Sights of Minsk: history, interesting facts and photos

Minsk is a political, economic and cultural center of Belarus. Millions of tourists from the nearest countries of Europe, as well as the whole world, come here to see the best attractions of the city. There are a lot of them. And before we tell you about the most popular of them, it is worth learning a little about the city itself.

Basic information about the city and a description of the sights of Minsk

Minsk is the administrative center of the Minsk region, as well as the Minsk region. The first mention of this wonderful city dates from the XI century in the "Tale of Bygone Years". During these long centuries, the territory managed to visit a provincial village, as well as the capital.

As for the architecture of this wonderful city, there is a combination of styles from different eras. For example, the central streets of the city are decorated with Catholic cathedrals, as well as Orthodox churches.

Tourists increasingly travel to this city due to the fact that there are quite a lot of interesting excursions at very budget prices. In addition, everyone knows firsthand that in this village reasonable prices for housing, food, transportation and so on.

The city is also always very calm, clean, comfortable. There is never a fuss here. Only many interesting sights in Minsk (photo below), lovely parks, as well as hospitable residents. There is definitely something to see. As you know, in many central regions of Minsk there are enough sights. You can talk about them endlessly.

Now we will tell you what to see from the sights of Minsk.

High city

Upper city

Minsk is considered a very multinational city full of different cultures, as well as denominations. It is the High City that is the concentration of spiritual values โ€‹โ€‹of the inhabitants of this settlement. For this reason, there are a lot of religious attractions.

It is also worth noting that the architectural monuments of this city show some mixture of different styles. Including baroque, classicism and modern.

As for the history of the formation of this place, it appeared in the XII century. By the way, monuments from those times have survived to our time. By the 16th century, the richest and most influential people of the city began to live in this place. In the Middle Ages, this territory was considered the most prestigious for the construction of residences.

Until about the XVIII century, this wonderful place was the most luxurious center of the city. And before the start of World War II, this territory was very popular among creative and business people. Events of similar directions were constantly held here.

Unfortunately, during the hostilities, most of the structures and monuments were destroyed. But after the war, with the hands of the townspeople, the district was literally piecemeal.

It is also worth noting that the central element of the High City is Freedom Square, which is included in most sightseeing routes. It was built in the 16th century and a lot of interesting legends are associated with it. One of them says that under the ground of the square there are many underground passages connecting all the monasteries of the city. As you know, these tunnels are more than four hundred years old. Basically, they performed a defensive function in wartime.

This territory offers a beautiful view of the Nemigu River. From this place you can see Minsk in all its glory. It is best to visit the High City in the evening, as in this way you can fully enjoy the view and the bewitching atmosphere.

Address: Freedom Square.

Trinity Suburb

Trinity Suburb

This attraction of the city of Minsk is considered a whole architectural complex. It is located near the High City of Minsk, which is considered part of the historical center. Once upon a time there was a monastery built in the X century. Until the 19th century, there was a large market with many interesting things. Later, everyone pitched and built a park, as well as stone mansions.

Similar architectural monuments are available in Europe in large quantities. But, of course, few cities can compare with the antiquity of Minsk. Each building on the territory of this wonderful suburb has architectural and historical value. Many houses have cafes, museums, and souvenir shops.

The largest building in the area is the Opera and Ballet Theater. By the way, there is a beautiful square around it. In the same quarter, you can meet a museum of theatrical art, as well as two literary museums. Here quite often there are various exhibitions in art galleries. In addition, interesting events can be visited at the Nature House.

From the territory of the suburbs you can enjoy amazing views of the Svisloch River.

It is also worth noting the fact that a reconstruction recently took place in this place, as a result of which the old buildings have acquired wonderful lighting.

Address: Maxim Bogdanovich Street.

Minsk City Hall

Minsk city hall

Minsk City Hall is considered an architectural monument of the Middle Ages. This place can be called one of the most striking in the city. This attraction is located on Freedom Square. Next to this architectural monument is the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as the Cathedral of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the other side of the monument.

Initially, this town hall was made of wood, but at the end of the XVII century it was lined with stone. Tourists who visited here several centuries ago noted that this attraction of Minsk looks much more interesting in winter than in summer.

The history of the Town Hall is inextricably linked with Magdeburg Law, which was granted by Prince Alexander of Lithuania. This right arose in the 13th century and was aimed at regulating the situation and activities of citizens in feudal society.

By the way, the town hall is considered a symbol of city government. From German, the word "town hall" is translated as "meeting house."

It is also worth noting that in the middle of the XIX century, this landmark of Minsk, a photo of which can be seen above, was destroyed by order of the tsarist government and later rebuilt again.

For residents of the city, the town hall is associated with independence. Once the magistrate met here, but now many important administrative events are being held.

As for the internal part of the building, here on the second floor there are meeting rooms, and on the first there are exhibition halls of the city museums. There is also an exposition hall where a model of the historical center of Minsk of the 19th century is stored under a glass cover

By the way, next to the town hall are constantly performing music groups, as well as the opening of the City Day.

Address: Freedom Square, house 2A.

Independence Square

Independence Square

The most beautiful and solemn square of Minsk is considered to be Independence Square. This place, one might say, is the main attraction of the city.

As you know, the Stalinist architecture is considered the pride of the city and this territory is its most striking representative. The famous Joseph Langbard made a huge impact on the appearance of this square. In 1934, he designed the building of the Government House, as well as the territory located next to it, that is, the future Independence Square.

Initially, this place was called Lenin Square. And in those years it had the shape of a square, and now a rectangle. Around this area then organized a circular movement of vehicles. It is also worth noting that in those years, parades and various events were often held here.

