Fospasim for Dogs - Safe Stress Relief

Pets are no less than human sensitive to stress. This is especially true for dogs, because their intelligence is very high and they are attached to the owner. Changes in the usual way of life or temporary separation from the owner for many of them become a real challenge. In these situations, the Fospasim drug for dogs becomes an indispensable assistant, because it helps the animal adapt and relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Indications for use and effect of the drug

Many medications for treating depression and mental illness in pets are potent substances with many unpleasant effects. An excellent alternative to these medicines can be a herbal remedy, such as the drug "Fospasim". The use of this medicine for dogs is not addictive or side-effect. Due to its natural composition, it acts gently but effectively.

fospasim for dogs

"Fospasim" has the following effect on the body:

  • lowers nervousness;
  • normalizes the behavior of the animal under the action of irritating factors;
  • improves the analytical ability of the brain;
  • reduces anxiety;
  • eliminates aggression.

The drug is recommended for the treatment of anxiety disorders and fears of various causes. It helps to easily transfer the temporary absence of the owner or adapt to new living conditions. In medicine, it is used before surgery to temporarily reduce the activity of the vagus nerve.


"Fospasim" for dogs is available in the form of a solution for injection and drops for oral administration. The second dosage form is more often in demand among animal owners, since it is convenient to dose and use it on your own at home. The active ingredients of the remedy are such components in homeopathic dilutions:

  • phosphorus yellow;
  • aconite pharmacy;
  • black bleached;
  • passionflower red and white;
  • musk;
  • ignorance is bitter;
  • platinum.

Additionally, Fospasima contains sodium chloride and sterile water (in a solution for injection) or specially prepared water and ethanol (in drops). In terms of effectiveness, both forms of the drug are equivalent, but at home it is much more convenient to take drops.

fospasim for dogs drops reviews

Fospasim for dogs: instructions, tolerance reviews

Dosage depends on the weight and height of the animal. "Fospasim" for dogs of large breeds is applied 30-40 drops per reception, for medium breeds - 20-30 drops. Small pets need 10-15 drops per application. If we are talking about an injection solution, then it must be administered at the rate of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of body weight. A single dose of the drug should not exceed 4 ml.

The drug is recommended to be taken 1 or 2 times a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms. The average course of therapy is 1-2 weeks. It is advisable to give the animal a remedy at the same time of the day so that its stable concentration is maintained in the blood.

Phospasim drug for dogs

After analyzing the reviews of the owners of the dogs to which Fospasim was prescribed, we can conclude that the medicine is well tolerated and has no side effects when the recommended dosages are observed. The severity of the condition depends on how quickly the drug works, but in general, the owners of all dogs note that fears and aggression disappear after a maximum of 10-14 days.

Benefits of the drug

There are many remedies available for treating depression and normalizing pet behavior. Fospasim for dogs has such distinctive features:

  • consists only of natural ingredients;
  • does not cause side effects;
  • the risk of allergic reactions during treatment with this drug is minimal;
  • It does not deplete the nervous system, but only regulates its activity to physiological parameters;
  • does not cause drowsiness or withdrawal syndrome.

Like any other homeopathic medicine, Fospasim launches the mechanisms of natural regulation of chemical processes in the body. Its action is potentiated, that is, the effect of the reception accumulates and lasts a long time even after the end of the course of treatment.

Reviews of dog owners and veterinarians

Owners of pets who were prescribed the drug "Fospasim" noticed that after some time the fear and anxiety of the pet gave way to calm. At the same time, the reaction to external stimuli (noise, bright light, wind) remained normal. This suggests that the drug does not inhibit cognitive processes in the brain, but only smoothly regulates the activity of the nervous system.

fospasim for dogs instruction reviews

Among doctors, the tool also received approval. Even adherents of classical therapy, rather than homeopathy, noted that with simple forms of behavioral disorders, the use of “Fospasima” brings positive results. Of course, with advanced neurosis and depression, this medicine may not be the only treatment, but it can be part of complex therapy. Fospasim for dogs (drops), reviews of which are mostly positive, has earned the trust of veterinarians and breeders because it has proven its effectiveness and safety.


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