Is Mantis dangerous to humans? What exactly could be the threat?

a mantis is dangerous to humans

The opinion that the mantis is dangerous to humans has developed mainly due to the rather aggressive behavior of this insect. In nature, these six-legged predators fight fiercely, not only getting their own food, but also for any other reason (and sometimes even without it). The female, as a rule, destroys her partner after mating, eating him. They are much larger and more aggressive than males. Another amazing difference between this insect is its fearlessness. Very often, a mantis attacks living creatures, significantly exceeding it in size. These are larger insects, and rodents, and even small birds. Moreover, fights often end in defeat of the latter. So most small animals prefer to bypass it, but whether a praying mantis is dangerous for humans is a question that does not have a clear answer. On the one hand, its size is small enough so that it could pose a serious threat to people. But on the other hand, due to its rather aggressive behavior and hard sharp jagged ticks, the insect is quite capable of causing serious injury, especially to a child.

is a mantis dangerous
Is a mantis dangerous for children

If we consider young insects, then they are basically quite harmless. Praying mantis children are no less predatory than adults, but the self-preservation instinct takes its toll, and they do not attack large insects, nor other animals, nor humans. With age, the diet of the insect and its habits change. Often, an adult mantis is dangerous to humans, but not in the sense of a deadly threat. It can cause serious injury to an adult, especially if he attacks in the face or neck. And the child, in addition to this, is also able to scare. Therefore, going to a forest or park for a walk, you should carefully examine your place of residence so as not to disturb the mantis. He is unlikely to attack the person first, but if he feels the danger, he may well decide on such a desperate act.

Children should also be told that it is not worth all the insects in a row to grab and drag to show adults. In the forest, not only a mantis is dangerous to humans. Stinging insects (bumblebees, hornets, and even wasps), rodents that carry the infection, and snakes (including poisonous) pose a great threat.

Habitat and structural features of the body

is mantis dangerous for humans

This large insect is distributed almost throughout Eurasia, excluding the Far North, as well as in Africa and America. In addition to its rather impressive size and extreme aggression, it is characterized by dexterity, endurance, and excellent ability to disguise. The forelimbs of an insect are a formidable weapon, thanks to them the mantis is dangerous to humans. As a rule, preparing for an attack, the insect swings its body up and down, resembling a praying person. His head is unique in that it is able to rotate 180 degrees. The mantis itself, despite the apparent slowness and slowness, is capable of quite rapid throws and pursuits. Although in most cases it takes a wait-and-see attitude, disguising itself in grass or shrubs.


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