Morrowind: Mages Guild, plot, characters, quests, quests and walkthroughs

The game "Morrowind" gives the player endless possibilities for creating a character. One of the most difficult to complete the game is considered to be a "pure magician". Making a bias in magical art, the player sacrifices survival, and there will be problems with damage in the first place. Next will be considered the passage of "Morrowind" for the magician.

Character Creation

If a gamer decided to complete Morrowind for a magician, then the first thing he should think about is the starting characteristics and future development of the hero. Everything will begin on the ship, where the player will have to choose not only his own name, but also the race.

Each creature in the game world has its own characteristics. Someone can become a better magician, someone - a warrior. But concentrating on this is not necessary. In Morrowind, a mage’s build can be built based on any set of skills, initial characteristics, or character’s field. Here is a list of the most suitable starting options:

  1. Argonian woman. It has 50 points of intelligence and willpower, as well as a slight increase (+5) to "Mysticism", "Alchemy" and "Illusions".
  2. Breton man. Also good in intelligence and willpower, but all bonuses are magic. "Restoration", "Witchcraft", "Mysticism" at +10, and "Changes", "Alchemy" and "Illusions" at +5. Innate abilities give this race an increase in mana and 50% spell resistance.
  3. High elves. Have 50 points only in intelligence. Skill bonuses are also exceptionally magical, but are aimed more at attacking magic. Unfortunately, they have huge racial fines for magic resistance.
  4. Dunmer men are a good combo class. Despite the fact that their basic characteristics are more consistent with magicians, they also have bonuses to melee skills.

In Morrowind, the mage’s build can be based on any character. The player does not have to choose one of the above races. If we talk about the top 1 magician, then it will be a Breton.

Guild furnishings

Zodiac sign

This is another important point in creating a true magician. Not all birth signs are suitable for playing as a mage in Morrowind, but again you can take whatever you like. Below are the most suitable.

  1. "Lady". Allows you to temporarily increase stamina and attractiveness. The first is useful for protection, the second for some magic schools.
  2. "Mage". Increases maximum mana (0.5 x Intellect).
  3. Apprentice provides even more mana (1.5 x Intellect), but limits the penalty to 50% vulnerability to magic.
  4. Atrons. Absorbs spells, increases the pool of magic (2.0 x Intellect), but does not allow passively regenerate mana.
  5. "Shadow". Allows you to become invisible. It will take to slip past strong opponents.

You can take any of these signs. Most fines are just imaginary. For example, Apprentice’s vulnerability is fully offset by the Breton’s racial bonus. And mana regeneration will still come from bottles. So the player can also pump alchemy.

Skill selection

The last point when creating a character is the choice of primary and secondary skills. The mage in Morrowind does not have to have all spell schools in the core. It will be best to take the most difficult skills in them.

For example, a "blunt weapon" is responsible for owning a staff. Hacking allows you to open most locks. Both of these skills will be regularly used and important enough for the magician, but their leveling is difficult. At the same time, "destruction" is a combat magic that the player will use constantly. It can be attributed to secondary.

The main thing - do not forget that with increasing skills from 3 groups (unimportant) the level does not increase. Therefore, adding skills that are useful to you is not worth it.

That's all for the skills of a self-created adventurer class. The player can also choose one of the ready-made options. When it comes to the mage guide, Morrowind allows you to select the following appropriate classes:

  1. Mage He owns most magic schools, as well as daggers.
  2. The wizard. It has a slightly different distribution of skills than the mage, but uses medium, heavy armor and bows. This class is usually obtained by players who try to go through all the content and distribute skills evenly.
  3. Healer. It does not have attacking magic, but it fights with blunt weapons and hand-to-hand combat.
  4. Paladin. A pure mage will not work out of him, but he still knows how to make good use of destructive magic in addition to his heavy weapons.
  5. The sword of the night. A professional cracker using his magic skills to increase stealth.
  6. Inquisitor. One of the most difficult classes to master. Can use weapons, as well as some spells.
  7. Battle Mage. In many ways similar to sorcerers. Uses heavy armor and a school of destruction.