As for the modern look, the area began to look like it is now in the post-war years. The modern name of this wonderful place acquired in 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. After all these events, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out here. As a result, a pedestrian zone appeared at this place. In addition, she was surrounded by various sculptural compositions, as well as greenery.

At the beginning of the 20th century, reconstruction was again carried out for several years, as a result of which the circular motion was corrected. At this place a shopping center was formed, which we can still see. It is called the "Capital." There is also a parking lot.

Without a doubt, this territory has become completely different, turning into a recreation area for citizens, as well as tourists. By the way, there is a light and music fountain.

Address: Independence Avenue.

Square of victory

Square of victory

As you know, almost every city that was part of the Soviet Union has Victory Square. This place is considered a place of sorrow, as well as a blessed memory of soldiers and those who died in the difficult years of World War II. Absolutely every year, on May 9, an event is held on this square dedicated to people who bravely fought for their lives, as well as to their homeland.

This area is located on Independence Avenue. Previously, it had a different name and was called Round. Only in 1954 it was changed to Victory Square.

It is also worth noting that this place is considered one of the most striking and beautiful in Minsk, built according to a single architectural plan. In the middle is a fairly large obelisk, around it are picturesque squares. By the way, the obelisk is decorated with the Order of Victory.

Work on this moment began in 1942, that is, during the Great Patriotic War. The architect Zaborsky very strongly believed in the spirit of our soldiers, so he decided to start designing this monument.

As for the important parts of the obelisk, below it is decorated with a sword, as well as a laurel branch. Of course, the designers did not forget that this attraction is located in Minsk, so they decorated the stela with "belts" with Belarusian ornaments. There are wreaths that symbolize the four fronts that participated in the liberation of the country from the Nazis. There is also an eternal flame that was solemnly lit in July 1961.

Address: Independence Avenue.

Pishchalovsky castle

Pishchalovsky castle

Not many tourists coming to Minsk can believe that a real prison is located in the very center of the city. This place is considered a monument of history, as well as architecture. It is interesting to note that this building was used for its intended purpose the entire history of its existence.

The main architect of this building is Kazimir Khrschanovich. Usually this castle is called by the name of the customer - Rudolf Pischalo. The castle was completed by 1825 and at the same time was commissioned.

The life of prisoners was very different from the modern one. The prisoners themselves prepared their own food, and also worked and earned money. Mostly they were engaged in community service. Despite these democratic conditions, living in prison was not easy. Constantly outside the walls of the castle there were epidemics, for this reason people were dying.

As for the war years, the castle was not damaged at all. He went through both wars and served in his own destiny. He got the new power in the same condition.

By the way, basically, revolutionaries, rebels and other people were dissatisfied with the authorities here. This prison was considered one of the most reliable in Europe.

Address: st. Volodarsky, house 2.

House of the Government of the Republic of Belarus

The building of the Government House is located on Independence Square. This architectural building is considered one of the best monuments of constructivism.

This attraction once laid the foundation for the formation of a new center in Minsk. This building houses the Parliament, which consists of two chambers: the House of Representatives, as well as the Council of the Republic. In addition, the Council of Ministers and the Presidential Library of the Republic of Belarus are also located here.

As for history, the Government House was built in the 30s of the XX century according to the project of architect Joseph Langbard. A competition for the best work was held, and quite eminent architects participated in it.

Of interesting facts, it is also worth noting that the building was built entirely by hand, since in those years there was practically nothing automated. The architectural structure was built without excavators, bulldozers, as well as tower cranes. In addition, then there was the problem of a lack of building materials. For example, cement or metal. The only mechanization that existed was a shaft lift built from logs. It was created to raise bricks.

The interior of the building is decorated with many busts, as well as sculptures. Here you can see the bust of K. Marx, F. Engels, as well as F. Dzerzhinsky and A. Myasnikov. In addition, there is a five-ton star-shaped chandelier inside the government house.

In the early 30s of the XX century, the Government House was considered the tallest building in the city.

Address: st. Soviet, 11.

"Gate of Minsk"

"Gate of Minsk" is an architectural complex located on Railway Station Square. It is an 11-story building with 5-story buildings on the sides. It is considered one of the main attractions of Minsk (Belarus).

This architectural ensemble appeared on the square in the 40s of the XX century. Until that moment he was not here. Led the reconstruction of B. Rubenko. By the way, the style of this complex is the Stalinist Empire.

As for the appearance of the structure, on one side of the gate there are German watches, which are the largest in Belarus. The diameter of their dial is 3.5 meters. On the other side of the ensemble is the cast coat of arms of the BSSR. The towers are decorated with sculptures of a collective farmer, engineer, soldier, as well as partisans.

The โ€œMinsk Gateโ€ is considered a recognizable symbol of the city. They are the successor to the wooden star gate of the Zamczyshche district.

Address: st. Kirova, 2.

Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater

The Bolshoi Theatre

This attraction of Belarus in Minsk is considered the only opera house, as well as the largest theater in the Republic of Belarus. It is located on the territory of the Trinity Suburb, which was mentioned above.

This building is considered one of the brightest examples of constructivism. It has the status of a monument of architecture of national importance. It was built in the 30s of the XX century according to the project of I. Langbard.

There is an opera, ballet troupe, as well as a symphony orchestra and choir. Mostly the performances here are held in the original language, as well as in both state languages โ€‹โ€‹of the country - Belarusian and Russian. The theater also has a children's music studio and the Belorussian Chapel collective.

Address: Paris Commune Square, 1.


Minsk is a very versatile multinational city that can surprise everyone. Reviews of the sights of Minsk are very different. Basically, everyone notes that the city is very clean, beautiful and modern. In addition, people like the fact that events are constantly held in the village. Addresses of the sights of Minsk will help you navigate the city. If it is not easy to find some kind of religious building, the locals are very friendly people, they will certainly help you find the way.


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