Preparing onion sets for planting in the spring. How to plant onion sets

Properly planted onions are the key to a future harvest. There are several ways to grow, so each gardener chooses the best, most convenient for himself. How to grow a good crop of onion sets? This question is asked by almost all novice summer residents. The secrets of this process, of course, are, and we will reveal them in our article. Every step is important here. This preparation of onion sets for planting in the spring, and care for crops, and harvesting, and even autumn tillage for future plantings.

The best varieties

Planting onion sets has its own advantages. Firstly, it has earlier ripening. Secondly, onion sets are more resistant to diseases, such as powdery mildew and onion flies. Thirdly, it requires less nutrition for good growth. Among the shortcomings, one can distinguish one - a greater likelihood of the formation of arrows. The diameter of the bulbs for planting should be about 1-2 centimeters. Such material has high germination and early ripening. Sweet varieties of onions are best planted using seedlings. The spicy variety Stuttgart Riesen is very early maturity. Centurion has a pungent taste and good storage performance.

Preparing onion sets for planting in spring
For winter planting, it is better to take the varieties Radar, Hercules Troy and Stuttgart Riesen. Bulbs should be healthy, not have spots and traces of mold. Seeds should not be wet. Otherwise, it must be scattered and dried. It is better to purchase onion sets at a time when the temperature rises above zero. If possible, you need to sort it out. Different sized onions are planted separately, which makes it easier to care for. Small bulbs grow from small seed, and large bulbs can go in the arrow. Before use, it is necessary to warm the seeds at room temperature. Such preparation of onion sets for planting in the spring improves germination and productivity.

Land for sowing

Planting onions in the spring (on the head, on the feather - it does not matter) requires soil preparation. Site selection is very important. It is better to take the territory, which is early cleared of snow. Onion sets love sunny, well-ventilated areas. This will protect future crops from powdery mildew. The soil should be fertile and without weeds. Repeated planting of onions in the same area is undesirable. It would be better if in the previous season tomatoes, beans, cabbage, peas, pumpkin or zucchini were growing on the site.

Bed preparation

It is better to start preparing the site in the fall. Dig the soil to the depth of the shovel and level it. It is possible to fertilize the soil during this period or to make unripe manure a year before sowing.

Preparing onion sets for planting in spring soaking
In spring, the bed is loosened or dug up to half a shovel in order to maintain the lower wet layer. Soil can be soaked with any suitable mineral fertilizer. It is made at the rate of 100 grams per square meter.

Planting onions with seeds

One way to sow onions is with seeds. For sowing, choose a time that depends on climatic conditions. But by this moment the earth should warm up and pass frosts. Usually this is the first of May. Seeds are pre-soaked in advance to speed up germination. Dig the soil and loosen it. It is necessary to maintain an interval of 20-30 centimeters between rows and 4-5 centimeters between bulbs. Seeds are planted in the soil and sprinkled on top of them with earth. You can also cover the garden bed with film until the first shoots appear.

Preparation of sets

Preparing the onion sets for planting in the spring is a very important stage. For 2-3 weeks, it must be sorted and sorted. Then, selected healthy bulbs are heated at a temperature of 40 degrees for 8 hours and at a temperature of 45-47 degrees for about 10-12 hours. This procedure reduces the risk of arrows and various diseases. There is another preparation for the onion sets for planting in the spring. Soaking accelerates the emergence of seedlings and increases productivity.

How to plant onion sets
It is carried out in a solution of slurry and trace elements. Five parts of organic fertilizer are taken for one part of mineral preparations. Such preparation of onion sets for planting in the spring - soaking, sorting and warming up - these are the best measures for a good harvest. You can soak in a one percent solution of copper sulfate.


Before sowing, the surface of the bed is slightly rolled so that it is even. This will facilitate the planting of seed material. Then shallow grooves are marked on the surface. The distance between the rows should be about 20-25 centimeters. How to plant onion sets? The depth of incorporation into the soil is 2-4 centimeters. It all depends on the size of the bulbs. With deep embedding, the shape of the future crop will be slightly elongated. If the onion sets are planted too finely, the future crop will be at risk. The root system will push the bulbs to the surface. They will be deformed.

How to plant a bow on a head
Onions harvested in the fall will not taste good. Seed should be planted at a distance of 7-8 centimeters from each other. First plant small bulbs that are less than a centimeter in diameter. They do not form arrows. After 1-2 weeks, a larger seed is planted (1-2 centimeters). Large bulbs, planted too early, can go in the arrow. Onion sets are planted in prepared rows, sprinkled with earth on top. There should be 2-3 centimeters of soil above the seed.

Sowing dates

It is necessary to know not only how to plant onion sets correctly. Precisely guessed planting dates significantly increase productivity. If the seed material is small, then it is planted very early. Spring frosts onions are not terrible, he will tolerate them perfectly.

Planting spring onions on a feather head
In addition, small specimens rarely form arrows, and early sowing improves this indicator. Larger bulbs are planted later. It is necessary to wait for warming and the end of frost. Early landing can lead to copious shooter formation. That is why the preparation of onion sets for planting in the spring is important (especially its sorting).

Landing care

Knowing how to plant an onion on a head is very important. But a huge role is played by the subsequent leaving. The first time, planting requires careful watering. The bed should always be wet, it should not be allowed to dry out. This contributes to the active development of leaves, and subsequently bulbs. If there is not enough moisture, then the crop will be sluggish and poorly formed. This is the minimum condition that is not so difficult to fulfill.

Planting onions in the spring secrets of experienced gardeners
Also, weeds should not be allowed to grow. They should not interfere with the full growth of onions. Loosening the soil is a prerequisite for a good harvest. After the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to loosen the soil in the aisles. It is impossible to prevent the formation of a crust, but it is also not necessary to pour earth on the bulbs. During the growth period, arrows may appear. They must be removed, but not immediately. The best moment for this is the appearance of a thickening at the base of the plant.

Plant nutrition

How to plant a bow - on the head or feather, there is not much difference. The main thing is to comply with all requirements. Feeding is a good help to improve growth. When the height of the leaves reaches 10-15 centimeters, you can spend the first fertilizer application. To do this, you can use a solution of 10 grams of urea, 5-10 grams of potassium chloride and 10-15 grams of superphosphate.

How to grow a good crop of onion sets
For better development of the bulbs, urea can be fed. It is taken at the rate of one tablespoon per bucket of water. A second top dressing can be done at the beginning of bulb formation. For this, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used. To prevent disease, plants can be sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate (a tablespoon of 10 liters of water).


Before harvesting (this is approximately the end of July), watering of onions is stopped. At this point, the bulb ripens. If you do not stop watering, the plant will enter a dormant state and will not pick up the necessary juices. The necessary ripening will not occur, and storage of the future crop will be complicated. Harvesting onions is carried out when the base of the plant dries, and the leaves wither and fall to the ground. To do this, it is better to choose sunny and dry weather. Otherwise, the entire crop will be spoiled. Harvest should be done carefully. Bulbs should not be spoiled or scratched. The harvested crop must be thoroughly dried. For this, open sunny areas are chosen. During this period, it is necessary to exclude moisture on the onions. They put the crop in a well-ventilated container, it is better - boxes, and stored in a dry place. Using all the methods of cultivation, you can get a rich harvest. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in such a procedure as planting onions in the spring. The secrets of experienced gardeners will help to get a good harvest and keep it for several months.


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