If the player wants to create a classic magician, then the choice is small - a magician, a sorcerer and a "combat" one. The rest are combo classes that allow you to develop your character versatile. However, when choosing, it is worth remembering that the game also has several more guilds, except for the magical one. If a person wants to fully study the ENT of the game, then he should go through all of them. And for this you need exactly a versatile character.

Paladin argonian


By the end of the passage of the Mages Guild in Morrowind, the player must accumulate certain items. Their use will greatly facilitate the further passage of the game.

  1. Boots of dazzling speed. Increase the pace of movement by 200 points, but blind the player. If you use a potion that grants one hundred percent resistance to magic, then you can avoid the negative effect. These boots come in handy if the player encounters an opponent who is too tough for him.
  2. The star of Azura. An item that allows you to endlessly contain the souls of dead monsters, which means that the need for soul stones will disappear. It is also the only item that can contain the soul of the final boss of the Tribunal add-on.
  3. Spear "Greed". Useful in absorbing magic. Refers to pole arms.
  4. Amulet of the Necromancer. Defense against weapons, increase intelligence, restore health and absorb spells. He is wearing the current head of the Mages Guild - Trebonius. You can get it if you go through the Guild quests to the end.
  5. Mantle of Pride Fight. Increases intelligence, grants resistance to fire and reflection of spells.

These artifacts are simply necessary for every successful magician. In addition, the player can use the enchantment skill to create a couple of useful items. For example, a shirt and pants with passive restoration of mana and health. However, it is worth remembering that this will require things of the highest quality and great souls. On this you can end the guide on the magician in "Morrowind" and go to the direct passage of the game.


To get the tasks and the passage of the Morrowind Mages Guild, the player will have to move up the career ladder. Fortunately, she does not depend on anything other than her own skills. Below is a table with the requirements for getting the next rank.

RankIntelligence and WillpowerThe level of the primary and two secondary skillsAdditional requirements
Casterthirty40-10Pay a fee of 200 drakes
Wizard3370-25Possessing the Mage's Staff
Master Wizard3480-30
Archmage3590-35The position is given by Trebonius or you need to defeat him in the Arena


The Mages Guild in Morrowind has three sections. Usually players go the following way: sailing to Seyda Nin, then north to the Pelagiad and further to Balmor. Or directly using local transport. It is there that you will enter the Guild and begin the implementation of the first quests.

Alchemical ingredients

At Morrowind, the Mages Guild is one of the main sources of income, information, and quests. After entering, the player will be able to take tasks from some of its members. And the first of them will be Azhira. She will offer the player to complete several tasks:

  1. Bring samples of mushrooms: bangler bein, luminous russula, lilac coprinus and facies buzz. They can all be found in the swamp north of Seyd Ning, and they can already be in the player’s inventory.
  2. Break the experiment. It is necessary to put a fake soul stone to the "colleague" of Azhira right there, in the Guild. You need to be careful that the player is not noticed by other members of the community. In this case, one must not forget to steal a few already charged stones.
  3. Bring samples of flowers: golden canet, petals of masonry, willow anther and heather. They grow on the shore of Lake Amaya, which the player passed by when he went from the Pelagiad to Balmora. If the character came to Silta, then you must move south, past the fort of the Moon Butterfly legion.
  4. Immediately after passing the previous task, you can get a quest for a ceramic bowl. You can buy it from a merchant next to the Guild.
  5. Find stolen reports. They lie right there in the Guild: one under the stairs, the other in the bedroom under the closet.
  6. For the warlock. Find Magnus's staff in Assu Caves north of Molag Mara. You can get there on the "Silta" on the route Balmora - Suran - Molag mar. From the town you need to go west and follow the road to the north. At the fork, turn off the road and go further north along the gorge. For passing you will need levitation and good combat skills.
  7. For the warlock. Find the ring. In addition to the high price, it is no different. Can be found in the cave of Ashirbadon east of Vivec on the islands.

