Warm plasters for additional warming at home

Living in a private house is often associated with the search for various solutions not only to perform cosmetic repairs, but also to increase the heat-insulating properties of the walls of your home, which, in turn, will increase the comfort of living and reduce maintenance costs. And in this matter, modern building technologies offer several interesting options, among which warm plasters look very tempting.

warm plasters

The construction mix fully justifies its catchy name, as it combines two components at once. Warm plaster, the price of which is slightly higher than the usual, is both a building mixture and thermal insulation immediately. A similar effect is achieved due to its composition, which includes:

- an astringent mixture, which is a combination of gypsum, lime and cement;

- porous filler;

- polymer additives.

warm plaster Price

Fillers carry the function of creating heat-insulating properties of the coating. Various materials can act in their quality, but the most common are:

- Sawdust. On their basis, the cheapest mixture is obtained, but at the same time it is not very effective in comparison with the others.

- Expanded polystyrene. This filler has excellent sound and heat insulation indicators, but it is combustible, and its combustion is accompanied by the release of toxic substances.

- Perlite. This material is obtained from obsidian, which is also called volcanic glass. Due to the porous structure, it has good thermal insulation performance (and, therefore, warm plasters, in which it is used as a filler). But perlite has a significant drawback - hygroscopicity, i.e. ability to absorb water vapor from air. In view of this property, the use of additional materials for the finishing is required to protect it.

- Vermiculite. It is also called foamed mica. According to its characteristics, this filler is similar to perlite. It is neither toxic nor combustible. But its disadvantage is also hygroscopicity.

- Foam glass. It is a fireproof and waterproof material. It is distinguished by high strength. But in terms of thermal insulation indicators, warm plasters based on it are inferior to materials based on vermiculite and perlite.

warm plaster reviews


- Ease of application. There is no need to pre-level the surface of the wall. There is no need to lay reinforcing mesh, except for corners and cracks.

- Speed โ€‹โ€‹of drawing. The procedure for applying it to the wall does not differ from working with ordinary plaster.

- High adhesion. Warm plasters on this indicator show themselves well with all wall materials.

- Lack of cold bridges. This effect is achieved due to the absence of metal bonds.

- The inability to populate rodents in the walls.

There are many options where warm plaster can be applied. Responses of homeowners suggest that it is effective for:

- internal additional warming of the room;

- sealing joints, joints and cracks in the walls;

- Finishes of window and door slopes ;

- insulation of the basement.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23813/

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