Rain ... What are these little drops?

How pleasant it is to sit in a cozy warm room and, wrapped in a furry blanket, to watch how it rains. What is rain Which of us has not thought about this? Especially this question begins to be puzzled, watching how the droplets, gathering on the glass, slowly slide down and disappear from view. At this moment, many philosophical questions revolve in my head. One of them: "Why is it raining?"

rain what is

Why do we need rain?

Our planet is the only inhabited place in the solar system. And it is the presence of water that allows all life on Earth to exist. Plants, animals, birds and, of course, people need life-giving moisture.

In modern society, it is not customary to be puzzled by issues of drought, prolonged lack of rainfall or their insufficiency. Citizens generally have little interest in rain, that such a natural phenomenon may be the meaning of life for someone, they are not familiar with. No, not because of cruelty or nearness, but simply because the water enters the apartment around the clock from the pipe, and to get it you just need to turn the valve.

Rains saturate rivers and lakes, they water plants with water, giving them strength for the growth and ripening of fruits. Without them, the life cycle would not have been possible; a world without water would turn into an endless desert, lifeless and monotonous.

why does it rain

The birth of rain

Moisture is not only rivers, lakes and streams. It is everywhere - in the leaves, on the ground, buildings are saturated with it, and even a person gives a little water into the air while breathing. All water evaporated from the surface of the earth rises up, where its smallest particles gather, forming clouds.

Now, it seems, and it is clear how the rain appears, what are these drops falling from the sky. But in fact, not all clouds are poured by rain or fine drizzle. After all, how often, running into the sun, the cloud only gives a short-term shadow. Someone looks at it with joy, tired of the summer heat, someone becomes sad, because it is about to rain ...

So why does it rain and when to expect it? The smallest drops of water, gathering in the clouds, sooner or later enlarge to such sizes that they cannot be held in the air. Then they fall to the earth in the form of precipitation. Another reason that it rains is the layering of water in different physical states inside the cloud. What does it mean? In the warm season, when it mostly rains, the bottom of the cloud contains water, but on top it already freezes, under the influence of low temperatures. And so, when the water crystals mix with their liquid relatives, they melt, and, forming large drops, fall down in the rain.

I love the storm in early May….

Well, who doesn't like a thunderstorm? The smell of ozone floating in the air, indescribable freshness, when you can breathe clean, clear air, saturated with oxygen, full breasts. But this does not happen after every rain, but only after a thunderstorm.

rain phenomenon

Thunderstorm is accompanied by thunder and heavy rain. What is a thunderstorm, everyone knows who at least once was at this time without shelter. It does not last long, but with such heavy rain, the monthly rainfall can sometimes fall in a very short period of time.

All this water turns into raging streams, transforming city streets, which for some moment more remind mountains, with their fast-moving rivers, full and powerful. And while meteorologists warn of the possibility of rainfall, it still catches many by surprise. Predicting such rain accurate to the minute is simply impossible. It is born under the influence of rapid displacement of air flows when hot and cold air masses collide. And the result can be very unpredictable, from a rainstorm pouring a wall for a while, to a hurricane that destroys everything in its path.

Drizzling rain

The smallest droplets, which seem to freeze in the air, settle on objects, impregnate them with water, seeping even into the smallest crevices, it is also rain. Scientists call it drizzling rain. This phenomenon is more typical for autumn or warm winter. At this time, pretty cool weather is observed, and the drops do not grow larger in the clouds. And the clouds themselves are not visible. When the rain drizzles, the sky is covered in gray veil, hopeless, monotonous, the same as rain, which also monotonously falls from the sky.

clouds rain

What you did not know about rain

People have learned to disperse the clouds. Rain pours from the sky when it is needed, if you pour crushed ice onto a cloud from an airplane.

Thailand is famous not only for its resorts and exotic cuisine, in this country a priori you can not get caught in the rain during the day, because they go there only at night.

In some countries, where the summer is very hot, an unusual phenomenon can be encountered. Raindrops dry out, not reaching the ground, as a result, having gotten under such rain, you can wash your face, but your legs will remain completely dry.

Every rain is acidic! That is, the normal acid content in rainwater is pH 5.6. Such water is safe and does not threaten burns. But if the acidity is lower by 1 unit, then such rain threatens the death of plants and insects.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23724/

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