How to remove lags in "Dota 2" and increase productivity?

Modern computer games are becoming more demanding on equipment resources. Therefore, it is unlikely that anyone will be surprised by the fact that even Dota 2 will not work in the best way on some computers. But this is the most popular game in the world, so it’s very disappointing to miss the opportunity to play it, especially considering that there are existing methods to increase productivity. This article will help you figure out how to remove the lags in "Dota 2" - this is done quite simply, so each owner of a not-so- powerful computer can try the steps described below.

Graphics card performance

how to remove lags in DotA 2

It's no secret that lags in most cases appear in games due to the fact that your video card can not cope with the load. However, please note that almost never by default the performance of your card will not be set to the maximum. This is exactly what you can fix if you want to learn how to remove the lags in Dota 2. Go to the settings of your video card, where you need to find the main parameters - this is where you can set the maximum performance. But in this case, you need to know that such actions can significantly reduce the life of your card, so use this method only if you are sure that you need it. But if you want to learn how to remove the lags in "Dota 2". then you can’t do without it. However, you will also need to do additional steps.

Swap file extension

Dota 2 how to remove lags

If you want to learn how to remove the lags in "Dota 2", then you should definitely go through the control panel to the section responsible for the speed of your computer. Here you will need to increase the size of the page file. Most often it is installed by the amount of RAM you have - this value needs to be changed based on how much RAM you have. If you have two gigabytes, then install three or four gigabytes for the swap file. The combination of an enlarged swap file and accelerated operation of the video card with almost one hundred percent probability will improve the performance of the Dota 2 game. How to remove the lags, you now know, but many gamers are also worried about the delay, which can be too long. But you can also get rid of this trouble.

CPU load

how to remove lags in DotA 2 through settings

A delay in this game may occur due to the fact that your processor is too heavy. You should reduce it, for which our recommendations on how to remove the lags in "Dota 2" will come in handy. This is not done through the settings of the game, the method is much more complicated, so you need to prepare properly. First of all, you need to find where exactly "DotA" is installed in you, and then find there a folder containing various game configs. Among them, you will see a file called video - there will be quite a few lines in it, but almost all of them you do not need, except one. Look for a line with the text setting.mat_queue_mode - you should not think about what it is responsible for, it is better to just change the value to 0. Then you can slightly reduce the game load on the computer and, accordingly, improve performance.

Desktop composition

When you start the game, you only see a window with game actions. But this does not mean that no action is taking place on your PC. Accordingly, you need to use the resources of your computer as efficiently as possible - for example, turn off unnecessary programs when you play Dota. But there is also one proven method that will allow you to achieve almost complete disappearance of the delay. To implement it, you need to go to the game folder and select the main file with the exe extension. Go to its properties, go to the compatibility tab, and there you have to check the box "Disable desktop composition".


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