Polypropylene carpets: reviews of the advantages and disadvantages

The modern range of carpets allows you to choose the option that is optimal for any room. Previously, every house sought to decorate with natural rugs, but now synthetic materials are in priority. For example, wool products are not suitable for use in a nursery, as judging by the reviews, they are quickly contaminated and can cause allergic reactions. A popular variety of carpets are polypropylene.

Polypropylene carpet: advantages and disadvantages

The distinctive features of polypropylene coatings include easy cleaning, bright design and low weight. The polypropylene cord used for knitting carpets is the result of oil refining. Therefore, dust mites and moths do not settle in the pile. Such a carpet is smooth to the touch and quite durable. Another feature of polypropylene products is wear resistance. Reviews indicate that such products are resistant to fading, do not accumulate static electricity, and therefore do not attract dust. But when contaminated, these qualities are lost, therefore, the coating must be regularly taken care of. Judging by the reviews of polypropylene carpets, their cost is lower than that of cotton and wool products, but they often look more expensive than their competitors from natural materials.

polypropylene rugs reviews

What is bad polypropylene

Before buying, it is important to find out why polypropylene carpets are harmful. In the manufacture of synthetic rugs, toxic substances are often used, which is why some are careful not to use them indoors. Is a polypropylene carpet harmful ? The main disadvantage of such coatings is their low fire safety. At temperatures above 150 degrees, the material begins to melt. But carpets do not emit chemicals during operation; they tolerate moisture well and are not affected by mold. Reviews warn: when suspended and crushed by heavy objects, they can be deformed. In winter, a polypropylene carpet will not serve as a heat insulator, unlike woolen products. With proper use and cleaning, such a coating will last for many years and will not lose its shape. Judging by the reviews of polypropylene carpets, if you spill liquid on them, the surface can deform and go in waves.

Types of carpets made of polypropylene

Coatings from this synthetic material are of several types:

  1. Loop carpet can be single-level and multi-level. In the first case, all the loops are located in one plane, and in the second - in different.
  2. The split view implies the cut off top of each eyelet.
  3. Loop-split combines both types.

The choice of a certain type of coating depends on the conditions of its use in the room.

polypropylene cord for knitting carpets

How to choose a polypropylene palace

Reviews of polypropylene carpets often mention a variety of colors, so that the rugs can be chosen for any interior. Dyeing of the material occurs at the time of production of the yarn, for this they often choose bright, cheerful colors. The molecular structure of the substance itself consists of carbon and hydrogen, which makes it chemically inert. Due to the smooth surface of polypropylene products, dirt and dust are not eaten into them, which facilitates cleaning of the pile.

Fiber Technology

Various technologies can be used to create products:

  1. In the manufacture of a coating of BCF fiber , waste oil is used, from which a thin thread is obtained and wound on a spool. In this way, cheap products with a short service life are obtained.
  2. If a Heat-Set-fiber was used for the carpet, then its pile will resemble natural wool. The thread is made from oil waste, heating them to high temperatures, and then stretching and twisting across . The quality of the material obtained depends on the intensity of twisting. A carpet made from such a product will be durable, wear-resistant and will last more than 10 years.
  3. Frize-fiber is created on the same principle as the Heat-Set, but the technique of twisting the fibers is characterized by a variety of bends. Then they are exposed to very high temperatures. Threads during tension acquire a curved shape and become more elastic.
    polypropylene carpet advantages and disadvantages

What is the difference between carpets from different types of fiber

How to choose polypropylene carpets in Russia so as not to be disappointed in your purchase? It is important to remember the different characteristics of the fibers and the difference in the technology of their manufacture. Products based on Heat-Set-fiber are more expensive than similar products from BCF, but they are more durable and wear-resistant. Frize fibers have a bright and rich color. Carpets made of artificial components rarely serve more than 10 years, so most often the choice depends on the color and ornament, as well as price characteristics. In reviews of polypropylene carpets, it is often mentioned that high-quality polypropylene products can resemble wool in texture and look like they are made from natural materials, only they will not cause allergic reactions and will not attract dust.

polypropylene carpets Russia

Polypropylene Carpet Care

The appearance of a synthetic fiber coating may resemble wool, but it will require more care than a natural carpet. Proper cleaning of the polypropylene carpet allows you to extend its service life by several years. It is important not to put heavy objects and furniture on a product made of such material, otherwise the surface will bend and will no longer restore its former shape. It is also impossible to knock out a rug in an upright position, otherwise it, according to reviews, will stretch and deform.

Is the polypropylene carpet harmful?

Carpet Cleaning Methods

For cleaning polypropylene coatings, washing vacuum cleaners or carpet chemicals are most often used. You can use the traditional method of cleaning with snow. To do this, the palace is taken out onto the street, snow is thrown on it and swept away with a broom. This method allows you to disinfect the surface and refresh the pile. Detergents are also suitable for this purpose, including shampoos that are applied to the carpet and then swept away with a broom or cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Sometimes, dry cleaning or professional cleaning can be the best option, which will save time and effort of the owners. This method is suitable for carpet paths and voluminous rugs, which are difficult to care for yourself. Reviews emphasize: the result of professional cleaning will be several times better than with normal care of the surface of the product. You need to clean the mat on both sides, then less dust will accumulate inside the pile. The more often cleaning is carried out, the easier it will be to take care of products made of polypropylene. It is necessary to store the rugs not in limbo, but curled up into a roll.

why polypropylene carpets are harmful

Polypropylene carpets, when used improperly, quickly fail, their surface is deformed, and the pile becomes covered with dust and loses its antistatic properties. But due to the low cost of the product, products from this material can be easily replaced with new ones. Polypropylene is unstable to high temperatures and can crack. But this drawback, as evidenced by reviews, overlaps usability, bright colors and hypoallergenic coatings. That is why the popularity of synthetic products is constantly growing , and the choice in the carpet market is becoming wider.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23753/

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