Ranis Atris (Balmora)

Another character giving quests in the "initial" Morrowind Mages Guild. To interact with him, the player must have the rank of "apprentice."

  1. Persuade to join the guild of the magician Llarar Berelot. He lives in Sulipunda in the mountains east of Balmora. Persuasion will work if you raise its attitude to the character to 80. To find refuge, go to the map in the figure below.
  2. Collect Manve Membership Fees (2000). You can pay from your pocket, but the amount is quite large. You can meet this character in Punaby, on the way to Sulipund. The mark can be seen on the same map. Raising the ratio to 80, you can chat the debtor. As a reward, the player will receive 1000 coins, so you can spend them on increasing the ratio.
  3. Stop unauthorized magic training at the South Wall Tavern. After talking with the Argonian, you can get a discount on the training of recovery magic. You can simply say to the customer that the matter is settled.
  4. Escort the altmer from Balmora to the Pelagiad and get his notes. You can simply take out of the city into the field and kill. Or to participate, talk and bring to the goal, for which he himself will give a copy of the manuscript.
  5. Kill a necromancer in Maar Ghana. You can get there on the Silte through Ald'Run. After talking with the locals and reading books in the Tashpi house, the player learns that she is a healer. The best option would be to let her go.
  6. Catch the spy. You can immediately go to Vivec to talk with the archmage Trebonius. When he mentions his assistant Tiram Gadar, you need to ask for a recommendation and take it to Ranis Atris.
Way to nchuleft

Sharn Gra-Muzgob (Balmora)

This orc mage in the Guild in Balmor gives only one quest. After talking with her about the necromancers, a diary entry will appear. It is necessary to carefully and imperceptibly hack the chest next to it and take a book. Then show the find to the orc. As a reward, the player will receive a choice spell.

Edwin Elbert (Ald'Rune)

Continue the passage of the Mage Guild "Morrowind" is with this character. If the player did not have time to gain the rank of the warlock for quests at Azhira, this is the most suitable place.

  1. For the apprentice. Bring the book The Chronicles of Nchuleft. You can buy from merchants or steal in some house.
  2. For the apprentice. Using the guide of the Guild, go to Sadrith Mora and pick up the potion from the head there.
  3. For the apprentice. Steal the Kimerwamidium book. You can take it in the room of Cyrilonwe in the Vivek Mages Guild. You need to go into the pantry, close the door behind you and crack some chests. The main thing is not to talk with the owner. When the time comes to return the book, it can be given directly into the hands of the owner, but not to say that this is its copy.
  4. For the apprentice. Go to the Chulin hut - it is located in the Maar Gan outside the city. After killing the monster and talking with the student, you can return. A number of bugs are associated with the quest, so it is better not to complete it in advance.
  5. For the caster. Find the Dwemer tube. You can go to the ruins that she will indicate on the map, or you can steal an item in Balmor (the house of Vorara Helas).
  6. For the caster. Find out what happened in Nchulefting. You can get there from Suran (see the map below for more details). There you need to talk with the NPC and search the ruins. On the corpse of the scientist there will be a report and the book “Hanging Gardens,” which in no case can be sold.
  7. For the caster. Go to Mchuleft and get scarab plans. To get there, you can go by "Silta" to Hula, and from there by boat to Dagon Fel. The ruins are located south of the settlement. It will be necessary to go around the mountain along the road.
  8. For the caster. Find a drawing in the ruins of Betametz. The fortress is hidden in the Gnisis egg mine. You can get inside by persuading the guard, taking a pickax in the inventory or on the quest to heal the uterus of the kvama from the Imperial Legion.

