not heat air, but surfaces. Thus, batteries on the ceiling can only work where needed. In vain they will not heat the air. To set the most comfortable temperature, an ordinary temperature controller is used.
  • Wall mounted . The presented products are used most often. The fact is that such batteries are light in weight, beautiful in appearance, suitable for use in standard heating systems. The devices are usually mounted on brackets. You will need only 2 elements. These batteries can serve more than one dozen years. In addition, during installation, there is no need to supply a liquid coolant. I must say that such devices can be more effective than standard heating systems. You can use wall-mounted electric batteries not only during the day, but also at night, as they are completely silent.
  • Floor standing . This type of battery will be most effective if you need a mobile device. Which heater can be installed precisely in the cottages or in those rooms that are not used for permanent residence. The main advantage is the possibility of its rapid movement.

2. By dimensions:

  • Skirting narrow.
  • Skirting floorboards.

3. According to the material of manufacture:

  • Metal.
  • Glass.
  • Ceramic.

4. According to the presence of coolant:

  • Liquid . But they are characterized by the fact that inside the sections there is a coolant, which can be antifreeze or distilled water. The first type of liquid is best used in heating systems installed in those rooms that are not used for permanent residence;
  • Liquid-free . There is no coolant, which ensures fast heating of the battery. But the disadvantage of this type of equipment is its quick cooling.

battery electric photo

Criterias of choice

Types of electric batteries you've already reviewed. Now you should understand how to choose the right option. To do this, at the time of purchase, consider the following criteria:

  • The area and volume of the room that will be heated.
  • Features of thermal insulation of walls, ceiling, floor.
  • Cracks or other damage to surfaces through which heat is lost.
  • The temperature in the room that the device should provide.
  • The presence of grounding.
  • Is there a system of automatic protection against overheating, power surges.
  • The presence of a guarantee and the necessary certificates that are provided by the manufacturer.
  • Type of thermostat: electronic or mechanical.

Features of safe use of equipment

If you want the battery to last for a long time, efficiently and without interruptions, you need to follow some rules for its operation:

  1. Periodically, dust must be removed from the surface of the product, which reduces its energy efficiency. Use a dry soft cloth for this purpose.
  2. Do not cover the openings that discharge or take away the openings, as this can lead to impaired functionality and even damage to the battery.
  3. It is not recommended to cover with clothes or dry them on such a device for the purpose of fire safety.
  4. Directly before the outlet, you should not install the product either.
  5. If you decide to install electric radiators for wall mounting, you must follow all the indications of the distance from the floor, door and window openings, which are indicated in the instructions.
  6. Installation of the product in the bathroom is possible, but it must be done so that during washing it does not get water.

electric heating batteries for summer cottage

Rules for installing the device

You can install the batteries yourself, but you must follow some sequence of actions and features of the installation of equipment. There are such mandatory installation rules:

  • The rod heater must always be in a horizontal position.
  • Observe the distance at which the device should be from the structures surrounding it: from the floor - 25 cm, from the window sill - 50 cm, from the back wall - 3 cm.
  • During installation, a flexible cord is used to connect the battery, which ends with a pressed plug.
  • Humidity in the room where this type of heating will be used should not exceed 80%.
  • In order for the system to be safe, when connecting, do not forget about its grounding.

That's all the features of choosing and using electric batteries. Good luck

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23615/

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