DIY stand for children: a master class with a photo

Every kid needs to know the world. Within the walls of his home, he can find for himself so many interesting and unexplored. Sockets, switches, containers with various ampoules and medicines are used. Undoubtedly, all these things can cause serious injuries and injuries to the child. Therefore, it is important to promote the development of the baby and introduce him to the details that are interesting to him, but without any risk to health.

To date, special developmental boards, which are called the "business board", are popular. Such toys ensure the comprehensive development of children and help parents protect them from traumatic situations in the process of developing the world around them.

What is a bizibord

Literally, this invention means "board to take." Indeed, interesting and unusual items for a child can captivate him for a long time. A very large assortment of such boards is available in children's stores, but you can do it yourself with a developing stand for children. For its manufacture, any interesting little thing is suitable: a door hook, a bell button, a switch, a lacing and much more.

DIY educational stand for children photo

When choosing items, it is important that this or that part is safe for the baby. In addition, materials of various textures can be glued to the board for the development of fine motor skills. A piece of fur or felt, rubber balls and various beads will be able to give the child new sensations and diversify his idea of โ€‹โ€‹the world around him. You can also make a personalized developmental stand for children, whose photo is located above. Some craftsmen propose to design letters of a name differently, for example, from materials different in texture or to compose them from color pictures.

The benefits of a bodyboard

Before starting to do with your own hands a developmental stand for children, the question may arise whether it will be useful to the child. Therefore, we offer to learn more about its advantages:

  • Helps prepare your hand for writing and drawing.
  • Develops fine motor skills of the hands.
  • Favorably affects the mental activity of the baby and his imagination.
  • Broadens the mind.
  • Promotes creativity.
  • It trains attention concentration.

In addition, a developmental stand for children helps develop perseverance and patience. Spending a long time with a business board, the kid learns to concentrate on only one lesson, which will positively affect his future studies at school.

Educational stand for children do-it-yourself pictures

With the help of the board, the child will be able to independently master some objects in the house, for example, turn the lights on and off, close and open locks. Most importantly, all this will be safe for him, and dads and mothers will be able to relax a bit. It turns out that a do-it-yourself developmental stand for children will be useful not only for kids, but also for their parents.

At what age can I use

As a rule, babies who have reached the age of eight months become interested in objects that fall into their field of vision. At this time, many children already know how to keep their attention on a certain subject. However, experts do not recommend using standard solid-state development boards until the child is one year old. How to make a soft bodyboard is described in detail in the video below.

Elements for the board should be selected depending on the age of the baby. Little ones will love to study soft and fabric details, and one year old kids will be interested in playing with switches, pulling on handles, pressing various buttons and much more. Older children (from three years old) will be interested in letters, numbers and various puzzles. On the do-it-yourself educational stands for children, photos of which are presented in our article, possible options for the arrangement of elements are presented.

What can be used in the manufacture

When choosing items for a development board, you must consider the age of the child. The older the baby, the more complex elements may be present on the bodyboard.

The following details are quite popular and often used:

  • Abacus
  • Remote controller.
  • Drive from an old telephone.
  • Switch.
  • Latch.
  • Xylophone.
  • Educational toy in the form of a shoe for lacing.
  • Buttons with loops.
  • Lamp.
  • Magnets and Velcro.
  • Old watch.
  • Calculator.
  • Small battery powered luminaire.
  • "Lightning" for clothes.
  • Stickers.
  • The keys.
  • Wallet.
  • Belt buckle.
  • Various castors.

This list goes on and on. You can add a lot of different items to a business board. The main thing is to take into account the age and gender of the child, his character.

When making a developing stand for children with your own hands, you do not need to use sockets and plugs so that the child does not have the impression that they are safe.

How to make a business board safe

Even if your child is always supervised during play, the elements and material for the bodyboard must be safe. Consider the following:

  • The board itself must be well fixed so that it does not accidentally fall on the child during an active game.
  • When choosing a foundation, it is worth making sure that it is smooth. Sharp corners and protrusions must be rounded off, covered with soft material or special plugs.
  • Every detail should be securely attached to the bodyboard so that the baby could not tear it off.
  • If there are luminous parts in the development stand, they must be powered exclusively by batteries.
  • All removable elements should be tied to the board with a strong cord so that the child could not accidentally swallow them.
  • Do not place glass parts, such as bulbs, on the board.
Shipboard Lifeboard

Choosing the right material

For the basis of the development board, an array of wood is used. This choice is determined by maximum environmental friendliness and ease of processing. But there is also a minus: with a thickness of 20 mm, a wooden board will be quite heavy. Therefore, it must be fixed very securely to the wall. The entire wooden surface, including edges and corners, must be carefully sanded so that the baby does not accidentally drive a splinter under the skin.

