The story, gameplay, the passage of "Darksiders 3"

Darksiders is a very popular series of slashers. In it, the player will act on behalf of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse - War, Death, Rage (according to the number of games released and announced at the moment). The gaming community assumes that there will be a fourth part, in which the last Horseman will act - Discord, however, the developers have not yet confirmed or disproved this theory. The announcement of the third part drew attention to the game, and many are interested in passing Darksiders 3.

History of the world

The events of all three currently known parts are developing in parallel. In the first part, released in 2010, the player will take on the role of a rider named War, who was the first of four to appear on Earth. The Horseman perfectly matches his name and sets up almost everyone against himself: the forces of Heaven, the forces of Hell, the Charred Council (observers of the Riders and balance). At the end of the game there is a momentous moment - to the question: “Will you really wage war alone?” - the hero replies: “No, not one,” - showing how three meteors are approaching, announcing the arrival of the remaining Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The next game was released in 2012 and narrated about the older brother of the War - the rider of Death. While the War awaits the decision of the Carbonized Council (a moment from the plot of the first part), Death decides to help his brother and restore the Earth. The player is not waiting for the most pleasant secrets of the Horseman, the search for truth and a way to revive humanity.

After the announcement of the third part of the community, it was a long time wondering who it would be about. Two horsemen remained: Rage and Discord. It soon became known that the player would control Rage, the only woman among the Horsemen.

Gameplay and Walkthrough

Darksiders 3 walkthrough

At the moment, the game has not yet been released, but there is already information about the plot of the game and its gameplay, as well as the pre-alpha gameplay Darksiders 3. The passage of the 1st part of the game will include the Rider’s journey through the post-apocalyptic world, battles with ordinary enemies and bosses. In battle, Fury wields a whip and claws, and in strength, agility and endurance, it does not differ a bit from its brothers.

darksiders 3 walkthrough part 1

Until now, very little was known about her, because in the first and second parts she was mentioned only briefly, as in graphic novels. It is only known that she despises the manifestations of weakness and is extremely violent in battle. In Darksiders 3, events also occur in parallel to two other parts. The horsewoman, by order of the Charred Council, is engaged in the destruction of the Seven Deadly Sins. More about the passage of Darksiders 3, unfortunately, there is nothing to say so far: although the developers promised that the game will be released in 2018, even the exact date of its appearance on the shelves of gaming platforms is still unknown.


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