Tying the indirect heating boiler with recirculation: installation, connection and photo

Heating and water systems can be implemented in various ways. In servicing private homes, users are increasingly choosing the means of autonomous provision of necessary resources, refusing a centralized supply. Both heating and domestic hot water can be arranged using an indirect heating boiler with recirculation. Tying this unit with boiler equipment will require some effort, but these troubles will justify themselves during the operation of the equipment.

Choosing the installation location of the boiler

It is advisable to select a small area closer to the heating equipment. The operation room will depend on the type of boiler - for example, electric and gas units are located in kitchens, and solid fuel and liquid equipment - in separate utility rooms, since it intensively emits combustion products. Regarding the boiler, the boiler can be located in different ways - to the left, to the right, below or above it. It depends on the designs of both units. Of fundamental importance, from the point of view of installation, will be the type of equipment in terms of horizontal or vertical placement - on the wall or floor.

Tying indirect heating boiler

In both cases, for the reliability of the binding of the boiler and the indirect heating boiler, a reliable installation surface should be selected. If necessary, the structure is fixed with a screed on the floor or with a profile metal crate on the wall. It is very important that hidden communications do not pass in the equipment placement area. Also, when marking the attachment points, it is necessary to provide small indents from the boundaries of the position of the housing of the boiler structure - around 15-20 cm of free space should remain around. That is, close to the boiler, it is also not recommended to fix the boiler.

Installation events

If the structure is installed on the floor, it is enough to place it between the supporting profiles integrated into the screed with hardware. For wall fixation, hinged brackets with slats are used, which are included with the boiler. You must make sure in advance that the partition or wall to which you plan to install can, in principle, support the weight of the equipment. The same applies to fasteners - it is advisable to use brackets with anchor clips in the wall holes. The possibility of wall chipping should also be provided for the subsequent strapping of the indirect heating boiler, since in many cases it is necessary to connect the equipment through the walls and partitions in a through way. Strobing is required for the supply line.

Tying indirect boiler with boiler

Connecting the boiler to the mains

Electric energy is required for the boiler to ensure the operation of the pump and thermostat, which will regulate the temperature regime when the accumulated water is heated. The wiring is connected through the terminal block, usually included with the equipment. With its help, automation will control the heating circuits. The block itself can distribute current over several channels from the main line coming from the switchboard. The specific number of power supply circuits depends on the number of levels of the indirect heating boiler piping - for example, the simplest circuit provides for the power circuit of the device for programming operating modes, the supply line for the thermostat and switch, as well as the cable that goes to the heat exchanger valve automatics. All connections are made with complete consumables and the supplied hardware. Do not forget about the introduction of a fuse and grounding equipment into the network.

Tying the boiler with the boiler

General technology for strapping indirect heating boiler

Features of the use of recirculation in the heating system are due to the fact that the heating circuits will form an annular highway with constant movement of the coolant. That is, the strapping is complicated due to the inclusion in the infrastructure of a recirculation pump (one or more), which will maintain the necessary pressure in the system. As for the technical implementation of the harness, then in the usual scheme it is carried out by means of a servo drive and a control valve. It is advisable to use a three-way valve, which provides a circuit for connecting automation. Connection to the boiler is carried out through the main pipe with the help of complete fittings of the required format. Again, the binding of the gas boiler and the indirect heating boiler is carried out with safety valves on each connection line. It should also be possible to insert sensors with automatic controls.

Recirculation pump for indirect heating boiler

Strapping with a single-circuit boiler

The boiler is connected with the expectation of organizing a synchronously operating system that provides continuous circulation of the coolant under the control of automation. The scheme may involve equipment to ensure recycling, as well as without fail - an expansion tank, a heat exchanger, pumps and consuming appliances like heating radiators. To complete the piping of a single-circuit boiler with an indirect heating boiler, a complete plumbing fixture with pipes and hoses is used to organize the coolant delivery circuits. Connecting fittings with mounting hardware are also used. For metal pipes in the wiring diagram, it is desirable to provide clamps with rigid fixation, and the heaters are supplied with water lines from cast iron or brass with mechanical regulators.

Tying the boiler with a circulation pump

Features strapping in a dual circuit system

In boilers with two circuits, the maintenance of heating devices and hot water using two heat exchangers is provided. In more modern models, a circuit with one larger heat exchanger is implemented, but for the implementation of piping with a boiler, this does not change much.

Five pipes are supplied through the collector, four of which will serve the water supply, and the fifth - heating appliances. Connections are made through pipes for supplying coolant, and to connect to a gas boiler, the installation of a ball valve will be required. As for tying the boiler room with an indirect heating boiler, it should be guided by the closure with the heating circuit. It should be looped on the water heater. In a typical circuit, the first pipe of the heat exchanger is connected to the incoming circuit of the boiler, and the second to the output line of the storage tank. The water supply network does not contact the boiler heat exchangers at all. It is directly connected to the boiler.

Expansion tank for boiler

Features of connecting to a solid fuel boiler

The wiring diagram will include a thermostat, a circulation pump, a two-way valve to prevent condensation in the circuits, and a temperature sensor. To organize the network, you can use a combination of plastic and metal (brass or cast iron) pipes of small diameter. When tying a solid fuel boiler with an indirect heating boiler, a safety group (fittings with fuses) and a restriction valve at the water inlet are mounted. An expansion tank is hung over the safety group to prevent water hammer, and it will not be superfluous to install a draft regulator to the chimney, which will allow autonomous control of the combustion process in the furnace.

Connecting an indirect heating boiler to the boiler room


After completing the strapping, do not relax. The joint operation of heating equipment and water heaters requires regular maintenance. Immediately after tying the indirect heating boiler, it is advisable to pressure test the water circuits in order to check the tightness, and then test the functions of the control automatics. In the future, technical and preventive measures will depend on the conditions of use of the equipment and the requirements for specific models of the boiler and boiler. In any case, you should regularly clean the surfaces of the units, monthly decontaminate the contours, and also check the quality of the fasteners in the sanitary units and connection points.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23686/

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