The most common mistakes when building a frame house

The main advantage of frame houses, in addition to low cost, is the simplicity of construction. You can assemble such a building on the site even with your own hands in a couple of months. However, despite the fact that the installation technology of such structures is very simple, inexperienced craftsmen often make gross mistakes in the construction of private frame buildings. During the construction of such houses, one should observe, of course, among other things, all the stipulated SNiP standards.

Any violations during the assembly of such structures in the future may cause a decrease in the comfort of living in the building and a reduction in its service life.

10 mistakes in the construction of a frame house

Those owners of suburban areas who decided to erect a residential building of this type, first of all, should choose and prepare lumber correctly. When assembling the frame, you need to ensure that it turns out to be strong enough. After all, he must maintain the weight of the floors and roof during the operation of the building. Also, under such a construction, of course, the most reliable foundation should be poured.

The most common mistakes in the construction of frame houses are:

  • wrong choice of lumber;
  • ignoring wood processing;
  • wrong choice of foundation design;
  • vents in the foundation;
  • incorrect selection and installation of a vapor barrier;
  • lack of ventilation clearance of facades;
  • violation of the geometry of the ramps;
  • too thin beams;
  • the use of un reinforced corners for beams and lags;
  • improper ventilation.
Lumber preparation

Lumber selection

When building a frame house, beginners often make mistakes even before the start of the main work. Such buildings are assembled using timber. And a very common mistake for beginners is the use of such lumber with natural moisture. Such a beam will subsequently give a very strong shrinkage. And this in turn will lead to a skew of the building structures.

According to the regulations, for the construction of frame houses it is allowed to use lumber with a moisture content of not more than 12-15%. Experienced builders believe that for such buildings, a drying chamber beam is best suited. And even such material before use for assembling the frame of the house is recommended to additionally be kept in a shaded place for at least 3 summer months.

Improper wood preparation

Often, beginners make another mistake when building a frame house, forgetting to make the processing of materials antiseptic and increase the resistance of wood to adverse weather factors. Subsequently, this becomes the cause of rotting of building structures, the formation of fungus, drying out, etc. And this, in turn, of course, leads to a decrease in the life of the finished house.

Experienced builders advise, among other things, to carry out the processing of lumber by improving the physical characteristics of wood, among other things, before the construction of the house. After assembly, grease joints or overlaps, for example, of course, will not work. In addition, already during the construction phase in bad weather, negative biological processes can be started inside the wood, which in the future will quickly lead to its destruction.

What mistakes do beginners make when building a frame house: pouring the foundation

Like any other building, a frame house should be built, of course, on a reliable, durable foundation. On the Internet you can read many articles in which it is recommended to build such houses on columnar foundations. And indeed, the weight of frame structures is usually not too big. And consequently, the cheapest type of foundation can carry the load from them with success.

Mistakes in the construction of the foundation

However, the arrangement of a columnar foundation under the frame house often, unfortunately, still becomes a mistake. Such bases under switchboard buildings may only be poured on reliable soil. If the land on the site does not have good bearing capacity, a more expensive, strong and durable strip foundation should be erected under such a structure.

Cracks in the wall of the building can be seen in the photo above. A mistake in the construction of a frame house in terms of choosing the type of foundation cannot be made in any case.

The souls

When constructing a house made of wood, it is important, among other things, to take care of the arrangement of good ventilation of its structures. After all, with high humidity, the tree will begin to rot very quickly. In order for the floors of such a house to serve as long as possible, for example, in the strip foundation, when it is poured, it is mandatory to make vents for air circulation.

One of the most common mistakes in the construction of a frame house made by beginners is that they leave such holes with too much stride. According to the regulations, this parameter should not exceed 1.5-2 m. Moreover, the area of ​​each product should be at least 0.05 mΒ².

Foundations in the foundation

Vapor permeable walls

What are the mistakes when building a frame house yet? As you know, from the premises on any building envelopes of the house condensate forms. After all, the air temperature in a building is usually higher than on the street. Due to condensation, the structural elements of the walls of a house can periodically become wet, which reduces their useful life. In order to avoid such problems, a special vapor barrier film is used in the construction of frame houses. With this material, the walls are tightened from the inside - from the side of the premises.

Beginners, and often experienced craftsmen, very often make a mistake when building a frame house, using a low-quality vapor barrier film for wall cladding. When constructing a building made of wood, in any case, the choice of this material should be approached with all responsibility. A vapor barrier film should be bought at a higher price and from manufacturers with a good reputation.

Among other things, such material must also be properly mounted. Almost any vapor barrier film has a smooth surface on one side and a rough surface on the other. When walling, such material should be positioned in a certain way. The film is supposed to be mounted with a rough surface towards the room. In this case, condensate droplets in the future will not collect in streams, and drain somewhere in one place behind the casing. They will linger on a rough surface and gradually dry out.

