Plants in the bank: types of florarium and creating a composition with your own hands

Recently, when creating an interior in apartments, offices, florariums became popular. Compositions of plants in a jar have an original and effective appearance. This miniature greenhouse in a transparent container made of glass or plastic is suitable for those who want to have their own tropical garden in a city apartment. The composition does not take up much space, you can create it yourself.

Plant Compositions

Types of Florariums

For florarium, you can use ordinary glass jars, aquariums, transparent vessels or containers of an unusual shape. They can be divided into several types:

  1. Bottle. Any vessels with a narrow neck and a wide bottom are suitable for him. Ordinary bottles are not used, since it is difficult to plant plants in them and give the composition a beautiful appearance. Plants that are not prone to rapid growth are placed in the vessels. Bottle compositions are commonly used in offices and other small spaces where there is little space for traditional flower pots.
  2. Aquarium. For florarium use an aquarium or other containers in the form of a square or rectangle. Such vessels have advantages; it is convenient to place any plants and flowers in them during budding. It also uses decorative drainage and other decorations. In apartments, most often they install just such a florarium.
  3. Wall. It is difficult to make such a composition with your own hands; it is better to purchase a ready-made florarium. It is placed on plywood, plexiglass, using a variety of decorative elements.
  4. Mini-florarium. They are created in several copies. Use Christmas balls, glasses and other small items suitable for placing a miniature garden of plants.

For florarium use not only plants, but also small flowers. They are selected taking into account the general interior of the room.

Plants in the aquarium

Plants for compositions

To create a composition of plants in a jar, small forms with limited growth are selected. Any succulents that grow very slowly are well suited: juvenile, aloe, gasteria, fat girl, aonium, Crassula, haworthia.

Plants that require minimal maintenance will be ideal for a closed ecosystem. You can use crops that grow on sandy soil and do not require frequent watering: cacti, echeveria, stonecrop, orchid, lithops.

In addition to succulents, for the flora choose tropical rainforest cultures that are used to growing in the shade and high humidity. This group includes dinghy plants and moss.

Phytonium, a plant for terrariums that creates a closed ecosystem around itself, looks good in composition. You can plant an eonymus that looks like a small tree. This plant does not require formation.

When selecting plants in a glass jar, it is necessary to focus on their compatibility. It is better for novice florists to take kindred cultures, they require the same care. For example, only succulents or hardwoods.

Mini garden in a glass bowl

Materials for creating a mini-garden

To create a florarium, it is necessary to prepare materials, special devices and a transparent container. You can make a composition in a glass flask, a jar, glass household items or a special vessel (purchased in a store), but for beginners it is easiest to create a mini-garden in an aquarium. To work with containers with a narrow neck, certain skills are already needed.

Also, for the first experiment, it is better to take succulents from plants, they are extremely unpretentious and will not break if the movement is unsuccessful during planting. The soil mixture is selected depending on the selected crops. Expanded clay, fine pebbles, broken brick or coarse river sand are used as drainage. The finish layer of bright and original decorative sand looks very impressive.

As a decoration of plants in the bank, you can use figurines of exotic animals, ancient castles or lighthouses made of plastic, glass or polyresin. Planting is done with tweezers or a spoon. For watering plants, use a spray gun or syringe without a needle.

Creating a florarium for beginners

First, a drainage layer of the selected materials should be placed in the container. It should be 1/3 of the ground. Colored pebbles can be placed on top of the drainage. Then soil is poured into the container, it is moistened with water from a spray bottle.

Spoons in the ground make holes for planting selected plants in a jar. Landing scheme must be selected in advance. Then plants are planted in the wells, and the soil around them is slightly rammed. For planting in a container with a narrow neck, use tweezers.

Creation of florarium

Plants placed in the jar must be poured with water from a syringe. The next stage in creating a composition is the placement of decorative elements in it. Next, the entire open surface is covered with moss, everyone is sprayed with water.


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