Tomato Royal mantle: variety description

Tomatoes in their suburban area are probably grown by every summer resident. This culture among gardeners is actually very popular. And knowing this, breeders also pay special attention to it. Varieties of tomatoes annually displayed dozens of pieces. So the choice among summer residents in this regard is very large . For example, the Royal Mantle tomato earned pretty good reviews from gardeners .

Where did the variety come from?

This tomato was bred by Siberian breeders. Like all such varieties, these tomatoes have the following advantages:

  • low sensitivity to temperature extremes;

  • disease resistance;

  • the ability to ripen, already being removed from the bush.

royal mantle

Like all other Siberian tomatoes, the Royal Mantle, among other things, is also not too demanding on the amount of sunlight. But it is believed, of course, that this tomato, like any other, should not be planted in the shade of trees or shrubs.

general description

Royal mantle tomatoes belong to the group of mid-season. That is, they ripen on the 90-110th day after planting. To grow these tomatoes in central Russia, the Urals and Siberia is recommended, of course, by seedlings. To get a good crop, sowing this variety in boxes is best in March-April. It is believed that it is best to plant these tomatoes 50-60 days before the time of transfer to the open ground. Best seeds of this tomato germinate at a temperature of 23-25 about C.

If you wish, you can grow this variety both in open ground and in film greenhouses. Royal mantle tomatoes grow quite high over the season. By the end of summer, their shoots can reach a length of 90-180 m. The better the care for tomatoes of this variety will be, the higher they will grow. Experienced summer residents are advised to grow these tomatoes in 1-2 stems.

The yield of the variety is 4 kg of fruits per square meter. This, of course, is quite a lot. To increase the yield, as well as the taste of the fruit, the seeds of this tomato are recommended to be treated with some growth stimulator before planting.

What are the fruits

This variety has earned good reviews from gardeners primarily due to its excellent taste. The fruits of the Royal mantle grow (and the photos presented on the page confirm this) quite large. On average, their weight is 400-450 grams. But individual specimens can reach 700 g. In only one brush of this variety, up to 8 fruits can be formed at a time.

tomato royal mantle

A distinctive feature of the fruits of the Royal mantle is their rich bright raspberry color. The skin of these tomatoes is very dense, and the flesh is juicy. Their taste is pretty sweet. Therefore, most often they are used to make salads. But, according to breeders, these tomatoes are very good for pickling or pickling. Many summer residents make sauces or juices from tomato fruits of this variety.

In addition to excellent taste, many gardeners consider their good transportability as a plus for these tomatoes. Also, fruits ripen almost never crack when ripe. In addition, these tomatoes are stored for a long time at home.

Care Features

It is not difficult for even an inexperienced summer clerk to grow tomatoes on the site of the Royal Mantle. These tomatoes are absolutely unpretentious. They are relatively undemanding to light. But since they grow quite tall, when growing them, of course, you need to tie up.

royal mantle photo

Royal mantle tomato seedlings are distributed in the garden so that there are about three bushes per square meter. To get a good harvest, tomatoes of this variety are recommended to be watered well. The Royal Mantle tomatoes also respond very well to various kinds of complex mineral fertilizers.


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