Noble spinel: varieties, description, properties of the mineral, practical value

Extraordinarily beautiful mineral spinel is a mixture of magnesium oxide and aluminum. A variety of bright colors and noble radiance turned this semiprecious stone into one of the most popular and beloved among jewelers. It is believed that, radiating a warm radiance, he attracts love and happiness to his owner, protects him from troubles and troubles, eliminates diseases. Decoration with a noble spinel can be a powerful amulet.

Semiprecious stone

Physical properties of stone

Spinel belongs to the group of expensive and rare jewelry gems. Most often, its crystals are small, but there are samples, although quite rarely, whose weight reaches 10 kg and a length of more than 30 cm.The mineral is distinguished by a shell fracture, imperfect cleavage and a glass sparkling shine with no pleochroism and birefringence.

Transparent and colorless crystals of the mineral are quite rare. The mineral impurities that make up the stone color it in pink and red, blue and yellow, purple and blue, brown and green, and even black. According to the Mohs scale, the hardness of a stone reaches 8 units, which is only two points behind diamonds.


The noble stone spinel is known to mankind since ancient times. According to one version, its name comes from the Latin spinelle, which can be translated as "little spine". Most likely, it was given to the gem because of the pointed shape of its crystals. In addition, there is a version that the name of the mineral comes from the ancient Greek spinos - “sparkle”.

In the Middle Ages, the gem was called lal. But this name united a group of expensive red stones. The first description of noble spinel dates back to the 13th century. Its author was the famous traveler Marco Polo. During his stay in the Pamirs, the Italian drew attention to how locals mined sparkling red crystals. At first, he mistook them for rubies and corundums. For this reason, he called the spinel mining region ruby ​​mines.

Semi-precious red stone was thoroughly studied only in the XIX century. Scientists after a series of studies have concluded that this mineral with ruby ​​has nothing to do. It possesses unique properties unique to it. Due to the exquisite beauty and rarity, the gem has always been very popular. He adorned the Monomache Hat, a magnificent stone of 105 carats shows off on the crown of the rulers of France. Today it is carefully stored in the Louvre.

In 1762, for the coronation, Catherine II ordered the imperial crown to be made. She set the masters only two conditions: the weight of the product should not exceed 2.27 kg (5 pounds), and it was necessary to make it in two months.

The crown was made in accordance with the requirements of the empress. It was encrusted with diamonds and pearls. The crown of the Russian Empire was crowned by a noble ruby ​​spinel of 398.72 carats. Today she is in the Diamond Fund of the Russian Federation.

Crown of the Russian Empire

Another luxurious stone, called the “Ruby of the Black Prince”, was donated to Edward - the ruler of Wales by the king of Castile in the second half of the XIV century. In fact, the gem turned out to be a huge mineral (spinel) weighing 170 carats. He passed at the beginning of the 15th century to King of England Henry V. The monarch practically did not part with this stone. During the Hundred Years War, in one of the battles, the helmet of Henry V was cut by the enemy, but could not kill the ruler, as the sword came across a favorite stone of the ruler. During the bourgeois revolution, the gem mysteriously disappeared, but was soon returned to the royal family. Today it adorns the crown of British kings.

Which are there?

There are several varieties of noble spinel. They differ not only in appearance, but also in physical properties. The most famous types of mineral are those that we propose to consider further.

Noble spinel

The crystals are transparent, with a rich and deep color. Ruby spinel is called red minerals, reddish-pink - ruby-bale, blue - sapphire-spinel, reddish-orange - rubicellum, purple - oriental sapphire. In addition, blue and green spinel, as well as with alexandrite flicker, also belong to this species. They change color depending on the lighting. Mining noble spinel in Asia. Its largest deposits are in India, Tajikistan, on the islands of Borneo and Sri Lanka.

Description of Noble Spinel

Pleonast (ordinary spinel, ceylonite)

Translucent minerals, which contain a lot of iron, are black, dark green, brown. In nature, this mineral is found much more often than noble spinel. It is mined in the Urals.

Pikotit (spinel chrome)

Opaque greenish-brown, black, brown crystals. A mixture of chromium gives them a dark shade. Mostly this species is mined in Sri Lanka. Minor mineral reserves are available in India, Afghanistan, Brazil, the USA, and Thailand.

Ganit (Falunitis, zinc spinel)

Quite rare minerals of blue, green, purple and blue shades with iron and zinc in the composition. Stone is mined in Germany, Russia, India, Sweden, the USA, Pakistan, Australia and Madagascar.

Blue spinel

Healing properties

The healing properties of the noble spinel mineral in the 16th century were described by the Swiss alchemist Paracelsus. The powder, which was obtained after grinding, the scientist used to treat many ailments.

Modern lithotherapists use stone to combat myopia, increase the body's defenses, and eliminate pain in joints and muscles. When using noble spinel for medicinal purposes, the color of the stone is taken into account. Each shade of the mineral has its own properties:

  1. Red spinel has a beneficial effect on blood, strengthens the immune system, and after a stroke helps the body recover. Since ancient times, in the East, men use red gems to attract the attention of the weaker sex and increase potency.
  2. Pink stones soothe, relieve nightmares, help get rid of insomnia. Minerals of pale pink color effectively fight skin diseases.
  3. Blue spinel should be worn by people suffering from diseases of the stomach, gall bladder, pancreas, liver. In addition, the mineral has beneficial effects on the respiratory system and thyroid gland.
  4. Green gems help relieve headaches, relieve arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure. The stone normalizes metabolic processes and increases visual acuity.
  5. Black spinel is recommended to wear hypotension, women prone to bleeding, poor health. It accelerates the healing of wounds and bruises.
    Black spinel

Artificial spinel

In recent years, jewelry with synthetic spinel, an artificial stone obtained during the crystallization of glass using catalysts, can often be seen on sale. To get the necessary shade, iron, copper, chromium, manganese, cobalt and other metals are added to the mass. As a result, the master receives a glassy transparent stone with microcrystals evenly distributed inside. It practically does not differ from a natural mineral.

Nanospinel is a synthetic analogue of a gem, characterized by high heat resistance and durability. This allows its use in the manufacture of jewelry. In addition to jewelry, synthetic spinel is used as an optical and dielectric raw material in the manufacture of various devices.

Magical properties

Noble spinel has found application not only in medicine, but also in magic. Healers and sorcerers believe that this stone gives a person faith in his own strength, attracts luck, love and happiness. It helps to discover supernatural abilities, choose the right path in life, achieve your goals. But this stone benefits only generous, sincere and kind people. An evil and envious person should not rely on the favor of the mineral.

In order for the stone to show its magical properties to the maximum, it should be worn in a gold frame. For example, spinel in a ring will help single women to meet love, to find a worthy life partner. It should be worn on the left hand on the index or ring finger.

Magical properties

Gold bracelets or rings with spinel will help couples to regain passion, prevent divorce. Jewelry with this stone will allow men to preserve sexual energy until old age. This mineral is ideal for people who are born under the signs of Aries, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Leo and Capricorn. The gem will improve their volitional qualities and mental abilities.

Practical meaning spinel

Noble spinel: practical value

Transparent colored types of mineral are used as precious stones. Artificial spinel is used as a refractory material. Spinel is used in the manufacture of ceramics and in the manufacture of stable dyes.

In jewelry, red spinel is most often used to make rings and necklaces. In jewelry, a double mineral can replace not only rubies. Blue spinel cannot be distinguished from sapphires, green - from emeralds. Black varieties resemble dark diamonds. When purchasing a ring, earrings or necklace, you should check for a quality certificate for a stone.


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