How to help birds in winter? Find out!

Severe blizzard days make many sedentary birds survive the cold alone. Recently unpredictable climate deprives the birds of the necessary food, which is why migrants annually abandon their habitat and head to the southern latitudes to seek refuge.

Help with the kids

how to help birds in winter

In order to optimally improve and protect the life of these creatures, many schools from primary school conduct educational events and seminars on the topic: "How to help birds in winter." So in the minds of a little schoolboy a sense of responsibility, consciousness and prudence is formed.

In order for the example to become not just a visual one, but also be able to touch children's souls, it’s worthwhile to conduct some labor lessons with the kids, where the main theme will be the motto: β€œHelp the birds in winter!” At such thematic classes, you can safely develop some of the most practical, and most importantly, affordable ways to create bird feeders.

Make feeders

How to help birds in winter? You can make feeders for them. There are a lot of ideas. We will consider the most interesting. A great impulse for children (especially boys) will be a creative feeder made of automotive plastic headlights. Such a wonder will delight not only the birds, but also connoisseurs of innovative ideas. To create a feeder, you will need:

  • bright catchy headlight;
  • feeding tray;
  • rubber washers;
  • three strong s-shaped (possibly fishing) hooks;
  • stainless steel cable.

First, the car headlight (which, in essence, will be the β€œroof” of the feeder) must be washed and properly polished. On the outer edge, you need to make three holes equally spaced from the center, so the fasteners will be reliable. The cable must be pulled through the holes (rubber washers should be used for sealing) and the pallet should be fixed on it. In order for the β€œroof” of the creative feeder to be reliable, the diameter of the headlight should be at least 1.5-2 times larger than the pallet.

It is necessary to arrange such structures in places with maximum viewing of the territory, so the birds will control the approach of danger. This fact is especially worth considering when creating a mortise feeder. In the case of mounted, the situation is simpler - not every animal can reach the bird.

Garland feeders

How to help birds in winter if there are no suitable materials for feeders? In this matter, your own imagination will come to your rescue. Original and amazingly practical will be garland feeders. To create them, you only need a strong plank and a fluffy hemp, and, of course, feeding - dried fruits, nuts, crackers. On hemp, you must carefully string all available goods (goodies for birds). You can make strings of different lengths in order to give the garland effect.

It is necessary to fix the structure on the bar with a stapler or simply stretch it into the prepared holes. In the center of the hemp, it is necessary to fix and bring out its edge, so that in the future the product was conveniently hooked onto a convenient branch.

What food to choose?

how and how to help birds in winter

How and how to help birds in winter, any gardener or janitor can tell. The main factor of assistance is feed. So that efforts are not wasted, you must initially deal with the appropriate composition of food for most living birds.

The most important source of energy for birds is small (raw!) Seeds of ordinary sunflower, you can combine them with millet, seeds of melon, pumpkin or local watermelon, corn. Boiled potatoes are also suitable (can be combined with interior fat, it contains many useful substances).

Like people, birds on cold days need high-calorie and natural foods. For example, unsalted fresh lard, cut into pieces optimal for the bird, will be a great addition to seeds and dried fruits. And for nimble little tits, it can be clipped to strings, as craftsmen can pluck it on the fly.

What can feed birds and what not? Birdwatching Tips

how to help birds in winter

How to help birds in winter and not harm at the same time, tips from experienced poultry farmers and ornithologists will tell. For the preparation of crackers, it is better to use a white wheat loaf: it is easily digested and does not sour into goiter, as is the case with brown bread. Also, the bird’s stomach does not tolerate acidic and seasoned foods. Out of competition, the above cereals remain.

Tips from skilled housewives

How to help birds in winter? To understand this issue will help the tricks of the hostesses. The most striking example is the convenient and maximum safe gelatin-based feeder. To create, you need: gelatin itself (a large pack), cereal mixture and warm water.

First you need to soak the gelatin in water. Grain is gradually mixed in the resulting solution to get a thick homogeneous mixture. Next, the gelatin mass should be poured into molds (air balloons, cups) by inserting into each thread (strong). After solidification, such products should be hung on tree branches.

help the birds in winter


The action under the motto: "Help the birds in winter!" It will be not only useful, but also an exciting activity for children and adults.


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