How many Pekingese live and how to care for it

The Pekingese - dogs of a very unusual exterior, they were introduced to Russia in the mid-fifties of the last century and became extremely popular among pet lovers, even though they are not too easy to care for. Before bringing a dog to the house, many people, of course, are interested in the features of the breed and are looking for information on how to take care of the future pet. In particular, for those wishing to have a dog, which will be discussed in the article, the question often arises of how many Pekingese live? So, what are the features of this breed and how to care for it?

how many Pekingese live

Like all small dogs, Pekingese can be attributed to centenarians. Of course, this applies only to healthy animals. The better the care of the dog will be, the longer it will delight the owners with its presence in the house. For example, if you look at how much Pekingese lives in the kennel, where the conditions of its maintenance are close to ideal, then you can also find out the optimal life expectancy of this dog - 14-16 years. There are even cases when individual representatives of this breed survived to 20 years or more.

If we talk about how many Pekingese live at home, then, of course, this figure will be slightly less - 9-11 years. Of course, you need to take care of the dog correctly. First of all, it is necessary to remember that the Pekingese can not stand the heat at all. Walking the dog in the summer is necessary only in the shade of the trees, allowing them to relax from time to time. If the owners decide to take the pet with them on a car trip, care should be taken to ensure that there is a bowl of water next to the animal. It will also be very good to put a wet towel under the Pekingese’s stomach. In no case should you leave the dog in the car alone with the windows closed - it can simply suffocate.

how many years live dogs pekingese

Many owners even cut their pets in the summer. This is allowed, but only if the dog does not participate in exhibitions. At first, the trimmed doggie will be shy, but pretty soon it will get used to its new look. In winter, on the street, dogs of this breed feel just fine.

How long does the Pekingese live? It also depends on proper feeding. In no case should you feed a dog of this breed sugar and products containing it. It is better to replace them with fruit. In addition, the Pekingese are contraindicated in smoked meats, fatty foods and spices. Eating them is fraught for the dog with metabolic disorders. Too cold or hot food can also cause gastrointestinal problems. Do not give your pet too liquid food. As for salt, these dogs need it, but in small quantities. In the Pekingese diet, it should be about ten times less than in the human diet.

Pekingese dog

A Pekingese dog often suffers from stings of taller dogs for a walk. Moreover, the initiator of the attack will most likely be your pet. Therefore, on a walk, it is worth watching carefully. Especially the Pekingese should be protected from those animals whose mouth is at eye level of your pet. The muzzle of the Pekingese is very short, and therefore they are extremely vulnerable.

Combing the dog, if not trimmed, costs at least two times a week. The Pekingese have an undercoat that can become very tangled. They bathe the dog about once a month. After a walk, be sure to wash your paws and tummy. Pekingese divorced is quite difficult. This is primarily due to the fact that the puppies have a rather large head, and it is quite difficult for the bitch to wheeze.

So, the answer to the question of how many years Pekingese dogs live is obvious - on average 15 years. Of course, your pet can reach this age only if it is properly fed, walked daily and taken care of in every way.


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