Inverter gas generators up to 3 kilowatts: manufacturer reviews

Gas generators up to 3 kW are often used on construction sites. If necessary, you can connect drills, vibrating plates, saws to them. Also, devices of this type are suitable for use in private homes. With an emergency power outage, the user is always able to quickly establish lighting in the room.

The main parameters of the devices include: maximum voltage, threshold frequency, as well as gas mileage. In order to determine the choice of a generator, you should consider the most popular manufacturers.

inverter gas generators up to 3 kilowatts of hyundai

Briggs & Stratton Models

The specified company provides various generators. As a rule, starting devices in them are installed with rectifiers. Regulators are often used manual type. They are ideal for construction sites. If we consider models for 1 kW, then special protection systems are used here. As customers say, the models are fairly simple to maintain. If necessary, the pulleys can always be cleaned independently. An open-ended single-phase gas generator of this company will cost around 33 thousand rubles.

Devices of the company "Honda"

Gas generators (inverter) up to 3 kilowatts "Honda" are valued for quality frames. They receive feedback from customers for their compactness. However, some believe that the models work loudly. The shaft rotation frequency of the generators is not more than 2100 rpm. It is also important to note that the threshold frequency does not exceed 55 Hz.

If we talk about models with a power of 1 kW, then they are perfect for a country house. If necessary, power tools can be connected to them. Fuel consumption in this case depends on the selected operating mode. On average, the specified parameter does not exceed 2.3 liters per hour. Such inverter gas generators cost up to 3 kilowatts (market price) in the region of 30 thousand rubles.

inverter gas generators up to 3 kilowatts

Opinion about "Daewoo"

Gas generators (inverter) up to 3 kilowatts of this company can be operated in any weather. In this case, the minimum allowable temperature for use is -15 ° C. The generators of this company are not afraid of high humidity. Judging by customer reviews, they can be transported without problems. The model weighs on average no more than 25 kg. Generators of this company are sold at a price of 36 thousand rubles.

Reviews on Energy Power brand devices

These gas generators (inverter) up to 3 kilowatts reviews from customers mostly get good. If we consider 3 kW devices, then they are perfect for construction sites. Their frames are made with a protective layer. It is also important to note that the devices are equipped with durable pulleys. Fuel consumption depends on the ultimate load parameter.

Fans for cooling systems are installed in almost all versions. If we consider devices for 1 kW, then they are produced very compact. In this case, the shaft speed does not exceed 1600 rpm. Generators of the indicated trademark cost about 30 thousand rubles.

inverter gas generators up to 3 kilowatts honda

Features of the Firman models

Gas generators (inverter) up to 3 kilowatts of this company receive good reviews for their versatility and compactness. Many models are made with air filters. In this case, the threshold frequency parameter does not exceed 55 Hz. Separately, it should be noted that the devices are equipped with silencers. If we consider modifications to 1 kW, then their noise level does not exceed 60 dB.

Frames are made of steel. Engines are mounted directly on solid bearings and are able to withstand heavy loads. Fuel consumption does not exceed 1.6 liters per hour of operation. If we talk about modifications to 2 kW, then they are great for small construction sites. If necessary, you can connect saws or grinders to them. According to consumer reviews, the starting device always works without problems.

Engine models are very rarely contaminated. The purge system is provided for quality. Often there is no need to change the oil. It is also important to note that the company produces 3 kW devices. Their distinctive feature is high performance. In this case, the models can be operated for more than five hours without interruption. The system from overheating of starters in all devices is installed. The generators of this brand are not more than 30 thousand rubles.

open-ended single-phase gas generator

Models of the Fogo company

Some gas generators (inverter) up to 3 kilowatts of this company are produced with electronic control units. There are also devices on wheels. Frames are made of aluminum or steel alloy. The models of the latest series are equipped with vibration stops.

According to customers, the performance of the generators is excellent. At minus temperatures, they can be operated. However, keep in mind that the devices need maintenance. In particular, it is important to pay attention to the starter. Also, filters are often clogged with models. All this can lead to increased fuel consumption. The generators of the specified company are no more than 40 thousand rubles.

Genpower Devices

Gas generators (inverter) up to 3 kilowatts of this company are in great demand. First of all, it should be noted that 1 kW models are manufactured with a dual oil valve system. According to the owners, they have a very low gas mileage. The noise level does not exceed 56 dB. For cottages, these devices are ideal.

They can work continuously for about three hours. If we consider modifications to 3 kW, then they are available with vibration stops. The models of the latest series use seals on the frames. Generators are controlled, as a rule, by mechanical regulators. The maximum voltage of the models is about 230 V. In this case, the threshold frequency indicator does not exceed 30 Hz. Generators of this company are sold at a price of 20 thousand rubles.

inverter gas generators up to 3 kilowatts price

Opinion about the "Fort"

Generators of this manufacturer are distinguished by high-quality vibration stops. The shaft frequency is on average 1800 rpm. According to the gasoline consumption parameter, the devices are different. According to customer reviews, starters are installed with quality regulators. For 3 kW versions, fans are used to cool the main components.

If necessary, the oil can be checked without problems. Customers also claim that the generators of this company have large refueling tanks. Thus, it is not necessary to frequently fill fuel during operation. Continuously, the gas generator and the welding inverter will be able to work for about three hours. There are models of this company in the region of 33 thousand rubles.

gas generator and welding inverter

Reviews about Hyundai devices

Gas generators (inverter) up to 3 kilowatts "Hyundai" deserve positive reviews primarily for strong frames. Anti-vibration stops are not used in all configurations. If we consider models for 1 kW, then small tanks for refueling are installed here. However, it is important to note the high threshold frequency parameter. According to buyers, malfunctions in the fuel system are rare. Valves in this case are designed for high pressure.

Generators of this company are not afraid of high humidity. If we consider modifications to 3 kW, then the operating frequency is at least 60 Hz. They are suitable for construction sites. In this case, you can connect various power tools. If necessary, the owner can adjust the lighting in the room or house without problems. Generators of the specified company are sold at a price of 35 thousand rubles.

inverter gas generators up to 3 kilowatts reviews

Features of Gerrard Models

Generators of this company from customers receive a wide variety of reviews. Some believe that engines with high fuel consumption are installed in the models. However, it is important to consider the high threshold frequency parameter. On average, it is 55 Hz. The shaft frequency of 2 kW models is 1300 rpm.

In this case, the valves are located at the bottom of the device. Some models have frames with stands. Also on the market are modifications on wheels. If we talk about 3 kW generators, then their threshold frequency indicator is about 60 Hz. Fuel consumption is 2.1 liters per hour. In stand-alone mode, a 3 kW model is able to work for no more than two hours.


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