Lunch in kindergarten: principles, plan, time

Lunch in kindergarten is one of four meals for children in a preschool. Kindergarten employees who are responsible for the meal schedule are required to: prepare food, pre-arrange plates with hot dishes so that they cool slightly, and promptly serve the second and third. How dinner should go, at what time it should start, and what an approximate menu can be in this article.

The principles by which the menu is made in the remote control

One of the important conditions for the correct preparation of the menu are the following rules:

  • the compatibility of the products offered to children and the best combination of dishes should be taken into account;
  • food should be as varied as possible;
  • take into account established habits and traditions;
  • introduce fresh vegetables and fruits both in-kind and as a salad.

All these rules should be considered when preparing lunch in kindergarten. Menus are usually ten to fourteen days old. At the same time, some products should be present on the menu daily, and others - once every two days or two to three times a week.

How is lunch in kindergarten?

Every day you should use meat, butter - vegetable and cream, cereals, milk, fruits, vegetables, sugar. After two or three days, you can offer children sour cream, cottage cheese, eggs, fish, cheese, only in slightly increased quantities, to compensate for their absence on the menu the days before. It is imperative that for ten days the children receive these products in the right amount, which is provided in the sets, if you count on one day.

In the diet of children should be present fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, fortified drinks and natural juices. If fresh vegetables and fruits are not available, the use of freshly frozen is allowed.

There must be a variety!

Lunch in kindergarten should be varied. For example, since there are first courses, with cereals and potatoes, the side dish for the second dish no longer needs to be prepared from the same products. You should also avoid using dishes that are prepared from the same - as an option - pasta in soup and side dish.

When compiling a menu for lunch, you need to pay attention not only to the variety of dishes throughout the day and the whole week, but also how the products of plant and animal origin are combined. It is important that every day the children receive one cereal and two vegetable dishes.

Kids have lunch

If the menu (meaning the menu for the whole day or week) of the widest possible range of products will guarantee that children will receive a sufficient amount of the necessary nutrients. One of the important conditions for this is the variety of dishes that are made from the same product.

Meal plan. Dinner

Consider the plan on the example of middle and senior groups.

So, one of the important meals is lunch in kindergarten. The time it lasts is about thirty minutes.

There are several tasks for eating.

  • Educational - bring up the need for cleanliness, accuracy, politeness, the right attitude to eating.
  • Developing - chewing muscles of the face and fine motor skills develop.
  • Educational - a culture of behavior during food is formed (carefully and independently eat, correctly use cutlery); do not crumble bread; when chewing food, do not open your mouth; do not talk while eating; to push the chair without unnecessary sounds; say thank you after eating; a habit of a healthy lifestyle is being formed.

How is lunch

After everyone came from a walk, the children on duty should fulfill their duties: they help the nanny set the tables (put napkins and plates under the bread, arrange cups and saucers, lay out spoons and forks). The teacher calls on duty dishes that will be served today for lunch.

Before you start eating, spend a mandatory regimen moment - washing: the teacher draws the attention of the children to ensure that they have correctly formed cultural and hygienic skills. Then the teacher offers everyone to sit at the tables, paying attention to the fact that the children are sitting evenly, their legs set straight, and their elbows do not lie on the table.

Children have lunch

The child on duty talks about what will be for lunch today and wishes him bon appetit.

At a time when lunch is in the kindergarten, the teacher can tell you that eating is very useful - the kids grow quickly, become strong and never get sick. They try to convince the kids who do not eat that they chew at least a little.

When lunch is over, the kids get up from their tables, say thanks and clean up the cups. Children who are on duty, carefully help to clean the dishes, do not rush, holding it with two handles.

Lunch time at kindergarten

Now letโ€™s figure out what time is lunch in the kindergarten.

So, after the end of the walk, the teacher and the nanny help take off the outerwear for the kids. Then the children wash their hands and sit at the tables in their places. The assistant teacher has already brought food to the group. Lunch time in the kindergarten is approximately from half past twelve to one. It should be noted that eating during the day is slightly longer than in the morning, during breakfast. The lunch menu includes first, second and third courses.

Children are offered salads with heat treatment or sliced โ€‹โ€‹from fresh vegetables. The first dish is hot - vegetable soup, borscht, cabbage soup, pickle, that is, all first courses should be with meat. For the second, children are offered fish, meat, poultry, liver and side dishes. The third dish, as a rule, is a compote of fresh fruits or dried fruits. It also relies on bread.

Lunch in the nursery

Lunch in kindergarten can be different for each kid. Some children already eat all the dishes on their own, while others either do not know how or do not want to do this, because they are used to having parents feed them at home. In addition, not all children eat everything in front of them in plates. Someone does not eat beetroot caviar, semolina or stew. Someone does not tolerate cutlets and soups. Usually, the teacher does not force the children to eat those products that they reject. But parents, for their part, must warn the educator in advance that the baby categorically does not accept, or because of health reasons, some products do not suit him.


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