"Tilosin": instructions for use and reviews of animal owners

"Tilosin" is a macrolide group drug used to treat farm animals and birds, as well as dogs and cats. You can buy it both on the Internet and in veterinary pharmacies. The drug is sold in glass bottles of 5-100 cm 3 . You can purchase a 5% or 20% solution. โ€œTylosinโ€ is a yellow viscous liquid with a characteristic odor. In accordance with the classification of GOST 12.1.007-76, this drug is assigned to the third hazard class (moderately hazardous). In this article, we will deal with when and how the Tilosin medication is used. Instructions for use must be followed during treatment.

Macrolide antibiotics

This variety of drugs has a complex cyclic structure. The principle of their action is to block the synthesis of protein bacteria. As a result, the pathogen loses its ability to grow and multiply. One of the main distinguishing features of drugs of this group is relative safety for the body and the possibility of prolonged use. All this fully applies to the drug "Tilosin." This drug is active against a portion of gram-negative bacteria and most gram-positive.

tylosin instructions for use

Scientists have conducted studies on the long-term use of the drug "Tilosin" in doses three times higher than therapeutic, on calves, lambs and pigs. As a result, it was found that it does not exert a negative effect on the animal organism even in such quantities. The blood composition in the experimental group remained the same as it was before the use of the drug (except for an increase in hemoglobin level). In the process of conducting research, among other things, the weight of animals even increased.

Indications for use

So, let's see in what cases the drug "Tilosin" can be used. Instructions for use will be given below. Use this drug should be for diseases such as:

  • bronchopneumonia (cattle, cats, pigs and dogs);
  • mastitis (cattle);
  • dysentery in animals;
  • arthritis;
  • enzootic pneumonia;
  • erysipelas of pigs;
  • infectious agalactia in small cattle ;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • treatment of postpartum and postoperative infections;
  • secondary infections with viral infections.

tylosin for cats

What drugs can not be used simultaneously?

Being used in combination with some other drugs, Tilosin, reviews of which, if used properly, from the owners of the animals are positive, may lose some of its antibacterial properties. Do not use it together with the following drugs:

  • Clindamycin;
  • "Levomecitin";
  • "Tiamulin";
  • penicillins;
  • "Lincomycin";
  • cephalosporins.

Mode of application

In the gastrointestinal tract, the drug "Tilosin", the instructions for use of which will be given now, is absorbed very slowly. However, when it enters the bloodstream, it is quickly distributed throughout all tissues. Therefore, it is administered intramuscularly. The drug reaches its maximum concentration in the tissues one hour after the injection. Before use, the drug is heated to a temperature of 20-30 g. The course of treatment is 3-7 days. Injections are done once a day. In this case, the dose is:


5% solution (ml / 10kg body weight)

20% solution




Small cattle


Cats and dogs



Do not mix the drug with other medicines in the same syringe. In the event that the piglet has a body weight of more than 10 kg, and a cow or goby - more than 80 kg, it is not practical to use a 5% solution. Animals cannot be injected into the same place. Thus, "Tilosin" is used for cats, dogs and farm animals.

tylosin use

It is secreted from the blood usually with bile. In lactating animals, removal from the body occurs with milk. When working with the medicine, the safety and personal hygiene rules prescribed by the standards should be observed.


So, now you know when and how to use Tilosin. Instructions for use are given above. Now let's see what contraindications are.

Firstly, horses should not be injected with the drug. Secondly, sometimes the drug "Tylosin" causes an allergic reaction in pigs. In this case, there is swelling, respiratory phenomena, itching and prolapse of the rectum. When you stop using the medicine, these symptoms disappear. In small piglets, in case of an allergic reaction, shock is possible.

Animal meat and milk after application

Of course, in the process of treatment with this tool it is impossible to slaughter animals. In the event that for some reason this cannot be avoided, the meat is processed into meat and bone meal. It is impossible for a person to eat it. The highest concentration of the drug during treatment is observed in the lungs, liver, mammary gland and in the intestinal walls. Slaughter for meat is allowed only after 8 days after the last injection.

The milk of animals undergoing treatment should also not be drunk. Usually it is fed to young growth. The decrease in the concentration of the drug "Tilosin" in milk occurs only on the fourth day after the last injection. From now on, it can be eaten.

tylosin for dogs


The medication "Tylosin" for dogs, cats and farm animals in bottles of dark glass is on sale. When buying, you should read the information on the packaging. The following information should be provided here:

  • name of the manufacturer, its address;
  • trademark;
  • name of the main active substance;
  • prescribing the drug;
  • method of application thereof;
  • amount of drug;
  • release date and expiration date;

In addition, the packaging must bear the mark of conformity, as well as the inscriptions "Sterile" and "For animals." Inside, there must be instructions for use. Particular attention should be paid to the shelf life of the drug. The use of "Tilosin" in the event that it has expired is unacceptable.

tylosin for birds

Reviews of owners of cats, dogs and other animals and birds

Since the drug is practically safe, the owners of domestic and farm animals have a very good opinion of it as a medicine. First of all, the absence of side effects and a quick recovery are noted. Use the drug "Tilosin" for cats, dogs, parrots (for example, with microplasmosis), as well as rats.

tylosin reviews

Of the shortcomings, only the โ€œpainfulnessโ€ of the drug is noted. Otherwise, "Tilosin" is considered a very good medicine, and most importantly - it is quite working. It can be used, of course, only in the prescribed doses. Although it is not possible to dilute it with saline, some owners use Tilosin for birds and small animals in this way. According to them, nothing bad happens. Pets feel normal, and the drug has a beneficial effect. However, it is still worth using this medicine only in accordance with all the rules, in accordance with the instructions and as prescribed by the veterinarian.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23826/

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