What and how to feed sparrow chicks?

When sparrows (fledglings) of sparrows are one to two weeks old, they are very restless and leave the nest even with a slight threat. Parents are still feeding them. From food to food, little sparrows usually hide. Many birds in every way possible protect their children from all kinds of danger, to which man belongs.

how to feed sparrow chicks
How to feed sparrow chicks - this is what you think about when your children picked up a parent who left without parents and decided to feed him. You will have to work hard, therefore, we advise you to explain to your children in advance that with sparrow parents the chicks' chances of survival are much higher than at your home. It’s much more humane to simply transplant it to a hill, or simply to plant it in a deserted place. If you yourself do not know how to feed sparrow chicks, you can ask your parents about it, because they have already gone through this, and they probably know.

But if this still happened, forget about peace and sleep. From the time of sunrise to sunset, every half hour you will need to feed the bed before it is full. A well-fed chick will stop begging for food, opening its mouth.

how to grow a sparrow chick
How to feed a chick if the birds have a very, very fast metabolism? If the chick is starving, he “burns” his internal resources. Leaving the rally without food for five hours, you sign him a death sentence. Because even if he starts to eat, he will die in a couple of days due to improper metabolism. The normal interval between feedings can be determined by the quality of the litter. If the interval is small, a protein shell does not have time to form on it.

But how to feed sparrow chicks, if they have nowhere to live? It is necessary to create conditions close to natural for fledgling, and there they have a nest. You have to arrange it too. For the nest, it would be best to use dried grass or last year's moss. As a rule, in urban conditions it is difficult to find anything like that. Therefore, we recommend using cotton wool. Only it is necessary to watch him very carefully, in cotton wool paws of chicks can get confused. Litter is changed as soon as it becomes dirty.

How to feed sparrow chicks without proper food? Particular attention will need to be paid to what eats the fried. It is worth remembering that his parents fed him mainly insects. Therefore, the foster must be given the same thing: larvae, worms, ant cocoons, egg yolks, cottage cheese, etc., do not forget about vitamins and minerals.

A stirrer - 10 steps porridge for a sparrow chick. This is the most balanced diet for your ward. Prepare it like this:

Step 1. Rub the carrots on a fine grater. It should be medium in size. Squeeze juice, pulp - that’s what we need.

how to feed a chick
Step 2. Grind the boiled yolk on a fine grater.

Step 3. Cut the boiled chicken breast and parse it into small fibers, the same beef or pork.

Step 4. Grind the juicy greens and add a tablespoon to the mixture.

Step 5. Take fat-free lean cottage cheese - half a pack (it must be rinsed with boiling water at least 3 times).

Step 6. Add a couple of tablespoons of millet porridge, unsalted, boiled in water.

Step 7. Put the dry ground fish food - a quarter of a tablespoon.

Step 8. It is important to pour calcium glycerophosphate into the mixture - this is a mineral substance.

Step 9. Add 3 eggshell shell powder to the feed.

Step 10. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and sprinkled with powder from grated cereals and cereals.

Remember that your pet is thirsty. It should be drunk through a pipette during feeding. Chicks should only be given water.

If you follow all these simple rules, you will have no choice but to grow a sparrow chick healthy and strong.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23670/

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