Yorkshire Terrier: breed standard, maintenance and care

In those days when Scottish farmers and English miners led the Yorkshire terrier to fight rats on farms, stables and mines, people probably did not know that this small, determined and active dog, a participant in the race for rats, in the future will become a famous salon beauty - a symbol of wealth and wealth.

Modern Yorkshire Terriers

The Yorkshire Terrier, whose standards have been bred for more than one year, is now a very popular breed. Its representatives live both in wealthy houses and in ordinary apartments. And the reason for this was the most beautiful characteristics of the breed: odorless shedding wool, miniature size of the animal, plasticity of behavior, stable psyche, which allows you to easily adapt to life in urban conditions.

yorkshire terrier standard

However, fashion and popularity do not always benefit pedigree dogs. The Yorkshire Terrier was in such a situation. The breed standard is far from always maintained at present. The high cost of puppies determines the desire of unscrupulous breeders to profit from the sale of offspring and at the same time not to bother with the control of the exterior and psyche. When they get into families, such dogs become wonderful companions and friends, but there are also incidents that can cause trouble to the owners: animals can mark territory, snarl, bite, spoil furniture or bark at all passers-by. This happens infrequently, but it does happen. Never in life will a real Yorkshire terrier allow itself such behavior. The breed standard implies not only the presence of external characteristics, but a certain behavior and character.

Features of the Yorkshire Terrier

Wool is the main feature that the Yorkshire Terrier boasts. The breed standard assumes the presence of silky hair without a down, which resembles human hair. She is very soft and beautiful, and therefore requires constant care. Every day it needs to be combed, and for those individuals who participate in exhibitions, before going out for a walk, they definitely need to wind the wool onto papillots. Such a time-consuming procedure will help preserve the scalp, protect it from damage and prevent split ends, because the exhibits have longer hair than the height of the animal.

Yorkshire Terrier, the standard (photo is given in the article) which assumes the presence of a long beautiful coat, can sometimes have a brittle and chubby pile. Correctly selected cosmetics and regular combing will help to cope with such a problem. If even such leaving does not give a result, and the wool is knocked together, then there is nothing to be done - this is a genetic characteristic that cannot be changed.

There is another feature that the Yorkshire Terrier has. The breed standard does not limit the size of animals. Minimum height and weight are not indicated. Therefore, the situation with the size of the dogs is ambiguous. Some breeders oppose large species of this breed, others seek to breed very small creatures that have a hysterical character and poor health. Amateur breeding of aggressive or cowardly dogs leads to the fact that the owners of such a pet in the first year of life will have to take him to the correction of behavior to a zoopsychologist. To avoid all these problems, you need to get a healthy and not very small puppy.

Yorkshire Terrier: standard, breed description

The first publications on the standard date back to 1986. It should be noted that it was supplemented and changed several times. The current standard of the Yorkshire Terrier RKF with the latest additions was published on November 10, 2011.

yorkshire terrier standard photo

An interesting fact is that the minimum size of the animal (weight and height) is not indicated. It is difficult to imagine, but the Terrier is listed in the Guinness Book, whose height is only 6.5 centimeters.

What is the modern Yorkshire Terrier? The breed standard describes the animal as a fun and active companion with an amazing silky long hair, which splits on the back in the form of a parting.

The dog has a compact strong body and graceful posture.

Considerable attention in the standard is paid to the nature of the animal. The dog must certainly be inquisitive, active, friendly towards people, without any attacks of nervousness and aggression. A balanced and lively character is most acceptable for this breed, which makes it a salon dog and a good companion.

How tall is the Yorkshire Terrier? The size of the standard is not limited.

Terrier appearance

What does the Yorkshire Terrier (standard) look like? Description of the animal should begin with the head. It should not be large, stand out with long ears, a rounded skull or an elongated muzzle. The nose of the terrier is certainly black, the eyes are small. The muzzle has a clever expression. The ears are set in the form of the letter V and covered with red hair.

Whatever the size of the Yorkshire Terrier, the standard (photo is given in the article) requires that you follow your teeth. The dog should have a scissor bite, and the incisors should be strictly vertical, while there can be no distance between the lower and upper teeth. A serious drawback is the absence of several teeth in the animal.

The compact, correctly folded case allows the Yorkshire Terrier to actively move effortlessly.

Standard color

The standard describes very accurately both the wool itself and its color. Currently, there are a variety of Yorkshire terriers, their colors vary from black to bright red. But the real thoroughbred dog has a black cap with a bright red tan. As they grow older, the black shade changes to steel, but the bright tan should not fade.

Yorkshire Terrier breed standard

The red color of the coat should not rise on the front legs above the elbow joint, and on the hind legs - above the hock. On the face grows a fairly long coat in the area of ​​the base of the ears.

The dog should move freely, in a straight line. The latest edition of the standard even stated that the coat should not interfere with the animal’s movement.

Serious disadvantages of the breed are: incorrect color, timid or aggressive behavior.

What is the dog's lifespan?

