Profiled timber: reviews and the construction of houses from it

Today we will discuss how to build houses from profiled timber, and why this material has become one of the leaders in individual construction. It is worth noting that the profiled beam, the reviews of which speak for themselves, is most often offered by construction companies as a material for the construction of cottages. Moreover, the buildings made of it were also loved by those who use only environmentally friendly products and simply by practical people who want to get an excellent house with excellent operational characteristics in the shortest possible time.

profiled timber reviews
And therefore it is not worth surprising that in recent years thousands of companies around the world are engaged in the construction of timber. By the way, even with the purchase of a finished house, you will spend a little money, let alone the cases when a person can build it on his own. Using a profiled beam (which reviews are only positive) for building a house, stock up on accuracy, patience and accurately follow the technology.

First things first, you have to think about purchasing enough quality material. However, not everything is so scary, since the beam, in the end, will come out somewhat cheaper than buying whole logs. This is especially true for our manufacturers, as they use an order of magnitude higher quality raw materials, and work on the same equipment as their foreign colleagues. It is our profiled timber that collects only admired reviews. It is very important to purchase high-quality material for caulking: the seams between the bars are poorly protected from the effects of the weather, so saving on it is strictly contraindicated.

profiled timber houses
In general, if you are most interested in the type of natural wood, and you are not going to sheathe the building with anything, choose only the material that has been properly treated with compounds against decay and burning. It is very important to buy a quality-dried wood, as in the case of its increased humidity it can undergo screw deformation. However, this refers more likely to the cheapest varieties. Normal houses from profiled timber are practically not subject to deformation. And moisture from the air practically does not affect them. As well as UV radiation from sunlight.

What stages of the construction of such a house should be highlighted especially?

First, we begin the construction of the foundation. For such cottages, a foundation on screw piles is quite suitable. If the soil is not too stable, it would be better to use a pillow made of concrete slabs. Quite to the place will be the standard strip foundation. Before pouring the foundation, carefully check the geometry of the trenches. After the final drying and shrinkage of the foundation, a layer of waterproofing is laid on its top. The first profiled beam is laid directly on it. Reviews say that special attention should be paid specifically to waterproofing, since the longevity of the building will largely depend on it.

profiled beam baths
For the beam using a longitudinal cross connection. So it turns out not only stronger, but also more beautiful. It is best to assemble the wall using dowels (pins), since in this case the connection is as strong as possible. Consider that on each row of a bar it is necessary to lay a layer of the highest quality and resistant to rotting insulation.

After the walls, the laying of ceilings begins. In those cuts that were made for laying the beam, a layer of waterproofing is also laid. The most complex element is the rafter system. It must be taken into account that the rafters, no matter how dry they are, will in any case shrink (up to 2%). As mentioned above, the roofing should not be laid directly on the crate, since it should first be installed vapor barrier. This is especially important when you are building a bath from a profiled beam.


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