Sewer from concrete rings. Sizes of concrete rings for sewage. Autonomous sewage

Sewerage is an integral part of any well-maintained home. The comfort of the residents depends on its proper functioning, and the sanitary condition of the territory is also largely guaranteed by the normal state of the sewage system.

concrete ring sewer
In many cities, utilities use concrete ring sewers. Why not in private homes take advantage of the experience of using such structures? This article will be the subject of our article.

Where are they used?

Concrete rings today are perhaps the most popular type of products of the respective plants. They are used not only for the creation of sewage systems, but also for the laying of storm and cable collectors, as well as for other public utilities.

Due to the high strength of the source material, sewage from concrete rings can be successfully used even in the regions of the Far North, where other structures are quickly destroyed due to gigantic temperature changes. It is due to such an impressive list of advantages that concrete rings have become so in demand in all construction markets.


So that you better understand why it is necessary to use this material for the construction of the sewage system, we will reveal a list of all its advantages:

  • Highest mount speed.
  • The cost is quite acceptable for most buyers.
  • Almost complete absence of gaps between the components.
  • Very simple work on waterproofing the structure, which is extremely important in regions with a high location of groundwater.
  • Durability and extremely long service life.

sizes of concrete rings for sewage
Thus, concrete rings for sewage, the price of which varies between one thousand and five thousand rubles, are ideal for creating a septic tank in your homestead.

The disadvantages of concrete rings

Unfortunately, this material has many shortcomings, many of which are directly related to its strengths. It:

  • Extremely high mass of even one ring, which creates considerable difficulties during installation. You canโ€™t exactly build a sewer from concrete rings alone.
  • Accordingly, even with short-term transportation it is necessary to use heavy equipment, which does not affect the overall cost of the project in the best way.
  • If the loads on the rings are uneven, the material can quickly crack.

concrete rings for sewerage Price
However, even from this list it is clearly visible that this material has much more advantages, and therefore it can be used for the construction of a sewer system in a private house.


Given that builders use them widely in their work, the dimensions of concrete rings for sewage systems have long been standardized. Let's look at the most common types.

Most often in homework rings KTs-10 (KS-10) are used. Their inner diameter is one meter and their height is 90 cm. The model KTs-20 (KS-20), as you can easily imagine, has a diameter of two meters, but the height of the ring remains exactly the same. These are the sizes of concrete rings for sewage we have to use for the installation of our structure.

concrete sewer
Of course, some plants can produce materials with other standard sizes on request. In particular, if you have your own heavy equipment, you can order rings of greater height: this will increase the speed of installation of the structure.

The most important structural elements of the sewer well

Firstly, the well must have a bottom that provides a high degree of waterproofing. It should work in two directions at once: to prevent the seepage of sewage, and also to prevent the entry of groundwater into the sewage well, the height of which becomes critical in the spring. Be sure to provide a reliable cover that will prevent not only clogging of the well with debris, but will also prevent children or animals from getting into it.

Getting started

As a rule, the depth of the average well, designed to collect sewage from one family, is approximately two meters. If you do it deeper, then you will inevitably encounter great difficulties in cleaning the structure. So, if you need sewage from concrete rings, you will have to immediately look for at least two helpers.

We deepen the structural elements

Installation is very similar to the work done when digging water wells. First we put the first ring on the ground, after which we begin to gently dig the ground around its perimeter. After that, you need to dig a hole to fit the ring, and then place it there. Very important! Slowly, as carefully as possible, align the position of the ring with a bubble level. If you make a mistake at this stage, then subsequently to achieve a truly horizontal position of the well will be impossible.

autonomous sewage
Then they put a second ring on it, after which they begin to gently dig up the soil from the inside. Constantly monitor the work level. When the second block is equal to the ground level, put the third ... You need to do this until you reach the volume of construction you need.

Final stages

Following you can close up the joints with concrete mortar. If in your area the groundwater is as close to the surface as possible, then the septic tank should be made as airtight as possible. To do this, about 10-20 centimeters of large river sand are placed at the bottom of the well, which is carefully rammed. The layer is slightly sprayed with water, after which another seven to eight centimeters of rubble are laid.

All. Pour the resulting โ€œsandwichโ€ with concrete. After a couple of weeks, you can go down to the well and process it from the inside with bitumen in two layers. Once it is completely dry, you can start using the sewer system.

Making a crushed stone pillow

In most cases, resorting to such drastic measures is not necessary. You can make a much simpler sewage system made of concrete rings. The installation scheme in this case does not provide for complete tightness.

First, a hole is dug, the diameter of which is about one and a half times larger than a similar size for the ring itself. Depth depends on the required volume of your future septic tank. At the bottom, a pillow is laid in advance from a layer of sand (at least 30 cm) and crushed stone (about 40-60 cm). After that, all the rings are placed, and the progress should be constantly monitored, checking the rings with a building level.

concrete ring sewer
Between the edge of the earth and the resulting well, the same gravel is poured. The result is an almost completely autonomous sewage system. Excess liquid will gradually leave it, filtering through layers of sand, and the solid fraction of the waste can be pumped out very rarely.

To improve the degree of wastewater treatment, it is necessary to dig a cascade of septic tanks (at least three wells) going downhill and connected to each other by pipes of sufficient diameter. The drain is made in the form of a collector made of bricks and buried at a depth of about 60 cm. In such a sewage, the liquid leaves completely, and the solid fractions need to be pumped out more often than once a year from the first tank.

Here's what a concrete ring sewer device is . There is nothing complicated in its design and installation. Just follow our recommendations!


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