Settlement sign on a blue background: what does the sign mean

Most modern drivers periodically leave the boundaries of their hometown to get into another. Obviously, different movement rules apply on the track. However, some drivers have difficulty understanding the sign of the village on a blue background. This is due to the fact that white signs are installed on the roads with the name of the city, village, etc. In addition, you can often find symbols with the outlines of houses and other buildings. Many drivers think that if the sign of the village is set on a blue background, the speed must be reduced. But is it?

Sign on a blue background

General Provisions

The current Rules of the Road (SDA) sign “Settlement” on a blue background is classified as information and indicative. This means that the presence of this symbol indicates that a particular city, village, etc., is located nearby, as well as other infrastructure.

In some cases, the road sign of the village on a blue background is used in order to properly organize the direction of movement. For this purpose, it can be installed on broadband roads or intersections. Sometimes the sign is used to organize driving modes. An example is speed setting.


A feature of the sign "Name of the settlement" on a blue background is that it combines both indicative and informational qualities. This is due to the fact that the symbol belongs to the group of special requirements.

This means that the sign of the village on a blue background simultaneously performs several functions:

  • Informs the person driving the vehicle that he is approaching a particular city, town, etc.
  • Establishes certain speed limits on sections of the road to which the sign applies.

The special prescription group includes not only this symbol. According to current legislation, it includes signs of settlements, the names of which are printed on a white background. The name of the city / village can be indicated on the tablets or the outlines of densely located buildings are shown on them.

Movement in the country

Unlike signs on a white background

Situations when a driver driving any vehicle and moving in the direction he needs crosses a settlement completely is not uncommon. In other words, a car passes a city or a village in which, accordingly, speed is limited and other rules apply than on the highway.

This is due to the fact that the driver in any case will be faced with the need to travel pedestrian crossings, regulated intersections, roads with many marking options. Thus, he will need to comply with the Rules in force within the boundaries of the settlement. Unless otherwise specified by the symbols, the driver must travel at a speed that does not exceed 60 km / h.

In such situations, when a person needs to cross the line of a city or a village on the way to his / her path, a symbol with its name, located on a white background, is set in front of the settlement. In this case, the driver should be especially careful and slow down.

If the vehicle’s route is built in such a way that the driver does not pass through the town / village, but at a certain distance from it, a person will see a sign of the village on the road against a blue background. What is the reason for this? If during the movement you do not need to cross residential areas, pedestrian crossings, regulated intersections, etc., then there is no need to limit the speed of the vehicle. In other words, the sign of the village on a blue background informs the driver that one or another city / village is located in the immediate vicinity. In this case, the vehicle speed does not need to be reduced, since the car does not move directly in it.

In some cases, a sign on a blue background is also set in the city. But in such situations, speed is limited only when there are chippers in the central part of the road, which divides the directions of movement. They should also be located on the side of the road.

If such a sign needs to be installed on the highway, its background color is changed to green.

Since 2013, the “Dense building” sign has been officially operating. This is an image of the outlines of houses and other structures on a white background. Within the scope of this symbol, the Rules of the Road are relevant, which determine the order of movement of vehicles of any categories in settlements.

Signs of settlements

Expediency of installation

Not only for people who are “friends” with motor vehicles, the question often arises as to why so many signs should be used. On the one hand, it is logical that it is easier to enter two characters indicating the beginning and end of the village. However, from a legal point of view, everything is not so obvious.

This is because the interpretation of the term “Settlement” is very different according to traffic rules and geography. For example, from the point of view of administrative-territorial relations, all cities and towns are tied to the cadastral plan, coordinates, etc. In other words, any village ends at the place where the border of the last fence, house or even garden is located.

As for traffic rules (not only in Russia, but throughout the world), settlements also include roads of the main, regional and local importance that pass through the city / village or in their immediate vicinity. That is why in practice 3 groups of symbols are used immediately. At the same time, the sign of the village on a blue background also means that a person is moving along a road passing in the immediate vicinity of a city or town.


This parameter is strictly regulated by the State Standard of the Russian Federation. First of all, the document clearly spells the height of the letters that make up the name of any settlement. This indicator is selected from the regulated range of 75-500 mm. A similar size range is explained by the fact that different road conditions are characteristic for different cities and towns. In this case, the mark must meet the requirements of visibility. That is, the driver needs to notice the symbol in a timely manner and analyze the current traffic situation. For example, it is advisable to install a sign with small letters on the border of a settlement. Huge symbols are used to make signs that will subsequently be placed on the motorways.

The sign of the village on a blue background is an object that belongs to the category of individual design. This is because each city / town in its name has an unequal number of letters. Thus, with a single inscription height, the length of the plate itself can be different.

