The homeland of the fat woman is the African continent. Care and growing rules

homeland of the fat woman

Crassula (or Crassula) is not just a very popular houseplant, few people are unfamiliar with the unpretentious bush, which has a third name - money tree. The characteristic appearance of representatives of the family Crassulaceae is laid down in the name itself. Latin crassus translates to "fat." Succulent, fleshy, stems and leaves are the main differences of this family, numbering more than 300 species and belonging to the most hardy plants of the most arid regions of the planet - succulents. The homeland of the fat woman is South Africa. Excellent decorativeness, coupled with amazing unpretentiousness and ease of care made them quite common domestic plants.

Such a familiar money tree

An unpretentious and popular fat girl, the photo of which is presented in the article, has long been used to decorate home and office interiors, creating, depending on the surrounding atmosphere, a soothing-warm and active-business surroundings. Being a kind of symbol of prosperity and prosperity in modern life, the “money tree” is often found in homes and institutions, feeling great in any room and calmly enduring all the vicissitudes of room maintenance. The homeland of the fat woman - the hot South African savannah - provided her with enviable endurance, nevertheless, to grow a luxurious Crassula, it is necessary to create conditions in which it appears in all its splendor.

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The most widespread as a houseplant was a tree crassula. In shape, it resembles a small tree with a beautiful and somewhat heavy crown resting on a thick fleshy trunk.

fat woman photo
Rounded plump leaves reach a length of 7 cm and a width of 3 cm, have a rich grayish-green color. A sufficiently long exposure of the plant to the sun changes the color of the leaves: they turn red at the edges. There are many types of Crassula with a variety of exotic leaf shapes painted in the most incredible colors. For example, a many-headed fat girl, whose photo gives an idea of ​​the variety of shapes and colors of the leaves of the Tolstyankovy species .
tree crassula

Good care can provide and flowering of the rosula, although at home this is extremely rare. Small flowers of creamy color (sometimes light pink) are collected in a whisk.

Landing and care

tree fatty

Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, you need to select the soil for its cultivation. It should be neutral, light, breathable and fertile. The best option is an earthen mixture consisting of 1 part humus, 3 parts garden soil and 1 part sand. Excess soil acidity is removed by adding wood ash. Well suited for cactus soil, which is sold in stores for gardeners. Good drainage is needed.

In the process of growth, the tree-like fatty woman needs transplants. The first three years, an actively growing plant requires annual transplantation into a container of larger diameter. Adult crassulas are transplanted every 3 years. Money tree does not like anxiety, after transplanting it takes a long time to recover. Crassula is easily propagated by cuttings or by dividing the bush. Cut stalks can be placed in a bowl of water to form roots or planted immediately in the prepared soil, covering the stalk with a glass jar on top and thereby creating the effect of a greenhouse. Containers with cuttings should not be kept in the bright sun.

Top dressing

Fertilize the fat woman twice a month throughout the summer period. In winter, this should not be done - this is a period of rest, and plant nutrition is not needed. As fertilizers use special mixtures for feeding cacti. It is important not to overdo it and not overfeed the plant. The leaves of the fat woman in this case signal a problem: they lose surface gloss, wrinkle, and may fall.

Watering and temperature preferences

Crassula is quite loyal to short-term drying of the soil, it tolerates them calmly, but is afraid of excessive moisture: the so-called “bay” is destructive for it. Therefore, the optimal watering regime should be established: on hot days, watered twice a week, at moderate ambient temperatures - once. In winter, the plant is watered as the earthen coma dries, about twice a month. The homeland of the fat woman instilled in her the ability to withstand sudden changes in temperature, so hot summers and fresh air are the best conditions.

Crassula leaves
If possible, in summer the flower can be placed on the balcony or the street. In winter (at rest), the most suitable temperature for the rossula is +15 ° C, but if this is not possible, then the temperature regime is corrected by proper watering.

How to form a crown of a fat woman?

Crassula plant

The tree, in the classical sense of the word, is a tree. Close plantings of several seedlings turn into miniature shrubs, which is also not without a peculiar attractiveness. But in order to get a tree, only one must be planted. In addition, it is necessary to form a crown and pinch branches in a timely manner. The term “pinch” means the following: do not allow the branches to stretch and pinch off excess at the desired length in order to form a crown of an attractive shape. The technology of these procedures is simple: you need to wait until 3-4 pairs of leaves grow on a branch and a new bud appears between the leaves of the last pair. It should be plucked without damaging the foliage. After a few days, 2-3 new buds will appear at the site of the removed bud, i.e. the plant will begin to branch. This is the meaning of the formation of the crown.

Money tree is a grateful material for creating the most interesting decorative forms. Recently, the art of growing a fat girl in bonsai technique is gaining popularity, when, with some effort, you can create a real masterpiece, unique and original. Perhaps, due to its high adaptability to various growing conditions (after all, the homeland of the fat woman is the hot African savannah), the crassula tolerates the formation of the crown well.


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