Bulk finishing floor: types, features of filling

When choosing and laying flooring, experienced craftsmen pay special attention to the even distribution of the material. Even if we are talking about a flooring that is durable and resistant to deformation, during operation on an uneven basis, even a high-strength laminate loses its qualities. The idea of ​​bulk mixtures practically eliminates the problems with the formation of a smooth floor with a reliable foundation. A traditional screed works according to this principle, but its decorative qualities are not so high, so creating an aesthetic outer layer is required. Perform both functions will allow a decorative bulk floor. The self-leveling finish is easily distributed over the target surface, after which it forms a nice looking floor covering. To select the optimal mixture for specific needs, it is worth considering their types in more detail.

bulk finish floor

Methyl methacrylate formulations

Still, the technology is based on industrial means of creating smooth and high-strength coatings. The decorative function appeared later, and the use of methyl methacrylic resins allowed technologists to create a bulk floor, the universal composition of which is optimally suited for industrial, commercial and public facilities. Such coatings are used not only indoors, but also in open air.

The combination of methyl methacrylic resins and special additives allows you to give the foundation of the future coating with special qualities. In particular, the market offers modified formulations of this group, designed for operation in freezers and at high temperatures. Such properties expand the areas in which methyl methacrylic bulk floors can be used. A universal set of components does not provide the aesthetic surface properties required for modern residential buildings.

universal floor

Epoxy coatings

We can say that this is a new generation of bulk floors, which also has fairly high technical and operational characteristics. For example, an epoxy floor can be poured in rooms that involve the chemical effects of acid formulations, salts, alkalis and active oils. What is especially important, such coatings are not limited in terms of the choice of the rough basis. Self-leveling mass can be used both on a metal surface and on wood with concrete. Again, an epoxy-filled bulk floor is mainly used in industrial facilities, in garages, laboratories, technical rooms, etc. But, unlike methyl methacrylic coatings, such screeds are also allowed for installation in residential premises due to environmental safety. Another thing is that their design qualities leave much to be desired. However, more and more families of decorative compositions of this group also appear.

self leveling bulk floor

Cement Acrylic Floors

Pouring masses of this type contain cement, polyacrylate copolymers, as well as modified fillers. This coating has also been developed for use in aggressive environments with abrasive and chemical influences. Unlike previous coatings, the bulk finish floor of this type is oriented towards meeting the requirements for mechanical loads. Therefore, the composition can be used in warehouses and car repair shops, where the movement of heavy equipment is supposed. In addition, thanks to the matte surface, the coatings on the cement-acrylic base provide an anti-slip effect, increasing the safety of people.

brands of bulk floor

Polyurethane Compounds

Today, perhaps, this is the most popular type of self-leveling mixtures, since it represents floor coverings intended for private construction. After laying, the user can count on the physical durability of the floor and, most importantly, on the decorative effect. Polyurethane is a rare component that combines practical properties, and at the same time allows you to form beautiful externally surfaces. For use in a private house there are practically no restrictions. If desired, a polyurethane-based bulk finish floor can be arranged in the bathroom, in the kitchen or in the utility room. The coating will cope with shock mechanical effects, and will withstand direct contact with detergents.

bulk finishing floor vetonit 3000

Fill technique

The old coating should be removed and the future foundation cleaned. If obvious defects of the rough surface are observed, then it is better to first arrange the base in the form of a traditional concrete screed. After that, you can start pouring the main composition. Usually several components are involved in its preparation. The standard set in the package includes the hardener and the active mass - they should be mixed until a consistency of ordinary oil paint is obtained. The resulting mixture is distributed over the entire area so that a bulk finish floor is formed without pronounced deviations in height. It is possible to stimulate a uniform distribution of mass using a squeegee - a special brush with a pile. After this, the floor structure must go through the polymerization stage within 24 hours. Full operation of the coating is possible after 4-5 days.

Grades of bulk floor

The construction market is oversaturated with dry mixes for the device of bulk coatings. In particular, experts recommend the use of products from Glims, Vetonit, Ceresit and other manufacturers. Actually, the compositions of these brands are not much different from each other in terms of operational properties - almost all of them form durable, wear-resistant and aesthetically pleasing surfaces. But it is important to consider the modification. For example, a Vetonit 3000 bulk finishing floor will ennoble the room with a spectacular layer up to 5 mm high. Such a composition is suitable just for residential premises. If you want to get a high-strength coating for harsh operating conditions, then the choice should be made in favor of the Glims SS3X modification, which allows you to form layers up to 100 mm high.

finish bulk floors reviews


Bulk coatings demonstrate an example of successful competition of flooring material in opposite segments. On the one hand, such mixtures are similar in characteristics to concrete screeds, which are used in industry and production facilities. And on the other - they are optimally suited for a private homeowner. True, in each case, it is necessary to use the optimal composition of the bulk bulk floors. Reviews show that self-leveling coatings are beneficial not only for convenient pouring, but also for their low maintenance. Manufacturers, for example, produce compounds that do not collect dust, are easy to clean, and are practically not covered by minor defects. As for the shortcomings, the main one is the complexity of dismantling. If you have plans to change this coating, you should prepare for work with a puncher and a hammer to eliminate the base.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23788/

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