How to wean a cat to crap in the porch: folk methods and modern approaches

How to wean a cat to crap in the porch? This question worries many people, since it concerns alien animals that cannot be controlled. You can teach your pet to the tray, use special tools, or just not let it go to a certain room. But the entrance is a completely different matter, it is considered the beginning of the apartment. And it is so unpleasant when there are extraneous odors in it that spoil the mood of the residents and their guests. We urgently need to figure out how to deal with this.

Cats relieve the need for an entrance, because people allow them to

How to wean a cat to crap

Before puzzling with the problem of how to wean a cat to crap in the stairwell, you need to figure out why this is happening. Many people believe that love for animals is manifested in the form of permissiveness. Some houses simply do not have entrance doors in the stairwell, or people intentionally try to “warm” or feed the yard kitten. Animals get used to this attitude and use the territory as they see fit. People do not understand that they provoke a huge problem. The result is the following difficulties:

  • the smell of ammonia becomes unbearable and can make breathing difficult;
  • bad smell penetrates the apartment;
  • due to unsanitary conditions, harmful insects appear;
  • dirt from the porch is transferred to shoes in the apartment;
  • pets can get fleas.

Many other consequences can cause a similar attitude to cats. The interests of man should not be infringed on by the fact that someone considers himself too kind and allows animals to behave this way. Residents need to get together and understand the situation. Adequate people will make the right decision by putting the door on or stop letting the animals become masters of the home.

Actions to be taken urgently

If some residents strongly disagree peacefully resolve the issue, it is necessary to try to act smarter. To prevent cats from spoiling at the entrance, it is recommended to offer the following measures:

  1. All animals must be neutered, otherwise the problem will increase with each new season on an immense scale.
  2. It is necessary to protect regularly baleen pets from fleas and worms, otherwise the parasites will very soon get to the apartments.
  3. Bowls for feeding should be clean, otherwise they will become a source of accumulation of insects and the spread of unpleasant odors.
  4. The cats should be fed with dry food; drinking water should also be present. This will allow the animals to stay healthy (in the hot season, food spoils quickly and can cause poisoning and disease).
  5. Bowls for food must be hidden, as residents of neighboring houses can take your porch for a cat shelter. They will begin to demolish all stray animals from everywhere.
  6. It is necessary to educate pets and accustom them to the tray in case the front door is closed.
    Cats are crap in the porch

If all these parameters are met, there will be no reason to get rid of animals at the entrance. Human kindness should be manifested precisely in the care of our smaller brothers, and not in empty talk about love. If measures are still not taken and cats are crap in the porch, where to go? It is worth contacting the management company or a cleaning company.

Motives that trigger this behavior

The motives for this behavior can be the following factors:

  • bad manners of animals;
  • dirty feed trays and bowls;
  • unsuccessful fillers;
  • diseases that provoke involuntary urination;
  • digestive tract diseases;
  • emotional upheaval (relocation of hosts, change of habitat);
  • animals mark their territory.

Tags under the door

If the neighboring cats are crap in the porch under the door, this does not mean that they simply fulfill their natural needs. We can talk about territory labels:

  • feces when an odor secret is released;
  • urine (when cats spray liquid, and cats make puddles);
  • odor secrets (animals rub their faces, because there are glands behind the ears, or claws are sharpened, they are also present between the fingers).
    Ways to fight

Why spoils own cat

Often there is a situation when a cat is crap in the porch. "What to do?" the owner says in desperation, since many pets, having walked up on the street, do not forget to leave a conditional mark on the threshold. Before taking action, you need to understand the reasons for this behavior. They may be as follows:

  • improper upbringing (a mustachioed favorite from childhood is not accustomed to go to the tray);
  • inconvenient shape of the tray (it is necessary to carefully monitor that the sides are not very large);
  • poor filler (the animal does not tolerate this smell or texture);
  • dirt in the tray (the cat will never go into a dirty container);
  • an unsuccessful place to cope with needs (do not put a pet toilet next to a bowl for food);
  • stressful situation (repair, relocation, furniture relocation, the presence of strangers, etc.);
  • designation of the territory (non-castrated animals will leave “odorous” marks).
    Why cats are crap in the porch

Necessary actions

Having discovered the reason, it is necessary to take measures, since constant impregnation with urine leaves a persistent smell, which subsequently cannot be eliminated at all:

  1. If a cat neighbors crap in the doorway near your doorstep, perhaps she comes to the uncastrated groom. You need to either conduct an operation with your pet, or talk with your neighbors about their pet.
  2. Getting rid of the rug on the doorstep, you can solve the problem with cats.
  3. The adhesive tape in the form of double-sided tape acts effectively; it can be attached at the threshold. Animals do not like their paws sticking to the floor.
  4. You can arrange food bowls in places where cats are used to relieving themselves. They are cleanliness and will not spoil where they eat.

How to discourage

Are cats crap in the porch? Use chemicals. They are presented in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies in a large assortment. The owner himself can choose the tool, in consultation with the seller, since in each individual case certain devices can be effective. They are available in the form of a spray, which must constantly process the entrance.

How to wean a cat

Effective remedies, according to customers, are fluids that are used in hospitals. They are designed to eliminate the smell of urine, vomiting and feces, but their cost is quite high.

Popular among people who are faced with this problem, also use means for deep cleaning of carpets. They can be purchased at household chemical stores.

Alternative methods

To understand how to wean a cat to crap at the entrance, you need to use alternative chemical and folk remedies. The animal will necessarily respond to at least one of the proposed options:

  1. Essential oil. It is best for them to grate the door, cats really do not like this smell. Oil treatment should be plentiful, but it is better to inhale this aroma than the pungent smell of ammonia.
  2. Citrus. On washed surfaces (water with a few drops of citrus oil) spread lemon, orange or tangerine peels;
  3. Needles. It is similar to citrus processing.
  4. Cinnamon, cloves (added to water and sprinkled on the floor).
  5. Garlic water.
  6. Soda with vinegar (all places marked with cats are treated with a solution of water with these ingredients).
  7. Turpentine.
    Neighboring cats spoil what to do

Invalid Methods

How to wean a cat to crap in the entrance, so as not to harm the animal and not engage in worthless business, interests any tenant. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not use bleach, as some cats love this smell, and for humans it can be dangerous.
  2. Do not use a sharp chemical smell, as it can cause intoxication in animals and allergic (and asthmatic) reactions in humans.
  3. Do not use perfumes, since the smell of cologne, combined with ammonia, will be a real horror for those who enter the entrance. In addition, it quickly erodes, and cats do not respond to it.
  4. Do not punish the animal very strictly, this will not lead to a positive result. It is necessary to hold a “serious conversation” on the site of direct “wrongdoing”, but without using force methods.

A very important factor is the urgent reaction to cat urine in the form of cleaning. As soon as urea turns into crystals, it will be almost impossible to cope with it. After each moisturizing, the smell will reappear.

Where to go if the cat is crap

The main condition for getting rid of discomfort in the entrance is an understanding of the neighbors. You can fight by your own methods or simply raise money and call specialists. Then there will be no trace of the problem. And animals to build a cozy house, which will be located outside the porch. Then it will be fun and comfortable for people and their smaller brothers to coexist together.


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