When do children begin to walk? Find out!

when children start to walk

A baby has appeared in your house. It causes delight and tenderness. I want to quickly see his smile, to hear the long-awaited "aha." How many steps in development will a little person go before speaking or taking the first step? We will consider one of the stages in the formation of the baby’s speech : when the children begin to walk.

The very first sound a child makes is a scream. With it, he makes it clear to the outside world that he is hungry, sick or does not like something. Within two weeks, the newborn responds to the mother’s voice. He stops crying as soon as they start talking to him. At the end of the second month, the cry of the child changes. The sound of the vowels “a” and “y” is clearly visible. A little later they are joined by “s” and a pair of consonants - “g” and “m”. This is the first stage when children begin to walk. It is called a gukany. A jerky consonant, softened by a vowel, and when pronouncing, it gives familiar to everyone “gu”, “gee”, which, as a child grows up, becomes “aga” and “aga”.

I must say that parents play a big role in the speech development of the baby . Communication for a 3-month-old baby is as important as for an adult. He reacts to the cooing mother with a smile, the movements of the arms and legs, and even “echoes” her. Conversely, infants, with whom they hardly speak, have a later development of speech.

what time do the children begin to walk
When do children begin to walk? The second stage is called the “pipe”. The set of sounds that the child makes during this period is expanding. At 4 months, he voices more consonants and vowels. “And”, “e”, “boom”, “ma”, “pf”, “play” combinations appear, which by the beginning of the 5th month smoothly flow into longer and more melodic cascades of sounds, for example, “til”. It is established that already at this age the baby can imitate adults. If you try to communicate with him in “his” language, you will find that he with pleasure repeats after you, as if answering.

Of course, when the children begin to walk, the transition from one sound to another does not occur immediately. The child makes multiple repetitions of vowels and consonants, as if studying their pronunciation. In general, this process itself occurs spontaneously. Its heyday falls on 4-6 months of life of the baby. At first it is only a reaction to the presence of adults, and then, which is a very important point in the development of speech, and independent action. For example, if the baby is awake and has a good mood, then it is not necessary that someone be there to “talk”. An interesting fact is that children of different nationalities, despite the peculiarities of the language environment, pronounce the first sounds almost the same. And only after six months does such “communication”, gradually turning into babble, acquire the characteristic sound of their native language.

the child of 2 months does not walk

Many parents are interested in time frames. They often ask themselves: "What time do children start to walk and when do they finish turning to babble?" Each case is strictly individual. Therefore, you should not sound the alarm if the acquaintances of the crumbs are already buzzing, and your child (2 months) is not walking. We can only name the approximate age limits of this period in the development of children - from two to three to six to seven months.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23839/

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