How to make an iron golem in Minecraft: instructions

Minecraft is full of the most diverse and bizarre creatures. Starting with commonplace pets and ending with the dragon. One of the rare humanoid creatures is the iron golem. In Minecraft, this creature is valuable in that it helps the player who created it in the battles, and also, upon death, several items drop out of it - iron ingots, poppy or rose. Where can I find him?

how to make an iron golem in minecraft

First way

If you are primarily interested in the iron golem at Minecraft as an exhibit for the zoo, then you can simply find it. The fact is that golems spawn near large villages. Their responsibilities include protecting residents from hostile mobs. In peacetime, these creatures simply walk around the settlement with a poppy (or rose) in their hand and can give it to a gamer. However, if a monster or a player attacks the resident, the golem quickly runs up to the aggressor and begins to beat him. They do not do so much base damage, but this is compounded by the fact that during an attack the enemy throws up three or four blocks and as a result receives damage from a fall. Thus, if you are going to attack a piece of iron, prepare yourself well - it is unlikely that you can simply shoot back from a bow. As you should understand, you don’t have to think about how to make an iron golem in Minecraft, you can just find it near the nearby large village.


The problem with the previous paragraph is that villages do not always appear on the game map. In addition to research, there is a longer way to make an iron golem at Minecraft. To do this, you need a lot of materials and remarkable exposure. You can build a village yourself. However, there are several necessary conditions.

  1. There should be 21 houses in the village. Their number is considered at the door. That is, if the house has two doors, then it is considered two.
  2. There must also be a minimum of 16 adult residents.

By creating such an artificial village, you start the random number generator. The chance that an iron golem appears in such a formation is 1/7000. Therefore, this method is unlikely to provide an intelligible answer to the question of how to make an iron golem in Minecraft.

iron golem in minecraft

We build ourselves

What we have? The creature of interest to us appears exclusively in residential areas and was created in order to protect civilians. But how to make an iron golem in Minecraft with your own hands and for yourself? For this you will need:

  1. 36 units of iron ore.
  2. Jack pumpkin or lantern (lamp).
  3. Workbench and stove.

Well, since the lamp is made of pumpkin, and the creation of a golem from it is no different result, hereinafter we recommend using a pumpkin. For those who do not know: Jack's lamp is an interior item that can be used to illuminate the area. It is crafted from a pumpkin and one torch.

So, how to make an iron golem in Minecraft with your own hands? In the furnace, all the ore is smelted into iron ingots. Of these, we craft blocks on a workbench. You should get four iron blocks. You can grow a pumpkin on your own or find it in nature, although this option has a very low chance.

After you stock up on everything you need, we proceed directly to the construction. Install iron blocks on the ground with the letter "T", and on top of the center place a pumpkin or a lantern. All. You can watch your golem come to life.

Minecraft Golem


There are several characteristics of the behavior and use of these creatures.

  • Since they were originally created to protect the inhabitants of the village, after a certain time, the golem must go to look for a suitable village, but this has not been proved. So, if you have not yet found peaceful villages, then you can try to go after it, it will suddenly withdraw.
  • If you want him to protect your home, then enclose the area with a fence. Then the golem will wander about it.
  • You can use the golem for battles in the lower world and infernal fortresses. For example, with ifrites. A summoned golem will be a good human shield. On the other hand, if he is sent to walk around the fortress, then he will distract part of the mobs.

And that’s all about making an iron golem in Minecraft. Good luck with the game!


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