Red-yellow-green flag. Red, green, yellow: whose flag?

Symbols of different countries are interesting objects for study. The national emblem, anthem, flag - all these are ways to tell the world your story. To be able to understand it, you need to know what details to pay attention to and what each symbol or color can mean. To begin with, you can understand the meaning of the combination of red, yellow and green.


Flag red, green, yellow

In this Latin American country, state symbols perfectly match the brightness of nature and national costumes. The flag was officially approved in 1851. Since then it has remained unchanged. Bolivian flag - red, green, yellow, traditional tricolor with classic sizes. It resembles a regular rectangle. Length refers to a width of twenty two to fifteen. Three stripes of the same size are arranged as follows: red on top, then yellow, and green below. In the center there may be an image of a coat of arms. Each color has its own meaning. So, red symbolizes blood shed by the patriots, yellow symbolizes the inexhaustible natural resources and Inca culture, and green symbolizes the desire for progress and hope for a better future. Interestingly, previous versions of the Bolivian flag used the same colors. Already in 1825, a cloth with red-green stripes and gold stars was used. Later, in 1826, they adopted a tricolor with a different arrangement of flowers.


Flag of Lithuania: photo

There is symbolism of such colors in Europe. The flag of Lithuania, the photographs or images of which every tourist saw, is rectangular in shape, and its sides relate to each other as three to five. The cloth is covered with three equal horizontal stripes - yellow, green and red. It was first used in 1917, when the country gained independence. When choosing symbolism, it was decided to find something traditionally folk, so the colors of Lithuanian fabrics were taken as the basis. Artist Antanas mujdzinavičius created a combination that resembled the modern flag of Lithuania. The photo seemed to the delegates of the state conference too pessimistic, so it was decided to choose a tricolor. It is used to this day - only the aspect ratio has changed, which used to be two to three. The official explanation of the flowers is: yellow is associated with the sun, prosperity and light, green represents freedom, hope, the beauty of nature and the color of grass, and red represents the blood of the patriots and their courage. Lithuanians love their national flag. According to popular opinion, yellow is also associated with the color of honey, girls' hair, gold and fresh wood. There is even a legend describing the flag. According to her, green grass grows from the red earth, then turning into a yellow ear.


State flags

When listing state flags with such a vivid color combination, you should definitely mention this country. The cloth was first used in February 1974, when the state became independent from Britain. The colors that the flag contains (red, green, yellow) are located on the standard with a length and a width that are related to each other as five to three. The cloth differs noticeably from the traditional options with stripes. Around the perimeter is a red border with three five-pointed gold stars. The center is divided into four triangles, green on the sides, and yellow on the top and bottom. In the center is a round red disk with a star. Border symbolizes unity, green triangles - local fields, and yellow - sunlight. The number of stars is associated with the provinces of Grenada.


Red, yellow, green: which flag

Studying state flags, one should not forget about African symbolism. The towels of this continent are distinguished by originality and brightness. This is also true for Cameroon, which in May 1975 acquired its modern flag. Red, green, yellow - these are the colors used for a rectangular panel, the length of which refers to the width of three to two. The field is divided into three vertical parts. The pole has a green stripe, in the center is red, and on the edge is gold. In the center is a five-pointed star. The vertical arrangement of the stripes indicates the country's past as the metropolis of France. And the choice of shades is associated with the traditional colors of the region. Green indicates the rich flora of the country, yellow symbolizes the savannah, and red - the unity of the regions and the independence of the state.


Green, red, yellow - whose flag?

In addition to Lithuania, in Europe there is another country that uses green, red, yellow in its symbolism. Whose flag does it look like? This is the flag of Portugal, a state on the Iberian Peninsula. The flag is a rectangle with an aspect ratio of two to three. It is covered with two vertical stripes, the left one is smaller and green, and the right one is large and painted red. On the contact line is the Portuguese coat of arms, which looks like a golden sphere with a heraldic shield. It has five silver bezants and seven golden castles. Such a banner has been used since the republican revolution of 1910, when the monarchy was overthrown in the country. A special commission selected new state colors and developed a coat of arms. The banner was first used on December 1, 1910, when the anniversary of the independence of Portugal was celebrated.


Flag vertically green, yellow, red

Another country whose flag is red, green, yellow is in Africa. The Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has been using it since 1996. The flag is a rectangular panel with a width two times smaller than the length. It is covered with equal horizontal stripes. Below is red, in the middle is yellow, and above is green. In the center is the emblem of the country, a circle of blue with a yellow emblem in the form of a five-pointed star and rays. It symbolizes the world of the peoples of Ethiopia, united in an indestructible union. Red color reminds of fallen patriots, yellow - about equality, green - about development.


National emblem, anthem, flag

There is another panel, the colors of which are red, yellow, green. Which flag uses a combination of these colors with white? For example, the symbol of the Togolese Republic. It was adopted in April 1960 when the country gained sovereignty. In the 1992 constitution, its appearance was officially approved as follows: on the panel are five yellow and green stripes. In the upper left corner is a white star on a red background. The creator of the flag is student Paul Achius. The colors of the flag are understood as follows: yellow demonstrates national unity and rich natural resources, green - significant agriculture, red, as in many other countries, is associated with blood shed in the war, and white - with wisdom, self-esteem and peace. The star symbolizes integrity and life, and the number of stripes indicates the five administrative regions that make up the state.


In most cases, countries use a traditional horizontal tricolor or cloth with stripes covering the flag vertically. Green, yellow, red colors on the symbol of the Republic of the Congo are located in a special way. On a traditional rectangular banner with a length referring to a width of three to two, the strips run diagonally. Such a symbol was approved in August 1958, when the country received autonomy from France. Each strip has a special meaning. Red serves as a tribute to all the fallen in the struggle for the sovereignty of the Republic of the Congo. Yellow is a symbol of the wealth of African lands. And green shows the natural resources of the country. Colors, as already mentioned, are located diagonally. The upper left is green, the lower is red, and a yellow stripe is centered. Initially, a coat of arms with crossed hoe and hammer on palm branches, with a five-pointed star on top and a ribbon with the motto of the republic below, was also applied to the cloth. Over time, this symbolism was abandoned, and the modern version came into use, which has remained unchanged since December 1991.


The flag of this republic is covered by three vertical stripes of equal width with a green star on the central, yellow one. The colors of the cloth have a deep meaning. Green is the personification of the Prophet for Muslims, a symbol of hope for Christians and means fertility for animists. The golden bar serves as a sign of wealth and the desire to improve the cultural level. Red recalls the victims of the Senegalese nation and the great will to develop. A five-ray star indicates Senegal's fame on five continents of the world. Its green color is a symbol of hope and youthful independence of the republic. In combination, tricolor is the main Pan-African version of state symbols. The cloth was officially adopted in August 1960.


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