Math lesson in the middle group: what should parents know?

For each parent, his own child is smart and handsome. And when the teacher recommends carrying out certain exercises at home to consolidate knowledge, then there is discontent among mothers and fathers who believe that only teachers in the kindergarten should conduct a lesson in mathematics in the middle group. However, with coeducation, children will quickly understand the new material.

What should a child know at the age of 4?

Each group works according to its own program, which indicates the knowledge and skills that will be developed in children by the end of the school year. Parents are required to study this material, rewrite and, if necessary, purchase this program in order to conduct practical classes in mathematics at home.

According to psychological studies, children aged 4-5 years should have the following mathematical knowledge.

  • Understand the meaning of the terms “one-many”, “more-less-equally”, “higher-lower-right-left-closer-further-between-behind-before-after-near-next”.
  • Be able to count to five and vice versa. Know the score to ten.
  • Learn to correlate a number with the number of objects and a digit with a number, solve simple logic puzzles, use the signs: "=", "+", "-".
  • To be able to reduce, equalize and increase objects among themselves.
  • Distinguish 5 geometric shapes: circle, rectangle, square, oval, triangle.
  • Be able to compare objects in height, width, length.

In some DOW these requirements are higher, in others - lower. It all depends on the educational program and the relationship with the school, where the children then enter at the end of the kindergarten. Also, children should freely solve addition and subtraction examples by “1” using visual material.

What should be the math class in the middle group?

Any math lesson must meet age requirements and contain elements of novelty and play. Despite the fact that children receive notebooks, cards for work, they are bored of performing the same actions: counting objects, calling them and drawing lines from them to a similar figure.

Therefore, a lesson in mathematics in the middle group should be interesting and contain intrigue. For example, a fairy-tale hero came who cannot get home on his own, and children help him cope with difficulties. Lessons with fairy-tale characters allow you to solve the task as a whole group, partly or give individual assignments.

math class

Usually 3 tasks are assigned to one lesson: two for securing the material and one for obtaining new information. For example, a count of up to five, geometric shapes and days of the week. The tasks need to be thought through so much so that the teacher can see the level of knowledge of each child. If questions of a mathematical nature are asked periodically during the day, then determining the level of children will not be difficult.

How to prepare a teacher for math classes?

Group math classes will be interesting if you prepare for them in advance:

  • prepare didactic, demonstration, and handout material ;
  • stock up on a literary base, where there are numbers, logical puzzles;
  • find exercises for warming up on a given topic;
  • find tales with a mathematical bias;
  • combine knowledge of mathematics with creativity: drawing, application, modeling.

If the teacher is fluent in literary material, then even classes with workbooks can go unnoticed by children, because at the first signs of fatigue, preschoolers do warm-up exercises, enrich vocabulary, repeating poems for the teacher.

practical exercises in mathematics

If between written tasks to arrange competitions between groups, then the children also easily remember the material. For example, in the first group, students should take one red circle from the basket, and in the second group, each child should have three green triangles in their hands. Or each child has his own figure, and he must stand under his serial number.

It is easier to conduct classes if the notes are ready for the entire learning process with this group of children. Then with the next stream of kids the lessons are only adjusted.

Mathematics Everywhere: Puzzles for Parents

Not all parents understand how to do homework with their children at home. That is why mothers should know in advance about the content of the program through which training takes place. In addition, in each group, important information on the development of children at each lesson is posted on the stand for parents.

It is important for parents to know the basic requirements, and tasks can be seen in the world around them. For example, walking with a child in the playground, fix the ordinal and countdown to 5-10 in the house with the accounts. You can take the steps on the ladder, cats, frogs, ducks, kids ...

Math lesson in the middle group

Geometric shapes can be repeated using sand forms, crayons, or help in the kitchen. Even to divide the fruits between sisters and brothers equally, or to bring mom two onions and four carrots, is also a kind of math lesson (in the middle group children can do such tasks).

Examples of puzzle games

If parents can find math problems for addition and subtraction themselves, then literary material is more difficult to find. One is laziness, the other lacks knowledge, so educators should hang out didactic cards with verses and riddles in mathematics in a group.

For example, G. Vieru’s poem on fixing “one-many”:

“I do not want to peck 1!
Let the brothers come soon.
Where are they? Under the old linden!
What is their name? Tsypa-tsypa! "

group math classes

Or a riddle about a traffic light on fixing the number three:

“His eyes are colored.
Not eyes, but 3 fires.
He takes turns with them
Looking at me from above ”

Or a poem by S. Volkov on fixing the number two:

“2 girlfriends - Masha with Dasha,
Ate 2 plates of porridge
2 cups drank tea
Masha with Dasha, 2 girlfriends.
And the two of us went for a walk,
Play in the yard with the ball "

Math class in middle group and at home,   with interesting rhymes, tasks, counters, children will be remembered faster. If you add elements of theatrical, finger games and fairy tales, then the child will be able to understand even complex material. The main thing is to make sure that the preschooler does not memorize the material, but understands it, then at school he will not have problems with mathematics.


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