Embassy of Spain in Moscow

Before going to a foreign country, we, as a rule, find out in advance whether there is any representation of our homeland in it. We are also interested in whether there is a representative office of the country of interest to us in our city. What for? There are many reasons for this. Many formal issues relating to another country can be resolved without going beyond the borders of one's own, for a minimum period and without expenses.

But let's talk about everything in order. If you are planning a vacation in Spain, you will have to work on a visa. You need to contact the Embassy of Spain to clarify the procedure for entering this country, or maybe a consulate or a visa center. To understand exactly where you can turn on a particular issue, you need to figure out how all these representations differ from each other.

What is an embassy and how does it differ from a consulate

human figure under a red question

The embassy must be located in the main center of the country, that is, in the capital, and be in the singular. Its main function is to resolve various political issues and maintain diplomatic relations with the friendly country in which it is located.

The consulate, in simple terms, is a “paper center”. It is created for registration of various notarial services, visas, certificates. There may be several similar institutions. Thus, we can say that the embassy was created exclusively for officials and public administration, and the consulate - to help citizens, to address current issues.

Representations of Spain in the capital

The sunny country of corrida and sangria has in our capital an embassy of Spain and a consulate. The consulate is located at: Stremyanny per., 31/1, and the embassy is located at: Bolshaya Nikitskaya St., 50/8.

Representative offices of Spain in Moscow have their own websites where everyone can find out all the necessary information, as well as see a list of the services that can be used in this organization, read footnotes on laws that apply in a given situation, and also view news a tape that contains information, including about the attitude of the Spanish government to a particular issue.

Citizens of this country can apply to the Spanish embassy if you have any serious questions or problems in Russia. Citizens of the Russian Federation can apply to the Consulate of Spain, to the visa center (the address is indicated above).

Visa center - what is it and what are its advantages

Part of a Schengen visa

The Spanish Embassy has its advantages, unlike the consulate. Visa processing through the consulate of Spain is somewhat more complicated than through the visa center, which raises questions about obtaining a visa and therefore greatly simplifies the life of a future tourist. The reasons for this difference in the difference in mentality. The Spaniards are a leisurely people and, despite the fact that the consulate is located on Russian territory, they do not lose their habits and treat everything with enviable calm and some sluggishness.

Nevertheless, it is better to draw up some documents at the Spanish Consulate, or go to the Spanish Embassy in Moscow, than directly in the country itself. One of these documents is NIE - an individual number of a foreigner, which can be obtained in Moscow without any effort and additional costs. In Spain, this process may be delayed; additional financial investments will be required. It will be necessary to draw up documents confirming that you really need to receive NIE, not to mention the time you will spend on making an appointment with the local police to get this piece of paper.

There are probably other similar documents, so it is always worth comparing the possibilities of obtaining or processing any kind of documents in the territory of your country, because it is always easier than wandering through the authorities of a foreign state in anticipation of help, especially without knowledge of the language and local laws.


People rejoice throwing their hats up

It’s good when you know what kind of representation, whether it is the Spanish Embassy or the visa center, for what purpose it is intended. Indeed, it saves both time and money, and both are valuable things in our lives.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23647/

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