Edwin's last quest is special. If the player already satisfies the conditions of becoming an archmage, then he will send the character to Vivec to arrange a duel with Trebonius and take his post. As a result of completing the quest, the player will receive two good artifacts, but the tasks of the Morrowind Mages Guild from the archmage will become inaccessible.

Way to sulipund

Skink (Sadrith Mora)

Tasks for this character become available if you deliver the potion to Ranis.

  1. Escort the altitude to the ship. The main thing is to talk to her after that and return to Skink.
  2. Invite the shaman to a meeting. We must go to the camp of Ahemmuza - it is located through the water in the north of Tel Mora. After talking with the shaman, you will need to find her student Minabibi in the tomb to the west of the camp. Having completed the assignments, you will need to return to Sadrith Mora and talk with the student and Skink.
  3. Find the second part of the book "Vampires of Vvardenfel".
  4. Kill the necromancer. The path to the cave will be described in detail to the player by Skink, so no problems should arise.

Promotion to the wizard. If the character is ready to get a promotion, he needs to get the wizard's staff. It can be bought right there for 5000 coins or removed from the corpse of the exile. You can find it in the court cave on the west coast of the island with the settlement of Dagon Fel.

The following quests require a character to be a wizard:

  1. Get the soul of an ashy ghoul. This monster can be found in the Yakin Cave. It is located far south of Tel Mora or on the coast of the mainland, if you go from Tel Arun to the northwest.
  2. Find the book "Notes by Galur Ritari."

Trebonius Artorius (Vivec)

This is the final stage of the passage of the Mages Guild in Morrowind. If the player has not yet killed Trebonius in a duel, he will give a quest to find information about the reasons for the disappearance of the Dwemer. The task is very simple if the protagonist managed to complete quests from Edwin. Books like Hanging Gardens, Divine Metaphysics, and Egg of Time will be needed. Then you will need to visit several characters around the world and report on the investigation of the archmage.

Archmage trebonius

Since the Mages Guild in Morrowind monopolizes witchcraft, the archmage will ask the player to kill the Telwani advisers. Among them there are key plot characters, so it is better to complete the task at the end of the storyline. As a reward, the player will receive Trebonius artifacts. This is the best moment to challenge him to a duel and avoid unnecessary deaths.

The quests of the Morrowind Mages Guild end there. The player becomes the head of the organization. This title is useful when completing the plot and completing certain quests.

Rank of archmage

In Morrowind, the quests of the Mages Guilds do not have to be completed to the end. There are three ways:

  1. Peaceful. After receiving the rank of "master wizard" (or before), the player must complete all the orders of Skink. At the end of the chain of tasks, he will give a letter, which must be delivered to the archmage. In the name of the Emperor, the protagonist is appointed by the archmage and the head of the department of the Mages Guild. In this case, you can get Artorius' things only by completing his tasks or illegally killing him, as a result of which the guard will be aggressive.
  2. Duel. The Morrowind Mages Guild is unhappy with its leadership. If the player already has the rank of “wizard master” and Edwin’s errands are fulfilled, then she will give the last assignment. Going to Vivec and talking with the archmage, the player will appoint a duel in the local arena.
  3. In the presence of the penultimate rank, you can independently agree on a battle. That is, the player does not have to work for Edwin to the end. You need to go of your own free will and talk with Trebonius about the increase. , , .

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  7. Two of the most easily pumped skills are athletics and acrobatics. There are two ways: the first is not to take them even into secondary skills, the second is to take into basic ones. The player will have to pump about 50 points - these are 5-10 levels of the character. Better to do this from the start to increase stamina. You just need to rest against the rock and start jumping. Animation will not go through until the end, so that acrobatics will swing many times faster than usual. Athletics do not take in principle. It will be better if she does not influence the character at all, especially the magician.
Necromancer Orc

Following some simple rules and being careful, the player will be able to calmly explore the vast territory of Morrowind, discovering more and more secrets of this mysterious island in the middle of Vvardenfell.


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