Speaking about this breed, it should be clarified how many Yorkshire terriers live (standard). How long will the dog please its owners?

How many Yorkshire terriers live? Terrier breed standard implies good animal health. Individuals of this species live from twelve to fifteen years, and some up to twenty. Moreover, their behavior does not affect age, even in advanced years they run and have fun, like little puppies. Therefore, if we talk about how many Yorkshire terriers live (standard), we can safely say that they will delight their owners for many years.

But as for mini terriers, they have not such a strong body and are more susceptible to various kinds of diseases. The average duration of their existence is from seven to nine years. However, it must be borne in mind that mini-terriers have very brittle and fragile bones and a weak, even frail little body - this is so inherent in nature. Therefore, bad situations often happen to them. Such pets require increased attention from the owners, as they can damage, dislocate or break the foot, even jumping from the couch. They are so small that you can step on them or pinched the door. Therefore, do not get such a dog for those who have small children.

how many yorkshire terriers live standard

The weight standard for the Yorkshire Terrier, as we have said, is not specified, but breeders know that it should be approximately 3.1 kg. Mini-terriers usually weigh no more than two kilograms.

Little Yorkies (one to two kilograms)

Yorkshire Terrier (mini) is an adornment of a woman’s handbag or pocket. In the apartment he can hardly be found. Such a pet can easily get along with all the inhabitants of the house: from people to mice and hamsters, chinchillas. The fine standard of Yorkshire terriers suggests that they eat little, but have a very moody character. The dog cannot stand loneliness. But she is not so much interested in games, how great is the desire to just sit in the arms of her master. This species is completely unsuitable for breeding. In addition, you need to remember that such an animal requires great attention to itself, even in terms of safety. It can easily be pinched or crushed. Children should be especially careful, because they really like to play with animals, and little Yorkies need to be treated with special care.

Yorkshire Terrier (standard)

Yorkshire Terrier is an ideal dog for breeding and show career. He is a great friend on long journeys, a good companion for children. The Yorkshire Terrier is not only an excellent athlete and watchman, but also a wonderful nanny. He easily learns circus tricks.

But the hair of the animal will require careful care. There are a lot of them, and therefore very often Yorks are cut, they add intricate shapes to the hairline. Such a dog is suitable for keeping in any family.

What is the difference between a standard and a mini terrier?

Currently, many are trying to get exactly mini-Yorks, because they are so small and cute. Apparently, such popularity affected the price, because the breed standard is cheaper than a cute baby. Although you need to understand that the Mini Terrier does not bear tribal values.

standard yorkshire terrier rkf

What is the difference between the Yorkshire Terrier mini and standard? The difference between these animals is quite large, although they belong to the same breed:

  1. Little Yorkies cannot be taken into a family with young children. The bones of the animal are very fragile, and therefore it is very simple to cripple it.
  2. A mini puppy needs constant supervision: you cannot allow him to jump from a sofa or bed, as he can dislocate his foot and hit his head.
  3. You can not knit girls in miniature sizes. "Dimensions" and the weight of the animal do not allow to give birth and bear offspring. The dog may just die.
  4. In little Yorks, the fontanel does not overgrow, and therefore you need to be very careful with it.
  5. As for the standards, they are healthier, live longer. They are always cheerful and active.
  6. Yorkshire terriers (standard) get along great with all family members, especially with children. They take an active part in all games. Unlike mini Yorks, the standard does not need close custody. Such a dog is quite strong and hardy.

The Yorkshire Terrier is standard and mini, the differences between which we discussed are very different, and this is primarily due to their size. Which animal is more suitable for you - a home doll or an active doggie - decide for yourself.

Maintenance and care

Yorkshire Terrier will feel great not only in a city apartment, but also in a country estate. The main condition for keeping a pet is the availability of a properly equipped place to sleep.

It is also necessary to have tools for caring for hair, claws, eyes and ears, sets of clothes for different weather and a bag for carrying the animal.

A place to relax in York is chosen so that it is not in a draft. An important point is the remoteness of this place from the master bedroom. Dogs of this breed do not like loneliness, and therefore they will not want to relax away from people. They should always be in the spotlight. It’s better to place the dog’s couch on some kind of hill - so it will be more convenient for the animal to watch all the household members, and at the same time to be aware of all the events.

Yorkshire Terrier certainly needs to equip a toilet with a column. It is better to choose the place for the toilet somewhere near the entrance, because dogs like to mark the edges of their territory.

yorkshire terrier sizes standard

Combs for terriers must be purchased from metal, but the brushes - wooden or with natural bristles. A plastic tool for wool is not suitable because it causes the formation of tangles. Those animals that walk little will need a claw cutter.

Your pet needs a large amount of cosmetics (conditioners, shampoos, paw, ear and claw care products). It must be selected individually. Get small packages and test them for a month.

Eyes are inspected daily. Crusts are removed with lotion from them. The ears are inspected and cleaned every week. Dog milk teeth must be removed from the veterinarian. In addition, we should not forget that Yorkies must be vaccinated, to protect them from infectious diseases.

