Mother Russia is a symbol of love and loyalty to her country

J. Armstrong noted that the action of the characters is akin to the actions of border guards. They divide everyone into "friends" and "strangers." The concept of "Mother Russia" is a symbol. A recognizable and revered symbol of Russianness in Russia and beyond, embodied in literature and art, popular culture and political rhetoric, as well as military propaganda. As a symbol, it should become unifying.

Symbol in military propaganda

The female image of Russia has long been used by propaganda. He must radiate peace and demonstrate it. As the national symbol, “Mother Russia” is an appeal to rallying Russians, “sons of relatives and daughters,” as the song says. As a mobilizing force, the image is especially in demand during the years of wars, when everything is subordinated to one task - to protect the homeland, suffering from invaders. When warriors are ready to give their lives, when failure to fulfill a duty is filial ingratitude.

Symbol in politics

The perception of the country as a mother is an important element of political culture. It is important for the authorities to represent the ruler (Head, President) of the country, protecting it from any enemies threatening it, both external and internal. The so-called sacred marriage of "Mother Russia" with the ruler. For the opposition, in turn, the image of a suffering Homeland, suffering from an unrighteous, even nationally alien, power is attractive. For example, populism at the end of the 19th century.

"Mother Russia": how the image appeared

The idea of ​​having such a symbol developed in stages. First came "Mother - Damp Land" - the Russian version of the Mother Goddess. This image appears to be a living creature, most often in the form of a mother. With the advent of Holy Russia in the 16th century, she becomes the Mother of God of Svyatorussia.

Mother Russia is
In the era of the reign of Peter I, the first attempts to visualize Russia in the guise of a woman appear. On the Tsar’s personal seal was an image of Peter sculpting a statue of Russia - a woman with a power and a scepter in her hands, a crown on her head and a mantle on her shoulders. By the way, such a plot was invented by the tsar himself (the ruler creates the country, he gives it shape and soul), probably referring to the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea.

To the question about why Russia is called "Mother", K. Ushinsky answered . According to him, we call Russia our mother, because it was she who fed us, watered us and taught us her language.

At the same time, the ideologists of Bolshevism used the image of "Mother Russia" as a symbol of tsarist Russia and oppression. The White Guard during the Civil War, in turn, perceived the Bolsheviks as oppressors of Mother Russia.

"And the host with the red star
Having accepted the fateful seal,
Nails with a hula to the cross
Unhappy Motherland! ”

Ready to give life for her

why Russia is called mother
And only by the middle of the 30s the Soviet Motherland was now acting as the mother of all the peoples of the Soviet Union and became most noticeable with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The beginning of the revival of the significant role of the female image of Russia was laid by a poster that is well known to every Soviet person - “Mother Mother Calls!” I. Toidze. And the woman from the poster is not a symbol of suffering, but a call to the Soviet soldier, to his duty. At the same time, posters appear where the Motherland blesses her son to battle with the enemy.

Glorious fighters went to battle for her, they died for Mother Russia, meaning not only a concept or even a state, but everything that was close and dear to them, for their mothers and for all mothers waiting for their sons from the war . In this concept, every fighter put his love for his land and his desire to defend the Fatherland.

Mother Motherland, symbolizing the strength of the people, their invincibility, is carved in stone in the monuments of Volgograd, Kiev, Kaliningrad, Tbilisi and other cities. The image of the Motherland, which mourns its children who have laid their heads for her freedom, which her sons are ready to defend at all times, was actively used during the Cold War, emphasizing the role of Russia in the struggle for peace.

The entire post-war Soviet culture, referring to the image of Mother Russia, portrays her as a vulnerable, suffering, scorched war, in need of protection.

The collapse of the Soviet Union is characterized by rethinking, even the destruction of the whole of the Soviet Union. And the humiliated Russia-Mother of the 90s is an excellent opportunity for the opposition to criticize the current regime.

Mother Russia is my homeland

Mother Russia is my homeland
Today this symbol is "rehabilitated." Russia again appears in the guise of the most beautiful of women, and again the image of "Mother Russia" is an actively used propaganda. He became in demand in the culture of the country, including poetry and prose, music and painting, cinema and pop music.

And already in the songs of today sounds:

“This is mother Russia.
This is Russian land. ”

“Russia is a mother, a native country,
You’re the main one in life and dear to your heart! ”

“Let Mother Russia sleep, sleep calmly!”
For mother Russia, oh, my soul hurts. ”

And already new generations glorify Mother Russia and serve her faithfully.

But the main thing is love

Mother Russia is Russian land
We examined the main reasons why Russia is called mother. This is politics, and symbol, and poetic comparison. But the main thing is love. Love for your country, language, white birches, fragrant evenings, dazzling snow fields. Our people animate all the things that they value. And we treat our Motherland with sons respect and devotion.


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