Bass fish: description, habitat, features and properties

Bass fish (otherwise it is called the large-mouthed perch or trouthorn) belongs to the group of perch and lives in freshwater bodies of water. In different countries, fishermen with great pleasure go hunting for predatory bolsherotikom and consider it an honor to catch this rather large and tasty fish.

Fish bass (bass): description

Foreleokun has an elongated and compressed body on both sides, which tapers closer to the tail. The sides have a greenish tint with dark spots, from which a horizontal strip is formed, which has not perfectly even outlines. The fin, which is located on the back, is divided by a deep groove into two equal parts in length, and a small depression is visible on the tail.

bass fish in Russia
The head of the fish is large enough, it has a mouth of impressive size, extending beyond the eyes. Very small teeth are arranged in several rows in the palate and jaws. Largemouth bass has good vision. The length of an adult bass can be up to one meter, and weight - more than 10 kg. Males are much smaller than females. Life expectancy of this species is about 16 years.

Largemouth Bass Habitat

The homeland of trouthorn is North America. The predator coexists perfectly in freshwater lakes and rivers in countries such as Portugal, Cyprus, Spain, France and Italy. On the Asian continent, large-billed perch can be found in Korea, Vietnam, Japan and China.

singing fish carp billy bass
And in Hungary and Croatia, it is safely bred in water for many years. Bass fish in Russia was successfully acclimatized, however, its small populations are not of industrial and sports interest. In small quantities lives in reservoirs of Danube, Don and Kuban.


After a two-year period of existence, large-billed perches spawn. Beginning in March and ending in July, female bass bass spawn. The care for future offspring is mainly shown by males. Father in advance at the bottom of the pond, using stones, plant roots, sand and gravel, arranges a nest in which the female lays up to four thousand small eggs. After their fertilization and before the offspring appears, the male carefully guards the masonry. After the disappearance of the yolk sac, the fry are combined in flocks and live in depth. In warm sunny weather, they run aground, where the water warms up well.

bass fish
Bass fish is growing fast. Over the first year, it increases in size to 14 cm, and by three years of life, the length reaches 35 cm with a weight of 630 g. After four years, the fish weighs about 1.5 kg. Known specimens of mature fish weighing 12 kg. However, you can meet them only in her homeland.

Fish behavior

For living, the large-mouthed perch selects places with clean water and a small current. The predator finds food in the bottom vegetation. It feeds on small fish and larvae of various insects. Adults eat shellfish, crayfish, frogs, snakes. The largest fish do not hesitate to eat small alligators and birds, as well as rodents, which accidentally ended up in water.

The bass has another name - "police" fish. She received such a nickname for her ability to destroy "weed" small fish - perch, roach, crucian carp - and thereby clean the pond. Its greatest value lies in eating tadpoles, of which there are a huge amount on the expanses of water, it is quite profitable to feed the bass, in order to subsequently get meat that resembles trout to taste. In the cold period, the fish becomes inactive and almost stops eating.

Catching bass

In the countries of North America hunting for large-mouthed perch is especially popular. He is considered a rather welcome trophy. All fishermen without exception are fascinated by the playing properties of bass fish:

  • force;
  • perseverance
  • resistance;
  • power.

where is the bass fish
She very quickly, even with lightning speed, jumps out of her hiding place and swallows the entire bait. Having swallowed a fishing tackle in the form of a hook, the fish either goes to the depth or sometimes jumps to the surface of the reservoir. She has a very developed instinct for self-preservation, quite often in this battle she emerges as the undisputed winner, and even among the most experienced hunters and athletes. Largemouth perch, like its brethren, is fished on live bait and artificial or live worms. The bait is selected depending on the reservoir and environmental conditions:

  1. Near the coastline, wobblers, spinners, a rotating and light jig work well.
  2. Shallow grassy. In this case, poppers, spinner bates, as well as oscillating bait, which do not have the ability to catch, are perfect.
  3. Koryazhnik. In these places, light silicone baits are used that resemble live insects and larvae, as well as representatives of crustaceans.

Properly selected bait contributes to a successful hunt. The fish like the noise, so rattle fishing gear is what will undoubtedly attract the attention of the large-mouthed perch. Properly selected fishing rod also matters.

fish bass bass description
The most favorable time for fishing the bass is the period after opening the ice and up to the first frosty days. In cold water, the large-mouthed perch is inactive, requires certain wires and very delicate baits. Ice fishing is unsuitable for this fish. In warm, on the contrary, it is more mobile, bites are powerful and constant. Hunting for predatory bass fish is very interesting. Fishermen from different countries consider it a worthy specimen and prefer a sport hunt for it. And besides, they enjoy eating it with pleasure due to good taste characteristics. In Europe, competitions are held every year to catch this predator.

Tips for Fishermen

Bass hunting requires practice. For successful fishing experienced recommend:

  • Use a medium sized hook.
  • Of artificial baits, a wobbler of a mine of a natural color is preferable. With it, even a novice angler's chances of a successful capture increase.
  • A live caterpillar, worms as bait are also a good option. The latter are cast without the use of a sinker and a float, which increases the likelihood of a successful hunt.
  • The bait should be thrown into underwater garbage, vegetation. Bass loves such places and waits in them for a good moment to eat.
  • Throw bait, fishing line should be parallel to the edge of shrubs, trees or the shore, near which hunting is carried out, and pull it towards you.
  • Do not sag, if the first time it was not possible to catch a fish.
  • Do not forget about the availability of a license permitting fishing.

fish bass properties
After a successful fishing, it is recommended to release the caught fish, as the bass fish is primarily an object of sport hunting. This action contributes to an increase in the population of large-mouthed perch and in the future there will be more fish for fishing.


Large large-mouthed perch can be caught in places with standing water, into which harmful substances from sewage and groundwater get. Thus, eating fish is very dangerous for human health. The black skin of a large-mouthed perch indicates its inedibility. The catch in large rivers and lakes, where fish bass is found, is considered the most favorable for the preparation of various dishes from it. It is stored alive until use.

Singing Fish "Billy Bass"

This is a fun interactive toy that is made in the form of a stuffed trophy on a beautifully designed stand. The fish is able to perform a cheerful little song that will appeal to the entire male company. During singing, she moves her lips, dances, waves her tail and even turns to the grateful listeners. You can safely give it to a fisherman of any age. Singing fish carp "Billy bass" works in two modes:

  • due to the presence of a photocell, it reacts to movement;
  • there is a red button on the stand - when you click on it, the toy turns on.

singing fish billy bass
It can be placed on any surface or hung on a wall. This toy will be interesting and unusual in the fisherman's kitchen. Especially when during a feast she suddenly sings, causing smiles and delight of the guests.


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