Hydro and vapor isolators

Facade ventilation

In most cases, mineral wool is used as a heater for the construction of frame houses. This material, like wood, is very afraid of moisture. And therefore, to protect the walls of the house from the negative effects of external weather factors should also be as thorough as possible.

During the construction of such houses, mineral wool is usually stretched over the mineral wool as a waterproofing film. To fasten this material to the assembled crate should be 3 cm thick rails. It is on such elements that it is subsequently supposed to fill the outer casing.

This technology for assembling facades allows, among other things, to equip the ventilation gap. Subsequently, air will circulate behind the outer casing, drying the moisture on the waterproofing. Thus, you can provide additional protection for mineral wool.

Position rails when upholstering the facades with a waterproof insulator, of course, you need to vertically. If they are mounted horizontally, air circulation behind the casing will simply become impossible.

It is impossible to make such a mistake in the construction of a frame house as installing external cladding without a gap. Otherwise, the walls of the structure will not last too long. The same applies to the location of the rails.

Errors in the construction of the roof

The roof of the frame house, of course, also needs to be assembled with the exact observance of all the required technologies. It is often difficult for beginner builders to maintain the exact dimensions and proportions of all structural elements of the rafter system. As a result, various distortions can occur in the roof frame.

Before proceeding with the insulation of the roof and stuffing the crates, experienced builders recommend that beginners must check the geometry of the ramps. Ignoring this procedure is one of the most common mistakes in building a frame house. The distortions that have arisen at this stage must be eliminated. Otherwise, subsequently, it may not be possible to mount the roofing material correctly.

In order to avoid distortions, rafters must be cut using a template. You can make such a device, for example, from a waste board. The first farms are usually installed first when assembling the rafter system of a country frame house. Next, a cord is pulled between them and intermediate rafters are mounted, focusing on it.

Erection of a roof

Overlap assembly errors

The frame of a suburban shield house, of course, should be as reliable as possible. However, it is equally important to install strong floors in such a building. The most common mistake in assembling such a design is to use too thin materials for the beams.

Before proceeding with the assembly of the floor or floor, it is imperative to make calculations of the cross section of the logs used and the step of their installation. For spans of different widths, these indicators can be uneven. In any case, the calculations should be made based on the fact that 1 m 2 of the floor should, according to the norms of SNiP, withstand a load of 400 kg.

Neglecting this rule means making a gross mistake in the construction of a frame house. The floors of the first and subsequent floors, collected in violation of technology, in the building will continue to bend. And this, in turn, will certainly cause severe discomfort for the people living.

Beam fixing

Using unsuitable mounting materials

It is also necessary to fix the floor beams and floors of the frame house to the lower and upper trim. To use for this purpose only special reinforced galvanized steel corners are allowed. At the same time, such elements should be fastened with the most reliable self-tapping screws. Black, for example, is completely unsuitable for this purpose. Such self-tapping screws are fragile and unable to bear almost no load.

With black screws, with high pressure, hats very often fly off from above. And this, in turn, of course, can lead to the collapse of the ceiling.

Improper ventilation

Of course, you need to try not to make absolutely any mistakes when building a frame house. Their consequences are in most cases the reason that people, for example, speak poorly about buildings of this type on the Internet. It is necessary to observe all the required technologies not only when constructing such structures, but also when installing various kinds of engineering systems in them.

During the construction of wooden houses of any type, including frame houses, it is important, for example, to give maximum attention to and ventilation of the premises, among other things. Such buildings, as already mentioned, are covered with a parisolation film inside, and with a waterproofing insulator on the outside. That is, in fact, buildings of this type are a big "thermos". And consequently, living in such houses, and even more so with plastic windows, without ventilation, will not be too comfortable. In addition, due to increased humidity without normal air exchange in such a house, building envelopes will soon begin to collapse.

Ventilation in frame-panel buildings is usually equipped with supply and exhaust. That is, they mount the supply lines, supplying air from the street to all rooms, and stretch the exhaust pipe. At the same time, supply and exhaust equipment is installed in the attic.

Newcomers who decide to build a frame country house often make a mistake, and completely ignore the arrangement of ventilation. Also, not doing the right decision is to install such a system with your own hands. Without the proper experience, designing such a network even for a small house will be very difficult. Errors in assembling ventilation can lead to, for example, troubles such as the appearance of bad smells in rooms, an increase in heating costs in the winter, etc.

Ventilation installation

Instead of a conclusion

What errors occur during the construction of a frame house, we thus found out. To erect such a building, of course, is necessary in compliance with all the required technologies. This concerns both the assembly of structural elements of the structure, and the installation of engineering systems. In the event that the owner of the suburban area approaches the matter with all responsibility, he will surely be able to build the most convenient and comfortable house for living.


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