Nutrition Yorkshire Terriers

Feeding is one of the main moments in the life of a terrier, in which he begins to show his character. Animals can easily give up their usual food and beg for something tasty from the hosts table.

Do not place bowls with dry food throughout the house. It is enough to give York fifteen minutes to eat, and then put the food in the refrigerator. Animal nutrition can be varied with seasonal vegetables, fruits, boiled rice. Yorkshire terriers will benefit from homemade yogurts. For their preparation use low-fat homemade milk. Meat for feeding is taken with veins and cartilage. A clean tenderloin is not suitable for feeding, because it does not give the proper load on the gastric tract. The meat needs to be cut into pieces and given to the dog, in no case is it recommended to give minced meat (it is poorly digested).

When choosing dry pet foods, you need to know if they are suitable for him. The main indicator is the good functioning of the digestive system, as well as the excellent condition of the coat and skin.

How to choose a puppy?

If you want to get a pet of this breed, then first of all you need to pay attention to the standards of the Yorkshire Terrier. A puppy is selected according to certain criteria:

  1. The baby must certainly have a pedigree with the date of birth and nursery.
  2. An international passport (veterinary) with vaccinations must be available.
  3. Pay attention to the age of the animal. All vaccinations are given up to 2.5 months, which means that the breeder should not sell puppies earlier.
  4. You need to get a terrier only in the kennel.

A healthy doggie should have a cheerful and cheerful look.

Terrier Training

A puppy of a terrier needs to be trained from the first day, as soon as he is in your house. First of all, he must be taught to respond to his name, as well as accustomed to the place of feeding.

In the vaccination period, puppies need to be accustomed to harness and collar. It is best to wear them one at a time and at this time entertain the dog so that she does not pay any attention to them.

As soon as the terrier gets used to these accessories, you can fasten a short leash and let him walk around the apartment with him.

As soon as the dog has passed all vaccinations and quarantine, it can be started to take out for walks. This moment is very important for the animal, since it must learn to communicate with its relatives, this will avoid problems with behavior at exhibitions.

Walking the dog is necessary in an active form. This means that you need to constantly play with her, call on yourself, treat yourself to goodies. You can’t just wander monotonously along the street without paying attention to York. A walk should bring joy and communication not only to the dog, but also to its owner. The best way to spend time is to play street games without a leash: hide and seek, catch-up. The animal must learn not to lose sight of its master.

Yorkshire Terrier Standard and Mini Differences

Yorkshire terriers quickly learn such sports as agility. It gives them special pleasure to pass all the shells. Terriers even participate in competitions in the category of the smallest representatives.

Those who are keen on running can also bring their dogs to the process. This kind of sport is called caniros.

It should be noted that beautiful long wool cannot be combined with an active sport. In winter, snow, in the summer dust, dirt - all this adversely affects the hairline, which needs to be additionally looked after. Very rarely, people manage to combine the active sporting life of York with exhibitions. Therefore, the owners, as a rule, choose one thing: either medals or an active lifestyle.

However, you need to understand that not every Yorkshire terrier can go in for sports and play actively. Mini, standards are very different from each other in terms of health and physical capabilities. Talking about an active lifestyle with respect to the Mini Terrier is generally not necessary. Therefore, if you want to have an animal that will run and play sports with you, the smallest representatives of the breed who are simply not capable of such feats will not suit you.

Breed history

England is considered the birthplace of the Yorkshire Terrier, or rather, the two northern counties - Lancashire and Yorkshire. The immediate ancestor is the Waterside Terrier, which is also small and belongs to semi-long-haired breeds. The main objective of such an animal was the extermination of rodents, as well as escorting the owners on trips along rivers and canals. It is for this reason that the breed got its name. At that time, peasants were not allowed to have large dogs, it was believed that they would help poaching their owners.

Another breed similar to the Yorkshire Terrier is the Manchester Terrier. All ancestors of York were larger animals with semi-long hair. Their weight ranged from six to seven kilograms.

The first representatives of the Yorkshire blue breed with tan terriers were standardized in 1886. And in 1898 the first club of lovers of these miniature dogs was formed.

Interesting facts about terriers

Initially, in the homeland of terriers, they were used as fighters of rodents. However, at present, representatives of the breed have long forgotten about their original purpose and live in our homes as pets.

In recent years, the breed entered the TOP-10. And the smallest representative with a weight of 113 grams is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

The york coat is similar in structure to human hair. It does not cause allergic reactions in people. As for intelligence, then Yorkies are 23rd out of 133.

The history of the breed has a number of famous individuals, including a York named Smokey. With a height of 18 cm, he weighed 1.8 kg. He was found by American soldiers in a fox hole in the jungle of Guinea. The animal, together with its owner, spent two years of military service, regularly parachuting, eating soldiers' food. After the death of Smokey (in 1957), a monument was erected in the form of a small dog in a helmet.

In Britain, the oldest Yorkshire Terrier, who is over 22 years old, still lives.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23837/

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