Rosa Cordana - Miniature Charm

Rosa Cordana is a plant of the Rosaceae family. She comes from the subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere. In natural conditions, blooms in summer. Many miniature roses that are now on sale are varieties of this particular plant. Rosa Cordana is quite popular, as it quickly enters the flowering phase, tolerates transportation well, and survives well at home. Oddly enough, it smells absolutely nothing. On the one hand, this is a minus, but on the other, a plus, since allergy sufferers can grow this variety.

rose of cordana
Rosa Cordana mix - a chic bush with small leaves, a mini copy of the usual rose bush. The height of the bush is rarely more than 30 cm. The flowers of this rose can have a different color and shape. It can be planted in the garden, it will be a wonderful decoration of a flower bed or an interesting border plant.

If the Cordana rose is grown indoors, then you need to place it in a bright sunny place. Periodically, it is necessary to ventilate the room and spray the plant. Just do not forget that spraying at a time when direct sunlight caresses the rose is undesirable, burn spots will appear on the leaves. If you do not moisten these flowers at all in this way, then you can provoke the appearance of a spider mite, a great lover of dry air.

To achieve the flowering of roses in the winter, she needs to create favorable conditions - adequate lighting, humidification and periodic top dressing. If it is not possible to provide the rose with additional lighting, then it must be placed in a cool bright place and reduce watering to a minimum, do not feed.

Cordana Rose Mix
Rosa Cordana mix care requires reasonable. Soil for this flower, it is advisable to purchase a universal or special "for roses". Like many potted plants, it needs moderate watering, that is, it can not be poured (the root system can rot), but drying out an earthen coma will not benefit. Watering is necessary when the topsoil dries. Watering is necessary until the soil is completely saturated with water, it is imperative to drain excess water 30 minutes after watering.

Rosa Cordana needs preventative measures. For the prevention of diseases (fungal and bacterial), it needs to be sprayed with a fungicide solution. A fitosporin solution is also suitable. They, by the way, can water a flower under the root.

Rose Cordana mix care
Wilted rose flowers must be cut, this stimulates further flowering. Otherwise, seeds will ripen and there will be no lush buds. If you cut not only the withered flower itself, but also the stalk with 3-4 buds, then it can be used for reproduction. In this case, the flower must be removed, and the stalk prepared in a certain way. Make the upper cut horizontal, 1 cm above the kidney, cover the cut with a garden var. Make the lower slope 1 cm below the kidney. Prepared cuttings placed in a solution of the root stimulant for 6-8 hours. For rooting, you can put in calcined chilled sand or steamed soil for roses. The cutle should be placed on 2 buds in the ground (sand). Cover with a glass jar. Ventilate daily and spray periodically.


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