Paper snowflakes: schemes, options, ideas

New Year's Eve is the time to wait for a miracle. These days, all homes, offices, shops, schools are being transformed. Sparkling tinsel, bright holiday figures and delicate snowflakes can be seen in any corner. Today you can buy Christmas decorations in the store, but the holiday will become even more desirable if you attach a hand to their creation. You can attract the whole family for that. Snowflakes, patterns of which are diverse, can be cut out in a few minutes, creating your own snowfall in the apartment. The variety of options is amazing. As in nature it is impossible to meet two identical snowflakes, so when you create them you can not repeat them, creating each time a new masterpiece. You can take a ready-made template as a basis or come up with your own version.

snowflakes patterns

Materials for work

To make paper snowflakes, you need to prepare paper and scissors.

You can take ordinary A4 office paper, album sheet, table napkins - any option is suitable for work. Only products from thick sheets can be folded neatly and cleaned after the holiday until next year, and they will have to be thrown out of soft napkins.

paper snowflakes

The foundation

There are many options for making a snowflake out of paper. The simplest and most affordable is six-pointed. Regardless of the snowflake pattern, you need to properly lay down the base.

One of the corners of the prepared sheet of paper needs to be bent to get a square. Cut off the excess strip. Find the center of the base of the folded triangle, folding it in half. Bend one of the corners a little further than the center line, do the same with the other side. Get a triangle with a sharp peak. The lower ends protruding beyond the even line must be cut off.

snowflake patterns


The base of the paper snowflake is ready, now it's time for creativity and magic. With a pencil on one side of the blank, draw arbitrary patterns or use the given patterns. Use sharp scissors to cut through all the elements and unfold the snowflake. Beautiful, openwork, airy, it opens like a magic flower.

The finished product using tape can be attached to a window pane, decorate walls or doors, or even a Christmas tree.

Paper snowflakes can be made with any pattern. You can draw beautiful ornaments or figures on them. You can make more complex options. On each side of the triangular base draw a half of a man or a snowman, joining the halves by hands. When cutting, you get a kind of round dance. You can create fluttering butterflies, lighted candles, elegant Christmas trees and other details that are enough for fantasy.

how to make a snowflake


Those who want to bring originality to the New Year's design will like this option. Cut snowfields according to the schemes as described above, but instead of gluing them to the glass, they can be turned into bundles of ballerinas. Figurines of dancers cut from thick paper and put on openwork skirts on them. To do this, from one edge of the snowflake make an incision to the center, grab the figure at the waist and secure with tape so that no traces are visible. Such airy dancers will flutter at the slightest breath of air, bewitching with their dance.

ballerina snowflakes

Another option

You can make original snowflakes in a pattern resembling a fan. Fold a strip of paper 10 cm wide with an accordion in increments of 1-1.5 cm, make small cuts on the edges and round one edge. On the opposite side, thread a needle through each link of the fan and pull the thread, knotted. Glue the edges, straighten the product.

beautiful snowflakes

Volumetric Snowflakes

You can make voluminous snowflakes that look original and unusual. Their creation will take a little longer. But the result is worth it. To make a volumetric snowflake, the scheme of which is simple, you need to prepare six identical squares of office paper, scissors, glue, adhesive tape or a stapler. Take one piece, fold diagonally. Using a pencil, draw parallel strips 2 cm wide and make cuts from the base of the triangle to the top, without cutting to the end by a centimeter.

Expand the sheet and put it in front of you. It turns out that inside the square there are triangular cuts that make up several tiers. Take the inner, smallest square by the corners and fold the ends together, fastening them with tape, glue or a stapler. Expand the workpiece, do the same operation with the next pair of cuts. Unroll and fasten the ends again. Continue until all pairs are connected. The first ray of snowflakes is ready.

make a snowflake

With the remaining squares, do the same. Arrange the rays in a circle and glue the protruding edges and center. Volumetric snowflake from paper is ready. You can make garlands of such products that will look very elegant and festive. You can make each ray colorful.

There are dozens of different ways to make a snowflake out of paper. Some are more complicated and require skill, while others will also cope with others. The easiest one is to cut out snowflake patterns. This lesson will brighten up the expectation of the holiday. Even the little ones will be able to take part in this fascinating process, creating their own unique masterpieces.


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