Polycarbonate fence - reviews, installation features and types

Wood and steel today are often replaced by other materials used for the manufacture of fences. Polycarbonate is one of the most common solutions. He outperforms wood in that the latter eventually begins to break, rot and crack. The same thing happens with iron: it is negatively affected by external factors. This material during operation rusts, deforms and loses its appearance.

However, having familiarized yourself with the assortment of goods of the modern building materials market, you will be able to understand that technological progress has stepped far forward. Manufacturers offer different types of synthetic polymers, which are not afraid of weather conditions and temperature extremes. In this case, we are talking about the same polycarbonate, which has found its application in many areas of human activity. Entire constructions and structural elements can be made from it. This should include fences.

Types of Polycarbonate Fencing

polycarbonate fence reviews

Before starting work on the construction of fencing, it is necessary to find out what types of polycarbonate fences for summer cottages exist. Among other options, it is worth highlighting the welded structure, in which the frame is made of profile pipes or steel corners. A polycarbonate sheet is attached to the rear surface of the structure with clamps or self-tapping screws.

Such fences look good when they are complemented by a forged base. Another type of fence is a stone or brick structure, which is complemented by polycarbonate sheets. Such a combination, according to experts, is one of the successful ones. As a result, it is possible to obtain an aesthetically attractive design.

The fence can also be classified according to the variety of polycarbonate sheets, which can be cast or cellular. The latter variety is cheaper than a monolithic analogue. And it’s also worth choosing such a fence because polycarbonate has high soundproofing characteristics. This is especially true for owners of houses that live near busy roads, roads, stadiums, airfields and other structures, the operation of which is accompanied by a loud noise. This can cause inconvenience and trouble.

Positive reviews

metal frame polycarbonate fence reviews

If you are thinking of choosing a polycarbonate fence as a fence , reviews of it will help to make sure the decision is correct. According to consumers, this material is good because it is not afraid of moisture, so the sheets do not rot and do not rust. Any buildings and structures are able to withstand the troubles of the weather, among them:

  • rain;
  • frost;
  • snow;
  • wind.

According to consumers, the sheets are popular in that they are not afraid of the effects of temperature, whether it is high or low. A polycarbonate fence, reviews of which will be useful to read before purchasing this material, is also different in how it undergoes mechanical stress and shock. The appearance of the fence during operation will not be affected.

The material is flexible. Sheets can be given any shape, this allows you to produce structures of any complexity. Buyers also note the insignificant weight of the paintings, so their transportation and installation are facilitated. Processing polycarbonate is quite simple, it can be sawn, drilled and cut. The main thing is to choose the right tool.

No matter what kind of described material you plan to use, the created design will not create a strong shadow, as it happens when installing fences made of wood and metal. Buyers choose polycarbonate also for the reason that it does not provide for the need for special care. From its surface, from time to time, it will only be necessary to wash away the pollution.

Negative reviews

polycarbonate fence reviews price

A polycarbonate fence, reviews of which you can read in the article, has some drawbacks, according to consumers. Among others, the need to use a reliable foundation when installing fencing should be highlighted , otherwise the material will lead or carry away by the wind. In addition, according to customers, the impact resistance of paintings has its limits. Therefore, stones cannot be thrown onto a structure.

If you plan to use a cast version of the material, then polycarbonate will be able to withstand even a shot from a pistol. What is true for a 12 mm sheet. However, buyers emphasize that a material of this thickness is quite expensive, and this acts as its main drawback.

Mounting Features

polycarbonate garden fence reviews

Before you begin installing the fence, you should prepare some tools, among them it is worth highlighting:

  • hand drill;
  • sledgehammer;
  • grinder;
  • screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • kapron thread.

First you need to mark the territory, these works are carried out in two stages. It is important to evaluate the perimeter. The master needs to calculate the number of paintings. If the surface of the soil is not smooth enough, and there are tubercles and depressions along its path, then this problem must be eliminated by adding soil or removing it.

At the next stage, you need to identify the places where the posts will be installed. Pits are dug for their installation. The depth of the bottom of the foundation should be below freezing. If there was no suitable room for storing polycarbonate in the area, then the canvases should be covered with a dense cloth that does not allow sunlight. The sheets should be loaded to protect them from the wind.

Fence construction

polycarbonate fence cost and reviews

After reading the reviews about the polycarbonate fence and realizing that such a design is suitable for you, you can proceed to installation. Once the first stage of preparation has been completed, you can begin the arrangement of the foundation.

When creating the foundation should be based on indicators of the depth of freezing of the soil. But not every developer knows these parameters. As a rule, the depth of the pit varies from 0.8 to 1.2 m. For most regions belonging to the European part of the continent, the freezing depth is 700 mm. But it is better to act with a reserve that will compensate for changes in the level of groundwater.

For complex soil it is recommended to use a strip foundation, which is deepened by 1000 mm. Its width should be 300 mm. Under each support it is necessary to dig a deep hole, and in the place of installation of the column to make a "nest", which will have large dimensions. They can be equal to 450 x 450 mm.


polycarbonate fence price with installation

Installation of a polycarbonate fence on a metal frame, the reviews of which you could read above, provides for reinforcement. This will ensure the reliability of the fence during ground movement.

Use for reinforcement should be building reinforcement, the diameter of which varies from 10 to 16 mm. It is important to monitor the continuity of the frame. Elements are welded or connected to each other in lattice boxes, which are stacked without gaps.

Installation of a metal frame

polycarbonate fence for giving views

The next stage of the installation of the fence for the garden of polycarbonate, the reviews of which you could read above, is the installation of pillars for paintings. The distance of the metal supports from each other should be 2 m. Using the level, their position should be aligned.

The supports are poured with a mixture of sand and concrete. Once the solution has dried, pipe guides can be welded to the posts. The resulting design will become the basis for polycarbonate paintings.

Sheet Installation

If you decide to install a polycarbonate fence, the cost and reviews should be known to you. However, for those who are engaged in work on their own, the next step is to proceed with fixing the sheets to the posts with self-tapping screws. You can use bolts or rivets. When drilling holes, 4 cm should be offset from the edge of the blade. The drill should be designed for metal or wood. All fasteners should be located on the same level.

Fence cost

If you do not want to engage in installation work yourself, you should find out the price of the polycarbonate fence. Customer reviews will help to understand which team of specialists is better to give preference. If the height of the fence is 2.1 m, then 1980 rubles will have to be paid for 1 running meter. In this case, we are talking about fencing on the lags. The polycarbonate will be 4 mm thick. If the last parameter is increased to 6 mm, then you will have to pay 2200 rubles for 1 linear meter of installation of the fence. In this case, the supports are clogged into the ground by 1300 mm.


Sometimes, having familiarized themselves with the price of a polycarbonate fence with an installation, consumers decide to do the work themselves. Which, in principle, is quite possible. Installation technology is not particularly difficult, the main thing is to follow the recommendations, then the fence will stand for a long time and will delight the owners with its appearance.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23757/

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