Children's shoes "Fairy Tale": reviews, dimensional grid, manufacturing country

TM "Fairy Tale" is a manufacturer of children's shoes, which has been known on the market for many years and has proven itself well. The company is engaged in tailoring booties, summer, demi-season and winter shoes, rubber boots, sneakers, school and holiday shoes for boys and girls. The manufacturer also produces today's fashionable shoes: “good old” boots and comfortable and comfortable snow boots.

Tale for children's legs

The famous slogan reads: “All the best is for the children!” Shoes "Fairy Tale" meets all the requirements and standards that must be strictly observed in the manufacture of goods for children. When sewing products we use environmentally friendly, natural materials and high-quality accessories, durable and easy to use.

shoes fairy tale manufacturer

A team of designers, engineers, and craftsmen is working on the production of each product, who together create a real work of art for small legs. It is important not only to choose a worthy shoe manufacturer for your child, but also to choose the right pair.

How to determine the size

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is important to correctly determine the size of the children's legs. It is known that the smaller the baby, the faster his leg grows, so be sure to check how much the foot length has changed before each purchase of a new pair.

You can determine the size of the foot of a baby who does not even walk and does not even get up, using a rope or tape measure, measuring the distance from the end of the big toe to the heel. An older child can be put on a blank sheet of paper and circle his feet with a pencil. If the children are restless, they use this method: you can wet the legs of a small fidget with water and put the baby on a piece of paper - a wet trace will give an idea of ​​the size of the legs. If the resulting values ​​of both legs of y are slightly different, you should start from the one that is larger.

shoes fairy tale reviews

Dimensional grid of "fabulous" shoes

Many manufacturers offer their products on the Russian market to customers, but one of the most popular is children's shoes "Fairy Tale". The dimensional grid is presented in the table below.

Shoe sizeInsole length, cm
Nursery shoes1911.5
Low shoes2314.5
Preschool shoes2717
School shoes3220.5

When choosing a size, it should be borne in mind that when buying summer shoes you need to add 0.5 cm, since the baby's leg can swell. When purchasing a winter pair, it is necessary to add 1 cm, since in the cold season it is very often necessary to wear extra socks as well.

A convenient size range, which is easy to navigate, has children's shoes "Fairy Tale". The dimensional grid allows you to choose the right size for children of all ages.

Shoe kaleidoscope

The Fairy Tale shoes pleasantly surprise buyers: the manufacturer has prudently prepared products for all occasions of the little man’s life. Comfortable booties are offered for the youngest customers, there are many summer models, options for the off-season and winter. At the New Year's carnival or any holiday, not only the baby, but also the teenager will be at their best - the manufacturer offers a wide selection of shoes "on the way out". Separately, it is worth mentioning the boots that have been revived today, comfortable, warm and fashionable snow boots. The collection includes shoes for the school. A fairly wide selection of rubber boots.

TM "Fairy Tale" produces not only traditional children's shoes, but also follows the latest trends in the world of children's fashion. Among the wide range of products, it is easy to choose not only a comfortable high-quality pair, but also to choose an original fashionable shoe for stylish children.

children's shoes fairy tale

Rules for choosing shoes for children

When choosing products for the smallest, it is important to follow certain rules. Children's shoes should be made only of genuine leather, and sole should use exclusively non-slip material. The instep support must be present, the back must be rigid, but with a soft cushion to ensure wearing comfort. Shoes for a one-year-old child should tightly fix the ankle joint, since in children only mastering the first steps, the bone joints are very mobile.

It is important to avoid unnecessary jewelry, zippers, lacing on the bootleg - all this can cause injury or fall, especially in a young child. Preference should be given to the pair that is fastened with Velcro - this is the safest and most reliable way to fix the shoes on the children's leg. Remember, the main thing is safety, not beauty!

You cannot wear shoes for older children - they quickly “remember” the shape of the owner’s foot and can harm the foot of the second owner. You cannot save on children's health, and the right pair becomes the key to the health and harmonious development of the baby.

fairy tale shoes for children

A word to doctors

The right pair of shoes is not only able to create all conditions for the free and comfortable movement of the child, but also to maintain the most important thing - his health. Why should children's shoes be made of genuine leather or suede? Because only such materials allow the leg to breathe, thereby providing ventilation and protecting against the occurrence of fungus, deformation of the foot, violation of heat regulation. Why is a little heel so necessary even on boots or shoes for a one-year-old baby? Heels up to 2 cm high contribute to the formation of a flat posture. A correct gait creates all the conditions for harmonious growth, mental and physical development of the child.

Doctors say: in a teenage girl, a heel above 3 cm causes a violation of childbearing function and subsequently can lead to bending of the uterus, torsion of the ovaries, and the formation of adhesions in the tubes. In addition, improper shoes cause scoliosis, which leads to the appearance of intervertebral hernias, headaches, impaired vision and memory. Everything has its time. And shoes with stiletto heels look much more appropriate on girls and women than on young ladies.

children's shoes fairy tale

Customer reviews

In the domestic market, Skazka shoes (reviews of these products are exceptionally positive) are well-deserved respect among buyers. Modern mothers and fathers often prefer this particular brand. Why do you like shoes "Fairy Tale"? According to customers, the products of this company have the best price-quality ratio, and many parents can let their children buy a pair of sandals or shoes, and not one. Over the long history of its existence, the manufacturer has proven that its product is of the highest quality, and is able to withstand competition with other companies. One of the best-selling statistics is Tale shoes. The reviews of numerous buyers and sellers only confirm this fact.

children's shoes fairy tale dimensional grid

"Fairy Tale" - shoes for children and their parents

Today, on the shelves of shops there is a large selection of goods for children, so it is important to properly navigate in the variety of models presented and to get the best pair for your child. Children's shoes "Fairy Tale" - this is the best choice for Russian parents. When buying shoes or boots for a child, even an adult, you must follow certain rules, pay close attention to the quality, reviews, preferences of the "owner" of the new thing. Shoes "Fairy Tale" guarantees its customers comfort and excellent mood in the process of wearing the product. Parents will appreciate the affordable price.

The best choice for children of all ages is "Fairy Tale" shoes. The manufacturer guarantees: children's legs will say thanks!


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