An amazing plant - monstera. Human impact is only positive

Fans of large indoor flowers really like monstera. It is considered the largest ornamental plant of the aroid family . With good care, the plant can reach a length of more than 6 meters.

monstera human impact
In this case, it will have to be tied up so that it does not break. The leaves have a heart-like shape, only with slots of different sizes on the sides. At the bottom of the trunk, under each leaf, air roots form . In no case should they be cut, it is better to send them to the pot, and then root them. With their help, the plant receives nutrition and support.

unpretentious indoor flowers
Monstera rarely blooms, but it looks very beautiful. Its flowers resemble the inflorescence of spathiphyllum in shape. Fruits that taste like pineapple may also appear. Another name is crybaby. In bad, rainy weather, water may drip from its leaves. This plant can easily predict the weather. With high humidity, fluid drips from the lateral veins of the leaves where organs such as gynatode are located. And then it seems that the monstera is crying.

There are legends about this flower. In the 18th century, he was considered a monster (hence the name), killing people, who wraps them in his leaves and sucks blood. Of course, there is no evidence for this. Many people think that the name of this flower comes from the Latin "monstrosus", which means "amazing." And they still argue about what kind of monstera influences a person. Some believe that it negatively affects health, spoils relationships in the family, and drains energy from the people present next to it. You can hear a lot of bad things about this plant, but again there is no evidence for the above.

You can figure out for yourself what effect a monster has on a person. Plant her at home - and make sure that there is no harm from her. It is impossible to believe that such unpretentious indoor flowers, like monstera, can act badly on someone. After all, all plants, regardless of name, have a very good effect on humans.

Let's move on to the merits of this wonderful flower. Its advantages include improving the indoor climate and filling it with oxygen and ozone. Not all plants boast that they absorb a colorless gas, such as formaldehyde, and perfectly moisturize the air. If you have a disturbed nervous system or headaches, then in your house you just need a monstera. It has a positive effect on a person, it can even help with a violation of the heart rhythm.

human impact
Putting a pot with this flower is better where there is enough light, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow and fade. But he can not stand direct sunlight. Monstera loves to keep the earth in the pot always wet, especially in the summer. But it is better to always pour the water from the pan. In order for the leaves to be always green, the plant should not be near heating appliances. You need to regularly spray the flower and wipe. Do not forget to feed and transplant it from time to time. An adult monstera needs a transplant at least once every 2 years.

If you still decide to plant this marvelous flower at home, then you should not believe superstitions that a monster has a bad effect on a person. It is very stupid to blame a plant for its problems.


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