Asher cat: description and photo

In our article, we will talk about the big cat Asher. Around her there are many myths and debates. Ashera is the most expensive cat. The representative of this breed is striking in its beauty and grace. Let's look at the history of the origin of the Asher cat, especially its appearance and character. We will also talk about how to keep and feed a representative of the breed.

Origin history

In 2006, a new breed of cat was introduced. Ashera is a subspecies of large domestic cats. Based on the savannah, the Asher breed was bred. The big cat was obtained by crossing the genes of the usual, Asian leopard and African serval. The breed received its name in honor of the West Semitic fertility goddess.

Breed description

Asher breed

Asher cat, the photo of which is presented below, has an exotic appearance, grace and spotty color. And many admire her smooth gait. The breed is one of the most coveted. Due to its external features, the asher cat is very popular.

Representatives of the breed are of several types. They differ in shades and spotting of wool. There is a royal asher with orange spots, hypoallergenic, ordinary and snowy, similar to a white tiger.

Appearance of representatives of this species

The Asher cat breed standard is not yet recognized in the world. But you can highlight the main characteristics:

  1. The head of the representatives of the breed is wedge-shaped, small. Their ears are wide, narrowed and rounded at the tips. In shape they look a bit like bows. The eyes of these cats are green or golden in color.
  2. The coat is tight to the body, short.
  3. The cat’s body is thin, elongated, narrow. The contour is a little disproportionate, and the limbs are elongated. The weight of the breed representative is up to fourteen kilograms. The height at the withers reaches 100 cm.
Asher's big cat

Description of the species of breed

As we said, there are four types of breed. Let's look at their features:

  1. The rarest among usher is royal. Kittens with small spots of gold-orange color are born only a few per year.
  2. Snow Asher is a small copy of the white tiger.
  3. Common leopard asher.
  4. Hypoallergenic. This kind is not terrible for those who begin to sneeze and cough after the hair appears in the house.

The nature of cats, behavior patterns

Despite the fact that the Asher cat has a threatening appearance, powerful paws and animal grin, it has a calm, balanced character. She likes to play.

Excellent intelligence is a hallmark of the breed. Asher cat loves its owner and is affectionate with him. Representatives of this species are friendly to other animals and people.

Pros and cons of ushers

Let's look at the pros and cons of the breed:

  1. They are unpretentious in food, but most of all the representatives of the breed love meat and fish.
  2. Such a cat can live even with someone who is allergic to hair.
  3. This breed of cats has unique qualities. Thanks to them, she can compete even with dogs.
  4. Asher cat in Russia appeared relatively recently. You can buy it only in nurseries. The cost of a kitten is quite high. At the same time, you should pre-register for the purchase of such a pet.
  5. With a large cat Asher, you can easily walk on a leash.
the most expensive cat

Care for cats. What procedures should be carried out?

Representatives of the breed showed all good qualities in the family (complaisance, etc.). Usually, when cats are given to new owners, they are sterilized to avoid poor-quality kittens. Since they could become unpredictable.

For life insurance, cats are implanted with an identification microchip.

In the content, representatives of this species are not picky. The coat is short, so they do not form tassels. Because of what they do not need to be combed often.

Periodically, it is worth bathing the animal using a special shampoo. Since representatives of this breed are not at all afraid of water, problems with such hygienic procedures should not arise. Bathing, of course, a cat is desirable in a large bathroom. It is worth periodically cleaning your ears and eyes. You can use special tools for this.

It is very important that in the house where the Asher cat lives, there is a claw and a house, so that the pet can sharpen its claws and climb, as if in the trees, like its close relatives - an African serval and an Asian leopard cat.

Also, the cat needs a place for games so that she can play enough. About toys is not worth mentioning. And so it is clear that without them the pet is clearly bored.

Asher breed kitten

It is necessary to trim the cat's claws in a timely manner. For these purposes, use a special claw cutter. Thanks to the clipping of the claws, the presence of claws, you can keep the upholstery of sofas and other upholstered furniture intact. For transportation of an animal a special container is required.

Feeding the breed. What must be present in the diet?

In this breed, the digestive system is a weak point. In order to avoid problems with her, it is worth feeding the cat in a high-quality and balanced manner.

It is undesirable to use dry food as the main food. There is no complete ban on it. It is advisable to use dry food only as additives.

beautiful and graceful asher cat

Asher's diet should include:

  • bird;
  • fresh beef
  • sea ​​fish.

Before giving the cat meat, it should be frozen for three days in the freezer, and then it should be rinsed with boiling water.

It is advisable to give the cat chopped meat more often than minced meat. Then her stomach will work more correctly.

Owners note that these animals have a weak digestive system. Therefore, you need to carefully compose the menu. When you give dry food, remember that the pet must have fresh water.

Breed Facts

Let's look at the facts about the representatives of this breed:

  1. Ushers are very gentle, have high intelligence and excellent temperament. They do not require special care, you need to do the same with them as with an ordinary cat. Cats are sociable, they will be happy to live in the same apartment with other animals, people of different ages.
  2. They are calm about walking on a leash.
  3. Breeders believe that despite the formidable dimensions, powerful paws and grin, such cats are ideal pets. Asher’s habits are exactly the same as ordinary purrs. She loves to sleep longer, play, plastika. By the way, the usher also purrs.
  4. In circulation, such a cat is unpretentious, eats meat.
  5. Asher can scare with his grin, but when a person gets to know her, he will understand that this is a very kind and gentle beast.

Reviews about the breed. What do people think of such animals?

Those who breed this breed say that its representatives are gentle and affectionate kittens. They are sociable, have a balanced character.

Asher in Russia

Representatives of the breed get along well with other cats, animals, people. Breeders say these cats adore active games and need them. Also, long joint walks with the owner are extremely useful for the usher.

The cost of one representative of the breed in the United States ranges from 1.5 to 30 thousand dollars, depending on the purpose of the purchase and gender. In Russia, a kitten will cost from 300,000 rubles. The price depends on the color, the amount of serval blood (in percent), the age of the animal.

Note that the queues for such cats are quite large. And the price of breed representatives is steadily increasing.

Important points

For the purchase of a kitten usually requires a nursery pledge - about six thousand dollars. Then you need to wait for the pet. Such cats are sold at the age of about 12 months, so that their inclinations and character are already determined. Before returning, they must be sterilized.

Asher breed description

Breed conclusions

Now you know what a graceful cat like Asher is. Representatives of the breed are quite expensive, not everyone can afford to have such a pet. But you need to remember that, in addition to the cost of the kitten itself, money will also be required to feed the animal. After all, the asher cat must have the right diet so that she can live a long life. We hope that the information about this breed was interesting and useful to you.


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