You can also use plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm. On a thinner sheet, it will be difficult to fix anything. This material is lighter, but may crumble at the cut points.

Regardless of the choice of base, any surface should be coated with special impregnation, varnish or oil for wood. Coating with paint or varnish will allow you to calmly clean the surface with a damp cloth with mild detergents. The varnish should be chosen eco-friendly and harmless, recommended specifically for children's toys. If you want to make the development stand brighter, you can use acrylic paints for wooden surfaces. They are odorless even during the painting process, are safe for the baby.

Manufacturing steps

It may take one day or more to create a children's development stand with your own hands, which will depend on the degree of complexity of the work. We suggest using our instructions in the manufacture of a simple model of a bodyboard. The process of creating a development board is better divided into stages. The next one needs to start only when you finish the previous one.

DIY do-it-yourself booth for children


Before you begin, you need to come up with and draw a diagram of the future bodyboard. After that, place all the elements on the base or paper, according to your sketch. A visual presentation will give you a clear vision, so you can understand how the board will look in reality. If necessary, you can make adjustments to your scheme. Then we can proceed directly to the attachment of parts.

Prepare the surface

To prepare the basis for the development board, the following tools may come in handy:

  • Masking tape.
  • Drill or jigsaw.
  • Brush and paints if you plan to paint the product.

All wooden parts must be treated with fine sandpaper. On a prepared basis, make notes with a pencil where various details will be located: switches, telephone dial, xylophone, etc. Using a drill, drill holes in the designated places. If there are doors on your board, open the holes for them with a jigsaw. The edges of the board must be carefully processed so that there are no chipping marks on the product.

The base for the business board can be left intact or painted. It all depends on your desire and imagination. At this stage, it is worth turning on your imagination and come up with an original pattern, add pictures or photos, make inscriptions or write the name of the child, and also attach stickers with images of your kidโ€™s favorite characters. After this step is completed, check that all decor elements are securely fixed.

DIY stand

Putting up a stand

With the help of self-tapping screws we attach accessories (various latches, latches). If necessary, they can be shortened with special nippers.

When working on a development stand, do not forget about your little assistant. If the child already knows how to hold a brush or pencil in his hands, then you can invite him to participate in the creation of this toy. Under the strict guidance of the parents, the baby will be able to attach stickers or paint the board. This contributes to the development of attention, accuracy and fine motor skills.

Features of a board for boys

The above list of elements for a development board is suitable for both boys and girls. But, as a rule, their interests may vary. Boys closer technical details - locks, buttons, various mechanisms.

Therefore, when making a do-it-yourself booth for a boy, you can make a board in the form of a car, space station or ship. More suitable colors will be green, red, gray, blue, white and blue.

Educational stand for children

Educational board for girls

Girls, like boys, like to deal with various buttons, tabs, rope laces and other elements. In addition to individual details, girls can organize:

  • Beauty saloon. If desired, a small locker or pockets can be placed on the stand where rubber bands, hairpins, combs will be hidden.
  • Small kitchen. It will be interesting for each girl to play with plates, cups, saucers and pans, which can be placed in a separate cabinet on the development stand.

When designing a development board for girls, you should adhere to a "soft" and delicate palette - these are lilac, light green, turquoise or pink.

When making a children's educational booth for girls with your own hands, you can attach stickers to fairies, unicorns, princesses and flowers as decor. However, all children are different. Therefore, you must always take into account the interests and wishes of the child.

For the smallest

Earlier, we found out that a developmental toy for children up to one year old should be made of soft materials. Try to make a children's development stand with your own hands, as in the photo below. It is intended for girls.

DIY do-it-yourself stand for a boy

To make a soft stand, the frame is sheathed with fabric. To make the stand even softer, you can additionally add foam rubber or synthetic winterizer. Each element is cut out of felt or sewn from any other fabric. These can be figures of birds, animals, leaves, fruits, vegetables and other objects. In addition, you can add buttons with loops, rings for lacing, geometric shapes. It is important that in the manufacture of a do-it-yourself booth for children, the pictures and all the elements are bright and saturated.

It can be concluded that the business board will be useful for children from eight months to four years. It allows you to develop attention, motor skills and promotes the harmonious development of the child.


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