Let's see how a crocodile differs from an alligator

Alligator and crocodile are among the ancient inhabitants of our planet. They are even older than dinosaurs. Reptiles, according to scientists, appeared on Earth about 200 million years ago. In the process of evolution, the appearance of these reptiles has not changed. To date, the reptile family has 20 species.

It should be noted that for most inhabitants, all reptiles are “on one face”: few people know how a crocodile differs from an alligator. If you are one of them, and you are interested in this question, then this article is for you.

what is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator


All alligators and crocodiles, together with their relatives - gavials and caimans, belong to the Crocodylia squad. They are distinguished by a fusiform body shape, a protective carapace of horny shields, huge powerful jaws with many teeth. All crocodile live in regions with a hot climate. These reptiles are usually divided into three families, although there are separate species. So, crocodile, alligator and cayman are the main families, and the Indian gavial is a separate species. Despite the external similarity, species differ from each other in size. Judge for yourself: the length of the body in different individuals varies from 1.5 to 7 meters. As you can see, the scatter is significant.

who is more crocodile or alligator

What is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?

Despite its popularity, this question is not entirely correct. It would be more correct to paraphrase it a bit: how do alligators differ from other crocodiles? This formulation is more true, because alligators are a separate genus of the crocodile detachment. Having figured out the question, it is time to move on to a comparison of these toothy predators. After all, differences exist not only in external signs, but also in the conditions in which the alligator and crocodile live. The difference between the mentioned reptiles is quite significant. The main difference is the shape of the head. On this basis it is easiest to notice the difference. The alligator’s face is more round, in shape it resembles the letter of the English alphabet “U”. And the crocodile is sharper and similar to the letter "V". The next obvious difference is the different “bite” of the jaws when they close. In the alligator, the upper jaw is much wider than the lower. This leads to a complete closure of the bottom when closed. And crocodiles can see the teeth of both jaws. The lower fangs are particularly prominent. The third difference is the color of the skin. In crocodiles, the whole body is covered with small black spots that serve as “motion sensors”. Yes, yes, it is with the help of such a structural feature that they capture the movement of production. For alligators, “sensors” are located only near the muzzle. The following symptom can serve as an answer to the second popular question: “Who is more - a crocodile or an alligator?” The body length of the latter is on average shorter than that of other representatives of the considered detachment.

alligator and crocodile difference


We continue to consider how the crocodile differs from the alligator. Habitat is a very important factor, and not only for comparison of these families (but more on that later). So, alligators are common only in fresh waters of China and North America, in other parts of the world you can only find crocodiles and caimans. Crocodiles, by the way, can live in both fresh and salt water. This is due to the fact that they have special glands in their mouths that remove excess salt.

Every day there is a reduction in the habitat of these reptiles. This factor inevitably puts crocodiles on the brink of extinction. It concerns both South America and Southeast Asia. After all, the construction of dams and the construction of canals cause irreparable damage to the wild. Due to the felling of the jungle, the level of precipitation decreases, as a result, those reservoirs in which crocodiles were found begin to dry out. The extinction of reptiles is alarming, not only because whole species will disappear, but also because the ecological balance of these regions will be disrupted. For example, in Florida, in the Everglades Nature Reserve, alligators feed on carapace spotted pike with bony scales. The latter, having lost its natural enemy, can destroy in a short time all breams and perches. In addition, alligators help other animals survive during periods of drought. They dig holes, thereby creating small ponds in which fish finds refuge, and mammals - birds and reptiles - a watering place.

alligator and crocodile


Considering the question of how a crocodile differs from an alligator, one can not help but recall their behavior, and more precisely, their habits. What characteristic comes to mind first of all when mentioning these predators? That's right, aggressiveness. There is an opinion that the alligator is less bloodthirsty than a crocodile. On the other hand, it should be understood that all this is relative. After all, none of these reptiles will not release prey from their teeth if they managed to grab the victim. And although no one dares call alligators creatures, nevertheless they are just paws compared to crocodiles, which grow up to 7 meters and weigh more than a ton. These monsters, especially the Nile, actively hunt not only large animals, but also people.


It should be remembered that all reptiles are carnivorous. With their wide and grasping jaws, as well as with an ominous grin, they gained a reputation for aggressive and merciless predators. Therefore, one should be extremely careful in contact with these inhabitants of water bodies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23657/

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