End of town

Symbol Coverage

Some drivers suggest that it ends at the nearest intersection. Contrary to this view, the coverage continues until a duplicate symbol appears on the road. The latter is a complete analogue of the former. This sign looks like a tablet with the name of the village on a blue background, but it is crossed out with a red line. This is the main visual difference between the characters that every driver must know.

Speed ​​on a car, the mass of which does not exceed 3.5 tons

There are several factors that influence this indicator. Currently, in the Russian Federation, the maximum permissible speed is 130 km / h. At the same time, traveling in this way is possible exclusively on highways. And then subject to the availability of an appropriate permitting mark.

According to traffic rules, it is allowed to travel on motorways at a speed not exceeding 110 km / h (unless otherwise indicated by symbols). On suburban roads it is permissible to accelerate to 90 km / h. But this does not mean at all that outside the settlement you need to move exclusively at that speed. You need to focus on prohibition signs. For example, on some sections of roads, symbols are installed that do not allow traveling at speeds of more than 40, 50, 60, etc. km / h.

Thus, if the driver saw the sign of the village on a blue background, he can calmly continue driving. He does not need to slow down if he is riding at the maximum allowed. However, it is important to look carefully at the road. It can be set prohibitory characters.

Driving in a truck: what speed is allowed

The sign of the village on a blue background is set on suburban routes along which the route of vehicles can also pass, the permissible mass of which is more than 3.5 tons. They belong to category C.

If there are passengers in the back of the truck, the vehicle must not travel at a speed of more than 60 km / h. At the same time, this condition is also relevant for highways. This is the most severe restriction applicable to heavy vehicles in the back of which the process of transporting passengers is carried out.

If the truck crossed the “Settlement” sign on a blue background, its speed should be the same as on a suburban highway. According to the SDA, the maximum allowable value is 70 km / h. For motorways, it is slightly higher and amounts to 90 km / h.

Trailer vehicle speed

Each driver is advised to remember a simple rule. The trailer always “steals” 20 km / h. In other words, if there is a “Settlement” sign on a blue background, the vehicle speed can reach 90 km / h. But if he goes with a trailer, it cannot exceed 70 km / h.

Riding with a trailer

Speed ​​while towing a vehicle

Firstly, a faulty vehicle must be indicated by an emergency symbol and the corresponding light signals. In addition, in all cases when towing, you must drive at a speed whose value does not exceed 50 km / h.

Installation together with the "Dense building" sign

This symbol, as mentioned above, looks like the outlines of houses and other structures on a white background. In its coverage area, all those rules that must be followed in cities and towns are relevant.

It happens that immediately after the sign "Settlement" on a blue background the symbol "Dense building" is set. What should drivers do in this situation? It is necessary to reduce the speed to 60 km / h. In other words, in the area of ​​the "Dense building" sign, you must follow the traffic rules in force in the settlements.

The traffic police inspector stopped


The size and procedure for imposing administrative responsibility are prescribed in the "Code of Administrative Offenses". Excerpts from this document:

  • If the driver exceeded the speed by 20-40 km / h, he faces a fine. Its size is 500 rubles.
  • An excess of speed of 40-60 km can cost the person driving the vehicle 1000-1500 rubles.
  • The following violations are considered more significant. If the driver exceeded the speed by 60-80 km / h, he will need to pay a fine in the amount of 2000 to 2500 rubles. In addition, a driver’s license for 4-6 months may be withdrawn from the person who drove the vehicle.
  • If the driver exceeded the speed by 80 km / h or more, he faces a fine of 5,000 rubles. Alternatively, rights can be taken from a person for six months.
  • At repeated commission of the offense a monetary fine is imposed. Its size is from 2000 to 2500 rubles.
  • If the driver once again exceeded the speed by 60 km / h or more, he is threatened with the withdrawal of a driver’s license for 1 year. If the offense was recorded by specialized equipment, a fine of 5,000 rubles is also imposed.

In addition to the previously established, the sign of the village on a blue background does not introduce speed limits. But at the same time driving too slowly is also unacceptable. If the speed of the vehicle is very low, an administrative liability in the form of a fine is also imposed on the driver driving it. Its size is 500 rubles.



Often, drivers meet a sign of a village on a blue background. What speed do they need to keep moving? This sign means that the driver is driving on a road in the immediate vicinity of which there is a settlement. But at the same time, he will not cross it, that is, he will not have to go through pedestrian crossings, regulated intersections, etc. In this regard, the person driving the vehicle does not need to slow down if the corresponding prohibition signs are not installed on the road. You cannot drive too slowly. Any violation threatens to bring to administrative responsibility.


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