Detective Sebastian Castellanos (The Evil Within): characterization of the hero

The Evil Within is a horror-Survival game in which you have to plunge into the world of horrors, while trying to solve the riddle of what is happening around, and also be saved from certain death. This project has been incredibly successful. Of course, he was criticized for being secondary in comparison with the classics of the genre, but overall it was a pretty solid project that a huge number of gamers liked. The main character here is Detective Sebastian Castellanos, which will be described in detail in this article. You will learn all the details about an extremely unusual and interesting hero, for whom you have to go through this exciting game. Sebastian Castellanos is the character that is really worth talking about, because he has both a rich history and a complete set of unusual habits, character traits and many other points.

Game plot

Sebastian Castellanos

If you are interested in the character of Sebastian Castellanos, then you should definitely pay attention to the game itself, the main character of which he is. This is a project that has appeared on the market relatively recently. As you already understood, the main role here is played by a detective who, along with his companions, arrived at the scene of the atrocity crime. However, in the end he was involved in much more terrible things than a simple murder. He found himself inside a real nightmare, where incredible and terrifying creatures make every effort to kill him. As a result, you need to escape from them, destroy those you can, run away and hide from everyone else, gradually unraveling the tangle of events that led to this immersion in a nightmare. It involves genetic experiments, forced sleep systems, experiments on living people, and many other things. Not everyone could handle this situation, but Sebastian Castellanos turned out to be exactly the person who was best suited for such a task. Therefore, now you will be able to find out in detail what kind of a hero he is, what distinctive features of character he has, what happened to him in the past, what noticeable habits he has, and much more.

Who is it?

the evil within sebastian castellanos

As you already understood, in The Evil Within, Sebastian Castellanos is the main character who begins to investigate the massacre in a psychiatric hospital, but ends in a real nightmare. But what is known about himself? Castellanos is a 38-year-old Latino law enforcement officer who lives and works in the city of Crimson. His height is 182 centimeters, and weight - 79 kilograms. On the Internet you can see everywhere what Sebastian Castellanos looks like: art projects of various artists portray him in a wide variety of situations and poses. In the game you will be able to take a look at how he looks more than once, so you can safely say that no one made a big secret from his appearance. It is also worth noting that he has a wife, whose name is Myra Hanson. With her, Sebastian had a daughter, Lily, who, as originally supposed, died, but was actually abducted. However, this will be discussed further. As for other acquaintances, here it is worth paying attention to partners Sebastian, Joseph Ode and Julie Kidman. They play a very important role both in this game, and in general in the life of the detective, which is discussed in this article.


Sebastian Castellanos Art

Detective Sebastian Castellanos was once one of the best in the city, dealt with the most difficult cases and caught the most notorious criminals. His career went uphill, he received one after another promotion, and a magnificent future opened before him. At work, he met with Myra Hanson, who also worked as a detective, whom he began dating, and then married her. As you can see, Sebastian’s life was going well, and you can add to this the fact that the couple had a daughter named Lily. Five years from that moment flew happily, but suddenly a nightmare happened. One day, Sebastian returned home and saw that his home was burned to the ground. As a result, the charred bodies of a little girl and a housekeeper with whom she usually stayed were found inside.

Sorrow came to the family of Sebastian and Myra, but the detective’s wife did not want to give up, because she believed that Lily did not die, but disappeared. She led her own investigation, although Sebastian dissuaded her from this, because he believed that she was simply depressed. It ended even worse than one might have expected, since Myra was missing as a result. Sebastian could not cope with two blows in a row and began to drown grief in a bottle. His desire to work came to naught, and all grandiose plans for the future crumbled to dust. One of the best policemen in the city, and not only suddenly appeared at the very bottom, where he could have stayed forever, if not for one person.

