Orchid Wanda - care features

Orchid Wanda is probably the most beautiful of the representatives of its kind. They all love heat, the most favorable for them is the temperature range in the region of 22-30 degrees. If the temperature drops to 20 degrees, the plants become susceptible to many diseases. Therefore, in order for the orchid to develop well and delight you with its flowering, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the indicated temperature indicators.

Wanda is an orchid that loves light very much; for her there is no such thing as a lot of light. But do not overdo it and at lunchtime you need to slightly shade the plant. If there is a lack of light, this can be expressed in the absence of flowering and in the occurrence of diseases, so the daylight should not be less than 12 hours.

The beautiful-orchid Wanda also loves a lot of moisture. But here there are some nuances. If you spray flowers in a room with dry air, it will be uncomfortable for the plant and may even harm it. Therefore, humidity should be stably maintained at the level of 70% -90% and there should not be any sudden changes in it.

Orchid Wanda - care and growing features

If the humidity in the room is low, and you spray the plant, the temperature on its surface is significantly reduced, which supercooles the plant and causes harm to it. Therefore, Wanda orchids should be sprayed only with an air humidity of at least 70% (this must be constantly monitored).

Also, in order for the Wanda orchid to feel comfortable, the air in the room must constantly circulate, this is the guarantee that the neck will not rot. If the air stagnates, the neck will certainly begin to rot, which leads to the death of the plant. This process can be stopped only at the initial stages by washing the place of decay with a solution of copper oxychloride.

Thus, if you want to have a flowering and healthy plant, you must comply with lighting conditions, humidity and air circulation.

Vanda orchid requires constant top dressing, once a week it is recommended to use complex fertilizer in the amount of 1 gram per liter of water, and during the period of growth and development of buds, you must also add 1 gram of potassium monophosphate.

It is necessary to wash the plant at least once every two to three months. To do this, use water in which the juice of one lemon is added. Such a solution will not only give the orchid additional vitamins, but also have an anti-epiphytic effect.

At night, the plant can not be sprayed, as this helps to develop pathogenic microflora. If it becomes necessary to treat Wanda with pesticides, this is done at lunch time, as it is then that the plants close and less β€œpickle”.

Top dressing must be carried out, on the contrary, in the morning. In cases of temperature increase in the room more than 30 degrees, it is necessary to carry out lunch spraying. For spraying, water is taken, the temperature of which should be 5 degrees higher than the ambient temperature. In cases of low humidity after spraying, you can not ventilate the room, as the plant will receive a cold burn.

If you see that the plant is weak and will not be able to stretch all the buds that have started, it is recommended that you remove the top ones that have not yet opened. Thus, you will remove the load from the plant, and the existing buds will grow healthy and beautiful. If this is not done, then the upper buds will still dry and fall away. But if you properly looked after your orchid and created favorable conditions for it, then it will delight you with a dozen large beautiful buds on one arrow and such a sight will delight any person.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23707/

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