Do-it-yourself ceiling sound insulation in an apartment under a suspended ceiling

Soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment under a suspended ceiling is almost always required. If this is not done, then extraneous sounds in the future may force the owners to redo the repair again. The peculiarity of such ceiling systems is that almost any soundproofing materials can be used in tandem with them. The resulting free hollow space allows you to soundproof the ceilings, making living in the apartment more comfortable. The noise penetrates precisely this part of the room, as the loudest sounds come from neighbors living above. This includes blows, screams, loud music, the clatter and noise from the rearrangement of furniture.

Material selection

Sound insulation of the ceiling in the apartment under a suspended ceiling

Before the soundproofing of the ceiling in the apartment under the stretch ceiling is performed , it is necessary to decide which sounds most often cause inconvenience to you. This requirement is due to the fact that there are several types of noise, and therefore, depending on its strength and reasons, it is possible to implement different methods of sound insulation. Not in all cases, carrying out these works can completely save the owners from extraneous noise. In some cases, additional protection of the walls and ceiling will be required, as sounds can penetrate from all sides. In soft and friable surfaces, sound disappears, while solid structures contribute to its further spread. Among other things, the air gap between the stretch film and the base of the ceiling will contribute to the absorption of noise.

As practice shows, porous, soft or fibrous sound insulation is most effective. The system can consist of several different layers, which allows you to achieve the most effective result. Sound insulation of the ceiling in an apartment under a suspended ceiling can be realized using mineral-basalt wool, expanded polystyrene and foam, as well as mineral wool. The first option is durable, safe and easy to install. Upon contact, the material does not cause negative consequences. Polypropylene and polystyrene can be easily glued to the ceiling surface, supplemented with a layer of plaster. This approach will perfectly save the apartment from sounds of moderate volume.

What else do you need to know?

sound insulation under a suspended ceiling in an apartment reviews

Sound insulation of the ceiling in the apartment under the suspended ceiling with your own hands can be realized using mineral wool, while the ceiling will gain the quality of fire resistance. Additionally, you will provide protection from the cold. The listed materials differ in characteristics, but are able to reliably protect against noise. When choosing sound insulation, you should pay attention to the sound absorption coefficient. Thus, non-blown materials are worse than analog ones to cope with this task.

Premium Soundproofing

do-it-yourself soundproofing the ceiling in the apartment under the suspended ceiling

Sound insulation of the ceiling in an apartment under a suspended ceiling can be carried out by the Premium system, which provides for the use of Texaund membrane material. In this case, you will need to perform work in a certain sequence. At the first stage, a layer of thermo-sound insulation is glued to the ceiling surface, then the first layer of the Texound 70 membrane material is fixed on the wall plug and glue. At the next stage, it will be necessary to install suspensions on the rods, which are sometimes replaced by direct suspensions.

Next, a profile with a section of 60x27 is used, then a crate is installed between the profiles. For the reason that the design will be quite heavy, the reliability of all the fasteners must be checked, and also use 5 suspensions per square meter of area. The resulting free space between the profiles is filled with sound-absorbing material based on the Rockwool mineral plate. Its density can vary from 40 to 60 kilograms per cubic meter.

If you will be performing sound insulation under a suspended ceiling in an apartment, it is recommended that you read reviews about each material in advance. The described system, for example, is characterized by increased efficiency, according to users. The front surfaces of the profile facing the wall must be glued with strips of membrane material “Texound 70”. If you want to get the best noise insulation performance in the Premium system, you need to leave an air gap of 50 to 200 millimeters between the layer of mineral wool and the membrane material.


sound insulation of the ceiling in the apartment under a suspended ceiling photo

The thickness of the air gap will determine the parameters of the finished noise insulation system, this parameter varies from 90 to 270 millimeters. At the same time, the owners have to make a choice in the direction of the volume of the room or silence. The modern market is also represented by the soundproofing system "Economy". It consists of a Texound 70 membrane layer. “ThermoZvukoIzol” and “Texound 70” membrane material are installed on the floor slab. Direct suspensions need to be wrapped on all sides with a membrane, and the thickness of the finished sound insulation system will be only 66 millimeters.

Reviews of sound insulation foam

sound insulation of the ceiling in the apartment under a suspended ceiling materials

If you will be making sound insulation of the ceiling in an apartment under a suspended ceiling, how to do such work, you must decide before the start of the process. However, it is important to familiarize yourself with the reviews that will allow you to decide which material to choose. According to users, among the main advantages of foam can be distinguished high strength indicators, low weight, low water absorption, thermal conductivity, long-term operation, as well as savings when buying.

A small mass can facilitate not only transportation, but also installation work. As users emphasize, if you use penoplex for sound insulation, then during installation work the master will not need professional skills and knowledge. In addition to protection from noise, the ceiling will be resistant to the emergence and development of bacteria, as well as fungi.

Features of the installation of mineral wool

soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment under a suspended ceiling how to make

If you are thinking about how to make a soundproofing of the ceiling in an apartment, you will need to first familiarize yourself with the technology. For example, the use of mineral wool involves the preparation of a suspension frame that will hold the material on the surface of the ceiling. For this, it is customary to use metal profiles. The frame is fixed to the rough base on suspensions, then mineral wool is installed, which in many cases is sealed with drywall.

Penex sound insulation technology

how to make a soundproofing ceiling in an apartment

Before making soundproofing the ceiling in an apartment with a stretch ceiling, it is necessary to prepare the surface. To do this, the ceiling is cleaned of old plaster, and then additionally treated with antiseptics, which will prevent the occurrence of mold and fungus.

At the next stage, a layer of liquid waterproofing material can be applied, and then a reinforcing mesh is strengthened on the surface. You can install foam on it, for which you should use good quality building glue. Sound protection, as in the above method, can be sheathed with drywall.

Installation of roll sound insulation

If you will be performing sound insulation of the ceiling in the apartment under a suspended ceiling, roll-type materials can be used. To carry out the work, you will need glue, screws, a drill, as well as a stepladder and soundproofing material. Special guides are installed on the ceiling, for which it is best to choose anti-vibration systems. They will protect against shock noises, for example, from the clatter of neighbors. If you make a primer, then the glue used for laying soundproofing is better to grasp. Sometimes rolled materials are replaced by those made in the form of briquettes.

Cloths are installed on a primed surface, additionally reinforced with suspensions. All space must be filled with material, otherwise the efforts will be in vain. If the canvases are not tightly attached to the surface, then they can subsequently sag, forming gaps that will become a place for noise to enter. After fixing the soundproofing material, the profile is strengthened, for which it is recommended to use universal crabs. Profiles are mounted around the perimeter, and then sheets of drywall are installed.

Soundproofing plaster

If it is assumed that the ceiling will be soundproofed in the apartment with your own hands under a suspended ceiling, it is recommended to consider the photo in advance. This will allow you to understand which method to prefer. One of the most common is the plastering of the surface, however, you must consider that this process is labor intensive. With its help, it will be possible to exclude a decrease in the height of the ceiling. If the level difference approaches the 5-centimeter mark, then this solution can be called the only right one. The ceiling is pre-prepared, it must be cleaned of contaminants. Particular attention is paid to mold and stains. Fight against the fungus can be done using open flame. For this, plasma welding or a blowtorch is used.


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