Proofs. What is it and how can they prove something?

As often (almost always) happens in English, the word proof has several meanings. Turning to us, it has become part of the jargon of Internet users, and in this context it is used most often. So, you can often see expressions in a chat like: “Throw me a proof!” What is it? The slang of the inhabitants of the World Wide Web is full of Englishisms, and by analogy with the “protection against fools” (Fool Proof), often used in technology, this concept can be interpreted as the desire to protect oneself from poor-quality information. It happens that they use it in order to defend their opinion.

proof that this is slang

Is it possible to say about proofs that this is a list of used literature?

When a student or researcher writes a diploma, article or dissertation, a mandatory requirement for the design of this work is a list of used literature. It is located on a separate sheet (and sometimes several pages) in a place clearly defined by the standards of the educational institution (usually at the end, before the table of contents). “Why do you need this ?!” - Young students are surprised, who have not yet realized that they are taught at the university mainly not in disciplines, but in the ability to work with literature. To create something of your own and write a high-quality qualification or scientific work, you need to read a lot. The books listed in the list of used literature are the same proofs. What kind of engineer is this who did not pick up the handbook? How will a philologist come out of a student who has “ripped off” term paper from someone’s finished critical article? We’ll keep quiet about the doctor ...

proofs what is it

Evidence and Persistence

The reliability of the information can be judged by many signs, direct or indirect. Of course, it is impossible to say about the proofs that these are indisputable proofs of truth in the last resort, they simply do not exist. But it is possible and necessary to urge them and even demand them in those cases when a really serious and fundamental issue is being discussed. To any controversial remark, no matter how unpleasant it is for the opponent, one can expect in response to the question: “What do you prove?” And if there is nothing to prove, then the whole polemic with “iron” arguments turns into an empty concussion of electronic impulses of the world wide network, from which there is no sense. Therefore, you should not enter into a heated discussion without preparing a proof proving the position. The meaning of the word “persistent” (for example, bulletproof - bulletproof) is very appropriate here. Not without reason is the expression “uphold”, applicable not only to military positions, but also to one’s own views.

Pruflinki and fakes

You can write anything today. But this is not the problem of the modern information world, but the fact that any rumors, lies and even complete nonsense have every chance of becoming the object of attention of the world community. Such permissiveness only seems to be unpunished; in fact, it is still possible to punish the distributor of knowingly untruthful information. The prosecution for malicious misrepresentation of reality, as in the case of the print edition, occurs strictly according to the law.

proof link

If the text has a proof link, then legal and moral guilt formally passes to the original source; but those who repeat the lie without scrutiny or for other reasons are also worthy of all condemnation.

So, photographs and videos, used as an illustration of any events, may not be relevant to the material, but borrowed from the chronicle of past years. This method of misleading the mass audience came up with their own name - “fake”. Modern search engines reveal the similarity of published materials by automatically locating the source.

Pseudo Proofs

Unscrupulous Internet operators often try to attract attention to an advertising site using catchy headers, adding as confirmation hyperlinks that are psychologically perceived as proofs. What this means in practice, as well as what these “tricks” look like, have been tested by almost everyone. After seeing a photo of his beloved artist and reading a large headline saying that he has great sorrow that the whole country sympathizes with him because of his doom, a gullible reader clicks on the link and ... he learns a lot. He is informed in which online store the best bras for fur are sold and a completely unique remedy for baldness. However, the law is respected, and somewhere on the sidelines you can read a small article about the fact that the said actor has crumpled the bumper of his car, and now is doomed to repair it.

proof word meaning

Another meaning of the word "proofs"

Numismatists also use this term, denoting special coins issued by mints specially for a certain date or in honor of a special event. They indicate the face value at which they were initially sold, but they do not fall into everyday circulation because of the high cost. It happens that individual instances of proofs are performed with the assistance of highly qualified jewelers, bringing their appearance to perfection. As a rule, this special money is even sold in special plastic cases so that they are not damaged during transportation. Like any other collectible, proof coins increase in price with age, while their condition must remain impeccable, this affects the quote. In the manufacture of precious metals are often used (gold, platinum, less commonly - silver).


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