Friendship with Oda

Joseph Oda and Sebastian Castellanos

In the game you will learn that Joseph Oda and Sebastian Castellanos are best friends who have known each other for a very long time. However, their friendship could evaporate, and now you will find out why. The fact is that Oda could not look at Sebastian’s torment, so somehow he independently tried to pull him out of the pit into which he gradually plunged. He did not succeed, and as a result, Joseph decided to report the problem of Castellanos to the Department of the Interior. Naturally, Sebastian did not take it well, considering that it was a betrayal by his best friend. However, as it turned out, it was this decisive action on the part of Oda that saved the career and, possibly, the life of Sebastian. He was helped to cope with problems and alcohol addiction, he gradually returned to work, even if he was not such a star as before. Sebastian himself went to meet Joseph and established a relationship that strengthened even more, since it was Oda who turned out to be the closest person to Castellanos.

Return to work

The protagonist from The Evil Within Sebastian Castellanos (Sebastian Castellanos) is no longer the cheerful police officer he was just recently. This is a pretty dark character who likes to stay away from everyone. He overcame alcohol addiction, but did not stop drinking. He always has a flask with him, to which he is periodically applied. He also gave himself help in psychological terms, but this does not mean that he coped with his problems. He still blames himself for the tragedies that happened in his family. At least, this is the situation at the moment when you begin the passage, that is, at the moment when Sebastian Castellanos and the team arrive at the scene.

Character traits

Detective Sebastian Castellanos

In the game The Evil Within, the main character Sebastian Castellanos has a rather complicated character. He is a very good detective, however, from a human point of view, he may not always seem like a pleasant person to others. It is often rude, sometimes unreasonably. Therefore, very few people are drawn to it on their own, and Castellanos is not looking for new acquaintances. The only person who can endure his character on an ongoing basis is Joseph.

It is also worth mentioning separately that Sebastian very often makes rash decisions, acting intuitively. Unfortunately, this does not always end well for both himself and the people who surround him. But at the same time, he still manages to cope with his work at the highest level.

Horror reaction

Particular attention should be paid to how Sebastian reacts to immersion in a nightmare world. The fact is that some of the characters, once in this terrifying world, began to panic, fear and show other weaknesses in their character. Castellanos, unlike most, remains calm even in the face of the greatest horrors, which allows him to act more effectively to achieve his goal. To a greater extent, this can be thanked for the fact that deep down in his soul he takes great care of those people who are close to him, such as, for example, Joseph. Therefore, he makes every effort to protect such people, who can also include his wife and daughter, whom he begins to actively seek in the second half of the game, because he learns that both of them are alive. Moreover, his daughter was kidnapped in order to create an even more developed nightmare, but already in her mind (this was a reference to the fact that the developers are planning to release the second part of the project).

Trench coat

sebastian castellanos protagonist of the evil within

If you closely monitor the character, you will see that he always walks in the same coat. This is not a blunder of authors. The fact is that this trench coat was presented to him by his wife, who eventually disappeared. Given the fact that their house burned down, this is the only thing that he has left from a lost lover. Therefore, he reacts so sharply when during the game he loses his coat. It is believed that he never went out without him from the moment that Myra disappeared.


Showing miracles of attentiveness, you could also notice during the game that Sebastian is a heavy smoker. This is best seen at the very beginning of the game, when he only gets into a nightmare for the first time and runs away from a maniac with a chainsaw. When he manages to escape, Sebastian takes a pack of cigarettes from his pocket to light it, discovers that it is empty, and then angrily throws it out.


Sebastian Castellanos and the team

As mentioned above, Sebastian constantly applies to his flask, which he always takes with him. If you wanted to know what is in this flask, then you should pay attention to the diary that the main character keeps during the game. There, in one of the notes, he notes that his favorite drink is whiskey.

Compliance with the rules

Well, the last point to pay attention to is how Sebastian follows the rules. It turns out that he believes that the rules can sometimes be violated and circumvented if this helps to achieve the goal, that is, solve the case and put the offender. That is why he quarreled a lot with his law-abiding workmate Julie.


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