Should I get a tattoo on my stomach?

Most often, young girls do tattoos in the abdomen. Of course, on a flat and toned tummy such a pattern will look beautiful and neat. However, few people think that this area is such a site that undergoes great changes in the process of life.

tattoos on the stomach

While making tattoos on the stomach, many are very pleased with the result, since the pattern looks attractive, but it is worth considering what will happen with such an ornament in a few years? The stomach is not the most popular place for applying a beautiful pattern. This is due to the fact that this part of the body is the most sensitive, and the pain threshold here is quite high. Therefore, tattoos are applied to the stomach either intermittently or gradually (in stages, in detail).

In addition, drawing a picture in this place is a very inconvenient thing, since this part of the body is usually soft, and this circumstance prevents skin retention. Therefore, the master is very difficult to apply the image, especially if it consists of many small elements.

The advantage of a tattoo on the stomach (especially in men) is that the area for drawing a pattern is usually large. Therefore, the selected sketch will not be limited either in the plot or in size. Tattoos on the belly of women are still, as a rule, small. The most popular are flowers, hearts, bows and mythological creatures. Japanese tattoos, by the way, are also in fashion.

tattoo photos on the stomach

Those who have already decided to make such a drawing should remember that its deformation is very large. Increasing or decreasing weight is the most common cause of image changes. This applies not only to women, but also to men. Those who want to get tattoos on their stomach should consider whether they can monitor their weight.

It is worth considering the factor that a woman is a future mother, respectively, deformation will occur not only during pregnancy, but also after childbirth. If the girl will have a cesarean section, then the scar can also negatively affect the pattern and its appearance. If the tattoo is deformed, then it is necessary to visit specialists for consultation, who will evaluate its general condition and subsequently eliminate the defects.

If the deformation was small, then the tattoo is just being restored, if the damage is deep, then the professional will find an artistic solution to the problem. In the worst case, a new one will have to be applied on top of the old image.

women belly tattoos

Before deciding to put a picture on the body, it is advisable to look at possible tattoo options, photos. On the stomach, you should not make images with many small details. When deciding to apply a tattoo, you should know what some drawings mean:

  • cat - freedom and independence;
  • a spider on a web is a symbol of wealth;
  • tiger - rage;
  • children - innocence, cheerfulness;
  • fish are a symbol of happiness.

In any case, the choice depends only on the individual. But you should never forget about the problems that can be caused by tattoos and incorrectly selected drawings.


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